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Micah Hanks Episode- the non-DMT thread

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Devil's Advocate
I just thought I'd start a seperate thread for those of us who simply don't buy/don't care about the whole DMT thing and want to discuss other aspects of this week's show because well, I've been on this board a while now and I know how those sorts of threads go.

So, with a clean slate here I'd just like to say I thought it was a great episode. Insightful, informative, thought-provoking... vintage paracast, really. I'd also like to thank David for sharing another one of his experiences. Without going into any details I'll just say it's actually quite similar to an experience my girlfriend had when we first started dating. The idea of conciousness existing post-mortem is fascinating enough but the idea that these spirits might feel some need for recognition really opens up some interesting and potentially disturbing lines of questioning.

You guys should definately keep tabs on Micah and have him back when he gets his new UFO project under wraps.
First post here, been lurking and listening for a year or so though. Anyway, I totally agree and I felt compelled to finally go ahead and subscribe when I saw this post. First off, I think David seemed pleasantly surprised with Micah. I was myself. I like a lot of what this guy has to say and I appreciate the way he delivers his information. Sure, the guy is on a book tour to promote a book on a decidedly "out there" kind of topic. But his book pimpage was low and he just seemed very up for getting into some good meaty discussion on all sorts of topics outside the scope of his new publication. I heard him recently on another podcast that I consider to be more of the "entertainment" variety and his time on that show wasn't half as interesting, IMHO. When I saw his name show up in my iTunes today I was actually kind of bummed and thinking it might be a snoozer Paracast but Gene and David steered things into all the right places and it turned out to be a hell of a show. Keep this guy on the radar.
I thought Micah Hanks was very thoughtful and considered in all of his responses. To be frank, I'm not sure he offered anything *new* to the conversation but at least he wasn't a loon.

I thought Micah Hanks was very thoughtful and considered in all of his responses. To be frank, I'm not sure he offered anything *new* to the conversation but at least he wasn't a loon.


Well the Psychomentum is sort of "new", at least in terms of it possibly relating to existing paranormal topics, although I don't have any interest at all in pursuing looking into it much further. Just didn't grab me. It actually reminds me a lot of the "Dark Mirror" technique used by Ordo Templi Astarte.

That aside, I think Micah had the right attitude and approach to the subjects discussed. And most important, he was refreshingly definitely not a loon. That always helps.