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Here is an independent experts opinion (An Historian with 50+ years experience)

My message N.B. I did my best not to lead the witness:

"Dear *****, I was sent these two slides in the hope that I could identify what is shown, but I would like an historians opinion.

I have very little information regarding the slides except that they were taken in the late 1940s.

Please have a look and tell me what you think."

The response:

Dear Harry

I have been in ******  for some days, so sorry that I have not replied before. 

The slides remind me of those that used to be available on the Internet, purporting to be pictures of preserved Aliens, held in some secret American Government facility - I forget the story - rescued from a flying saucer? 

The images are poor quality so it is impossible to say much about them. They remind me of the faked monsters stitched together as freak shows in the nineteenth century. They look fairly human, and could be based on human embryos, almost at full term. The time spent in preserving fluid would distort them to some extent. Who knows?

At the time of sending I did not have access to the high res versions, and since I have now discussed the matter with him, he is no longer unaware of the other evidence, so a second opinion from him would be biased.

In truth I was expecting him to say: that is a Mummy. but the most important thing to me is: he said:

"The images are poor quality so it is impossible to say much about them."   

I knew that much before I sent the message, so confirmation was no suprise.

My understanding is the Bewitness "experts" (specifically the anthropologists) spoke about what the slides "appeared" to show, and even went as far to say that without the body, only "opinion" could be offered, as opposed to real physical evidence.

I want to see the professionally translated reports, and it is increasingly suspicious that they have not got around to it yet, but we are dealing with the most slippery subject and characters (the paranormal) and its hard to prove that anyone was anything other than misguided.

I wish that it would go to court because then some real questions would be asked, but I am coming to the conclusion that this whole affair is toxic, as demonstrated by my outburst in another thread.

I am still just as angry, but I am going to focus my energy elsewhere, because people will be people. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, especially if it has been guzzling gallons of Koolaid on the journey to the watering hole. 
