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Minot 1968

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Paranormal Adept
Well, at least debunkers like Carlson are going after some good cases and credible witnesses for a change. Although anyone with enough boredom tolerance to wade through volumes of Carlson's nit-picking and largely irrelevant technical detail deserves honorable mention at the very least. (Throw enough against the wall and maybe some of it will stick?)

As I said in the past, I happen to have been acquainted with one of the men onboard the B-52 in the 1968 Minot case. The following link is to his and others' accounts of the Minot incident. It starts at 2:00 minutes in and ends at about 6:30. Yet again, we have very credible people seeing very incredible things.

Fantastic case !

If enough cases like this get on the pile, this subject will eventually get some attention. But then again... would we be ready ? For many cases, I see it as a problem of of relativity.

Our current understanding of the universe and scientific/technologic development may not be enough to establish a coherent communication bridge with whatever is operating these things. Not to mention religious fundamentalist resistance to any idea of life outside the locker lmao (Angels and Demons).

Should we have the opportunity to meet a civilization close enough in development to ours, then we'll have won the lottery ... or not lol
anyone here ever read Project Blue Book? a good share of it is blacked out.