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Massive UFO Library needs home

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I am a 40 year UFO and paranormal researcher with a library of over 2500 books. Last week I sold about 30 pounds of great UFO stuff at my garage sale for 50 cents a book and it killed me. Any advice for selling off a massive UFO library? Should I donate it to local mufon?

I need a solution quick or I'll ave to drop em at goodwill
I am a 40 year UFO and paranormal researcher with a library of over 2500 books. Last week I sold about 30 pounds of great UFO stuff at my garage sale for 50 cents a book and it killed me. Any advice for selling off a massive UFO library? Should I donate it to local mufon?

I need a solution quick or I'll ave to drop em at goodwill
Where are you located?
I know someone who will pay you more than Powells will. He's a fifty year collector, and really wants to see them. I'm occupied tomorrow until early evening. Let's figure something out, like how to get in touch with each other. And beer? Mcmenamins! ..., or something like that.

Edit: I'll buy
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I know someone who will pay you more than Powells will. He's a fifty year collector, and really wants to see them. I'm occupied tomorrow until early evening. Let's figure something out, like how to get in touch with each other. And beer? Mcmenamins! ..., or something like that.

Edit: I'll buy
Please let me know if you get any good quality classics you're willing to resell.
Please let me know if you get any good quality classics you're willing to resell.

I’d really like to hoard them all to myself, but who has that type of room? I would hate to know that they went somewhere that they may not be fully appreciated. I know this person who is a truly colorful character, and an aficionado of Ufology, who is willing to pay more than just wholesale. Anyway, about the “I’ll buy” was in reference to the beer. I’m not in the book business; however, if “Trixterrestrial” had something that you may want, I would send it to you for the price that I originally purchased it for, plus postage. That is, If this thing were to happen, and you’d have to let me know what you were looking for.
I’d really like to hoard them all to myself, but who has that type of room? I would hate to know that they went somewhere that they may not be fully appreciated. I know this person who is a truly colorful character, and an aficionado of Ufology, who is willing to pay more than just wholesale. Anyway, about the “I’ll buy” was in reference to the beer. I’m not in the book business; however, if “Trixterrestrial” had something that you may want, I would send it to you for the price that I originally purchased it for, plus postage. That is, If this thing were to happen, and you’d have to let me know what you were looking for.

Always looking for:

- The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects by Edward J. Ruppelt ( paperback or hardcover).
- The Gods of Eden ( hardcover only ) by William Bramley.
- Classics by Keyhoe or Edwards.
- UFO Encyclopedia - Jerome Clarke
- CUFOS UFO database on CD
- The UFO Evidence - Richard Hall

I wish I lived down there. I'd just go get a truck and put all into my inventory.
Always looking for:

- The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects by Edward J. Ruppelt ( paperback or hardcover).
- The Gods of Eden ( hardcover only ) by William Bramley.
- Classics by Keyhoe or Edwards.
- UFO Encyclopedia - Jerome Clarke
- CUFOS UFO database on CD
- The UFO Evidence - Richard Hall

I wish I lived down there. I'd just go get a truck and put all into my inventory.

Powell’s Books is one of the best resell book stores on the west coast. I’m lucky in the fact that I live less than ten minutes away from their headquarters located on West Burnside. If you’ve never heard of them, check this out. You just may want to move here.

Powell's Books - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can sympathize. This seems to be a recurrent problem with life-long collections of such material. Enthusiasts spend decades amassing publications that deserve a permanent home. But there rarely is one. Books need space and space costs money, etc. About the best you can do is pass them along in hopes they will find their way into the hands of readers who appreciate them.
I'd suggest that whatever you can't sell be turned over to a library, where the books will be preserved and made available to readers for decades to come.

There’s a city library that has an annex where you can purchase books that they feel are either outdated, or to make room for other books. It was a great place to find extremely inexpensive works from authors like Jung, and Arthur C. Clark. A science fiction collector died and donated over two thousand books to the library, and they eventually made their way to the annex for resale because the library either lacked sufficient space, or someone felt that they were inappropriate. In walks the iPhone/android brigade with their bar code scanners, not caring at all for the authors, but for the bar code, and how much profit they could fetch from each book. In other words, it’s a great idea to donate to your library, however, just don’t think that they will always appear on the library shelves, as that has been my experience.
Since I am so near you SRL I'll try to meet up and do this.

Thanks to everyone else for your advice! Library is a great idea too.

I do have a hardcover Gods of Eden but I have a soft spot in my heart for that one.

I'll post any further details here, again, thank you paracast community.
I am located in Portland, OR and currently collecting a library of UFO and esoteric books. I would really like to meet and see what you have. My cell is 503 964 1958, Lorin