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Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas to all of you. Had a very very tough year here myself, hope you all faired better, and heirs to the holidays. :)
Merry Christmas to you too :) ( and everyone else too of course ) ! But as for the year, well, we've still got 6 or so of toughest days yet to survive ;) ! After that woo-hoo! 2015 has got to better than the dreary dirge of 2014, especially if gas prices stay down for a few more months :D.
I kind of mix and match in celebrating holidays. One year Hanukkah, the next, Christmas. However, this year I will be celebrating the freedom of expression by attending a screening of “The Interview” Christmas night, while sipping margaritas and performing a pagan happy dance. Yeah, I know.., as both Santa along with 김정은 will probably be disappointed in my holiday choice.
I hope the next year will be much better my friend.

Merry Christmas to all of you. Had a very very tough year here myself, hope you all faired better, and heirs to the holidays. :)
I hear you, brother. 2014 goes down as the year my daughter got type 1 diabetes and everything, changed radically, and some of the joy in the world was sucked out and replaced by uphill climbing. But I suppose that challenge builds character - in me it just ramped up my background paranoia to new levels I've learned to live with.

However, thanks to everyone on the forum for making this year a little more bearable through your wit, wisdom, insight, creative thoughts and the ability for many to reaffirm my strong conviction that people are generally good, kind and generous wherever you go, or at least wherever you post from.

I'm still missing a lot of brilliant posters who went into lurk or sabbatical mode. Here's to the many new posters who will join and bring good spirits and new paranormal shenanigans to this forum.

Peace to all, and if you can't find that, then maybe share a drink or a word with a good friend to help you take your mind off things for a while.

And then there is my annual bike path walk from Torrance to Santa Monica on New Years Day. Hopefully it will turn out nice next week, stay tuned.