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Skilled Investigator
Yes, i know we are all sick to death with billy meier, but i would like some information. I am debating with this annoying person about the case.

Anyways, he brought up a prediction by meier about the 5100 Year-Old iceman. I have looked around on the net, but can't find anywhere that de-bunkes this. Im hoping there is someone on this board with more knowledge than me about this case.
Yes, i know we are all sick to death with billy meier, but i would like some information. I am debating with this annoying person about the case. Anyways, he brought up a prediction by meier about the 5100 Year-Old iceman. I have looked around on the net, but can't find anywhere that de-bunkes this. Im hoping there is someone on this board with more knowledge than me about this case.

You can't get anywhere with someone who "believes" that Billy Meier is a prophet. Forget it. If you want to continue though, your best strategy is to punt. You need to get the requirement to "prove anything" back on him. The alleged Meier prophecies are all in German. His followers translate them to English. When I looked into this years ago I found it pretty much impossible to verify when he said what. The photos and videos have proven to be fake. Stick to that.
Ahhhhhhh the One Armed Bandit strikes again.

As someone who photographs models for fun, his pictures and crappy models debunk themselves.

And that ray gun....... hilarious
I can pretty much hold my own when it comes to the photos and stuff. He just has me on these pointse below

On IIGWEST website, i find
CLAIM: Billy Meier Predicted That Four Heads Of State Would Die Within Seven Days Of Each Other And This Would Signal The Coming Of World War III

And they fail to show where Meier actually did that. Can you show where meier mentioned such a thing ? I could not find BIlly making such a claim, i have gone through the entire english literature available..and found nothing

In my last post, i told that i would like to hear your opinion on the "Toutatis" and "Iceman" predictions... You skipped the topic and are focussing on something like world war III and could not point out the source..Hope you do this time...
p.s: You failed to show where meier mentioned that the dinosaur photos belongs to him. Let us not get distracted by other posts...have a nice day</B>

Now, i have tried searching the web to find evidence that Meier did in fact say That Four Heads Of State Would Die Within Seven Days Of Each Other And This Would Signal The Coming Of World War III, but can't seem to find it. Same with the ice-man. I can't find anywhere on the net that de-bunks this either. I was hoping that maybe someone on here might have more information.
I doubt you will find it, anymore than you will find photos of genuine UFO's taken by the one armed bandit.
Im prone to give the benefit of the doubt to most cases.
In meiers case its case closed from my pov. 100% fraud
my reply would be: Billy Meiers wife stated it was all a hoax! "Can you show where meier mentioned such a thing ?".

You can't win for losing, so don't even try. See, the Meirites have this thing they do where they break what the great armless one says down into "prophecies" and "predictions". According to their "philosophy" one will come true, the other might come true.

What happens next should be obvious: if something happens that's remotely close to something Billy has said, it's retro-actively declared a prophecy and thus proof of his claims. If something is prophecied and fails to manifest it is "corrected" to be a prediction (usually blamed on misunderstanding or mistranslation) and thus easily pushed in to the "maybe" column absolving Billy from blame. It's the clairvoyant equivelant of the ol' shell game and every second you spend playing it is a second of your life you've wasted.