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McMinnville UFO Festival

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Skilled Investigator
Just wondering if any other forum members attended the McMinnville UFO Festival in Oregon on May 17-18, and what any opinions might be. I went Friday and Half of Saturday.

Here are a few thoughts on the Presenters.


Peter Davenport (Host)- He seems really bright, is an adept speaker and has a great memory. He spoke very little about his own work, which I find interesting. I wish he had been a presenter and not merely the MC.

Nick Pope- Enjoyable speaker in person. He remarked it was the first conference he'd attended where the audience was drinking beer and eating pizza. (Welcome to Oregon!) He touched on the Citizen's Hearing, which he took part in the week before. So it was nice getting really fresh commentary. He mostly spoke about Rendalsham, which I am pretty familiar with, but is an admittedly interesting case. He spoke out on how the medical records of the soldiers involved remain classified, preventing them from proper medical care. My father, a veteran fighter pilot, was with me. This disturbed both of us.

Clyde Lewis- This is the Portland area 'paranormal talk show host'. He did a live broadcast from the local brewpub, which was a small venue that felt really close and personal. I have a greater understanding of Clyde now that I've seen him live, but Paracasters would not describe him as, how do you say, overly skeptical? He interviewed LMH, below.

Linda M Howe- Clyde interviewed her for his show, and that was fairly enjoyable if not overly enlightening. I find the data she relates compelling, on both mutilations and UFO topics, but the conclusions she sometimes reaches do not seem so certain to me. It was, as mentioned, in a pub, and made for good drinking games.

Anyone else attend and have opinions? The next day was George Knapp and Jim Sparks, two opposite forces IMHO.
Sorry to have missed that one. Did you learn anything new?
I am attending the symposium in Greensboro, North Carolina. Any advice for attending these events?
On my budget the only ufology culture I can afford to travel to takes place on the Information Highway. But maybe one of these days I'll get the chance to take something in.
Hey Exo_Doc, wish I could attend that one. My advice is to go talk to the speakers when they are not onstage. Ask questions during Q&A. Heck, buy them a drink if you get the chance. This is what makes the conferences valuable to me- the interactions available and face to face meetings.