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Mike Clelland picture

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Paranormal Novice
After listening to the latest podcast, I was wondering if there is a copy on the internet of the picture that Mike Clelland drew as a kid of the UFO he saw out the window with his friend Kenny?
Found it, while still listening to the show.
The picture is in the forum under orange flash & missing time.
Just search the forum for that "orange" and you will find it.
Very cool pictures,Mike!

I really enjoyed your appearance on the show,also - thanks for sharing!

You may be interested to know that I had a similar experience,years ago,of a huge orange flash overhead while walking my dog.I actually saw the object,as well,as it was moving away at breakneck speed.It also made a very distinct whistling or "swooshing" sound as it flew.There was no "missing time" connected with this sighting,as far as I can remember,but I've often thought back and wondered what it was.Has anyone out there ever heard of meteors making whistling sounds?