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Mini-UFO Takeoff Video from Joshua Tree National Park

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Paranormal Maven
Hello Gene, Chris, Burnt, Goggs and the rest. God bless and I hope you all are well.

Its been awhile. I've got a weird one for you.

Posting this for the more serious UFO-UAP researchers here. It took me a long time to wrap my head around this one after I discovered it from old video footage from a trip to Joshua Tree National Park.

I live in a UFO hotspot and over the last few years, I've caught some intersting UFO/UAP sightings on video...most by accident. I've shared some here, and have recently discovered a few more that I may share here in the future. This one is kind of...very odd...so I thought I'd push this to the front of the line of captures to share with folks who are interested in this type of stuff.

This video was actually shot in April of 2011, but I didn't notice the unusual activity until I got a chance to take a closer look at it in Dec. 2015.

We had been driving in Joshua Tree National Park for about fifteen minutes until coming upon a huge bluff on the left. We pulled over and I started filming the area from inside the SUV. As the camera pans to the right, looking out of the open front right passenger window, an object in front of a large Joshua Tree takes off from the ground and shoots off upwards and to the right.

The shape then changes from a triangle to a blip or thick line. Some say it looks like a disc.

This was a difficult edit because of how relatively small the object appears to be in the beginning. If you look closely at slow version of this edit however, this mini triangle shaped object seems to project suddenly off the the right and upwards, rotating clockwise, with the corners of the object lighting up. By the time it gets to the trees it changes form and looks more like a blip or small cylinder.

I researched extensively for birds that can take off "that fast" from a standstill and was unable to find anything at all.

Even peregrine falcons, birds that can fly up to 240 miles per hour, only get that fast from a dive starting well above the ground. When watching it or any bird take off, you can see wings pushing against air and gravity to begin the flight...and its "slow"...extremely slow, (especially if taking off from the ground) in comparison to the speed at which this object is taking off.

So its not a bird by any means.

And no, not a bug or cgi.

Mini-surveillance drone??? All I know is that this one has my head spinning.

Views are described below to "scrub to" for those with little time or short attention span.

I am in no way stating this to be extra-terrestrial, alien, or a man-made drone. I have no idea what this is.

All I know is no animal can takeoff from standstill like that...much less change shape from triangle to blip/disc...whatever.


00:00-00:33 The entire clip with the take-off to the right at the :33 second mark. (There’s that number again.)

00:34-00:40 Shortened (still full speed) version ending with takeoff. Note how fast that thing takes off.

00:40-0:45 Chyron: What kind of a bird takes off from the ground that fast?

00:45-01:03 Extreme close-up of the object while the clip has been slowed down considerably. To bring out the features of the object I've adjusted contrast and brightness.

01:03-01:06 Chyron: Not a bird!!

01:07-01:26 Repeat of extreme slow close up using different filter.

01:27-01:30 Chyron: Tri-object rotating clockwise?

01:31-01:48 Repeat of extreme slow close up using black and white filter. Easier to see the triangle clearly in this one.

01:50-01:55 Repeat of shortened (still full speed) version ending with takeoff to contrast with last shot.

01:56-02:00 Repeat of shortened (now slower) version ending with takeoff to contrast with last shot. Note how small the object is as it starts out. In the air it is much larger than it was in the beginning.

02:01-02:08 Medium zoom-in and slowed down. Now you can see the colors of the mini-triangle as it hurtles itself forward and changes.

Here's the exact location.

Medium shots of object circled.

After changing shape.

Closeups of the object as a triangle.

Took me a few moons to contemplate this one. I finally decided to submit to sighting to MUFON. This is the first capture I've submitted to them. It's thus far officially classified as an unknown. Case #78889

UFO Stalker

Thanks for taking a look!


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This reminds me of the Denver insect UFO. Mile High mystery: UFO sightings in sky over Denver
Although the FOX news report claims it not an insect, others are not as convinced: Denver UFOs Likely Insects, Says Cinematographer

Either way, this case doesn't fit with the definition of UFO because UFOs are only granted that designation after it has been determined that there is sufficient information to rule out all other potential known causes apart from some sort of alien craft, but that's not the case here. Right now it's just another blurry video that might be an insect, or video artifact, or something else besides some sort of alien craft. So more evidence is needed.
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This reminds me of the Denver insect UFO. Mile High mystery: UFO sightings in sky over Denver
Although the FOX news report claims it not an insect, others are not as convinced: Denver UFOs Likely Insects, Says Cinematographer

Either way, this case doesn't fit with the definition of UFO because UFOs are only granted that designation after it has been determined that there is sufficient information to rule out all other potential known causes apart from some sort of alien craft, but that's not the case here. Right now it's just another blurry video that might be an insect, or video artifact, or something else besides some sort of alien craft. So more evidence is needed.

Oh yes! I do remember that video. From all the experts they talked to in the Fox Denver report, none saw that those were bugs.

This is different however in that you can actually see the point of takeoff. That tree is less than 100 feet away, (not a mile off in the horizon as in the Denver videos) and you can clearly see a puff of dust come up from in front of the tree when it takes off. From 100 ft away that "insect" would have to be at least a foot wide, or larger.

Please also remember that in my post here as well on YouTube that I already stated that I in no way say that this is ET. I thought it was a secret drone of some kind, but Joshua Tree has alot of strange phenomenon. I have no idea what this is.

But just another blurry video...? Well we disagree on that. Never seen a triangle fly from in front a a tree like that.
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I think it was a bug. Maybe it was sitting on the glass if the window was rolled up, and just happened to be at the same level as the dark trees so you didn't see it sitting there.

Then it takes off. Close to the camera. Which it looks to be, given it's just a blob and the background is in focus.

/not an image expert
/not an image expert
You play a pretty convincing one on TV. :D

All joking aside, a bad video is still a bad video. It may not disprove the presence of something anomalous, but it doesn't prove it either. The quality is so bad that normal objects like insects and birds cannot be ruled out.
Honestly, this is not a video you'll be able to shop around as definitive proof that UFOs exist.
Planthoppers are to be found in Joshua Tree and while I don't know about about the genus to be found there, some plant hoppers can accelerate to 200 G . Also when seen in slow motion they do rotate