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Merry Christmas to you too ( and everyone else too of course ) ! But as for the year, well, we've still got 6 or so of toughest days yet to survive ! After that woo-hoo! 2015 has got to better than the dreary dirge of 2014, especially if gas prices stay down for a few more months .Merry Christmas to all of you. Had a very very tough year here myself, hope you all faired better, and heirs to the holidays.
have a good day all.
It is 6:45am on Christmas morning here in NZ.
To early for a glass of scotch?
Happy Boxing day as well.
I hear you, brother. 2014 goes down as the year my daughter got type 1 diabetes and everything, changed radically, and some of the joy in the world was sucked out and replaced by uphill climbing. But I suppose that challenge builds character - in me it just ramped up my background paranoia to new levels I've learned to live with.Merry Christmas to all of you. Had a very very tough year here myself, hope you all faired better, and heirs to the holidays.
have a good day all.
It is 6:45am on Christmas morning here in NZ.
To early for a glass of scotch?