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Missing Link Is No Longer Missing

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This is quite a find.

The Link - Welcome
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If only scientists put that creature skeleton correctly and all bones really belong to a single specie.

I think this cool Flash presentation http://www.revealingthelink.com/who-is-ida/from-ida-to-us lacks of W somewhere in the middle ;-)

After reading 'Forbidden archeology' I don't think that this Evolution Tree is correct and proven. We don't have DNA material from previous stages specie to make an ultimate conclusion.

PS. Universe forbidden, I do not advocate Creationism here, it's just I really can't share all this hype being generated around this found.
Be careful. I've learned that if you dare say "well I do think there is purpose in the universe" you may be branded a superstious six day creationist idiot. :eek: I do "like" science. I depend on it everyday from my pc to the doctor (heaven forbid)when I have to go. But some of the (not all by any means) but some of the venom from the guardians of orthadoxy such as Dawkins and Randi (who isn't even a scientist or a college grad "talkin bout randi" for that matter) remind me of the old church of Rome. Any deviation from the "truth" is heresy and will be dealt with severely. Science is a method a many splendored component of the human mind and a gift. Not a bat to bash the spirit of man over the head with. So go ahead and question I don't think the "truth" has to hide from anything or anyone. 8)
The Devil put it there to test my faith.
God didn't make monkeys until 6000 years ago.
The T-Rex's were sweet as kittens until that damned woman ate that fruit.
You do follow my logic?
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I'm very skeptical of all true beleivers be they materialist or religious. I have my own "experiences" but I (and I'm somewhere around the big 5-0) am still learning about the universe.
tyder001;61021 (and I'm somewhere around the big 5-0) am still learning about the universe.[/QUOTE said:
You're still just a baby.
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The Devil put it there to test my faith.
God didn't make monkeys until 6000 years ago.
The T-Rex's were sweet as kittens until that damned woman ate that fruit.
You do follow my logic?
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I can't stand this bigotry towards religious people! I'm cruising along, enjoying the Paracast and the forums, minding my own business, then things like this always pop up, and I can't help but make some little response.

Here's a couple of links to articles that I think are helpful:

"The Myth of the War Between Science and Religion," by Fr. Robert Barron

"Fathers of Science," by Matthew E. Bunson

Try to question your own prejudices and stereotypes from time to time. Sometimes I think I'm one of the only truly "open-minded" people on this forum!!!! :mad:

Father Copernicus

no point jpw, people think as they like, and whether we are right or wrong, is not the issue. the issue is what we do with our own lives and our own quest for the truth. I believe we wither away if we don't keep seeking truth, and for some, truth takes a different path than it does for others, but in the end, I think all paths converge on the same point.
a truth that is not self-evident is not something that can be used to hammer home a point of logic. ;)
no point jpw, people think as they like, and whether we are right or wrong, is not the issue. the issue is what we do with our own lives and our own quest for the truth.

But the choices we make are based in judgements we make of the rightness and wrongness of certain actions, attitudes, values, etc. Of course whether we are right or wrong matters! The Bush Administration chose to invade Iraq on illegitimate grounds. Their arguments didn't come within light years of qualifying according to the principles of the just war theory. They were wrong, and millions now have suffered the consequences, even though as individuals they are probably very nice and likable.

I believe we wither away if we don't keep seeking truth, and for some, truth takes a different path than it does for others, but in the end, I think all paths converge on the same point.

I've really got to take issue with this: I've heard this point of view so many times. Hitler and Mother Teresa were both "seeking truth," and they chose different paths from each other. They each believed wholeheartedly in the directions they were going, and they committed every fiber of their being to their respective missions right up to the grave.

In the end, one path led to evil, death, destruction, human misery, and suicide. The other path led to holiness, respect for the dignity of human life, the nurturing of the human spirit, and the inspiration of others to help alleviate human suffering. One was right, the other was horrifically wrong, and that IS the issue!

Just some thoughts, for what they're worth ...
my post was in response to this comment you made,

I can't stand this bigotry towards religious people! I'm cruising along, enjoying the Paracast and the forums, minding my own business, then things like this always pop up, and I can't help but make some little response.

It is very difficult for me to relate that to your post above this one.

It may have gone better if I had remembered the quote function, I still stand by my post: It does not matter if we are right or wrong - what matters is that we keep looking for the answer, even when we think we have it all sewn up.

that goes for scientists who think they have figured things out to the point where they refuse to see what is right in front of them, all the way through the atheists who do not believe in anything other than science, and down to the folks who live, breathe and eat religious dogma.

so, I have to refuse your interpretation of what I meant, especially since you went and implied that covered Hitler's sins... but I do offer an apology for not making my thoughts clearer.

I personally don't really care what others think of my religious choices, personal beliefs, or practises. I don't need to defend how I feel, or what I believe or have faith in. I am happy to discuss it, argue it, philosophize over it, or just be damn stubborn about it as long as I in turn, have the right to express my thoughts on whomever's personal choices and beliefs.

sorry, getting off on a tangent, yet again. nuts and bolts of my comments - I will try to remember to use the quote thingie... life is much better when things are clearer.
my post was in response to this comment you made,

I can't stand this bigotry towards religious people! I'm cruising along, enjoying the Paracast and the forums, minding my own business, then things like this always pop up, and I can't help but make some little response.

It is very difficult for me to relate that to your post above this one.

I should apologize. I wrote first, asked questions later :o

I still stand by my post: It does not matter if we are right or wrong - what matters is that we keep looking for the answer, even when we think we have it all sewn up.

that goes for scientists who think they have figured things out to the point where they refuse to see what is right in front of them, all the way through the atheists who do not believe in anything other than science, and down to the folks who live, breathe and eat religious dogma.

Now I agree with that 100%.

I personally don't really care what others think of my religious choices, personal beliefs, or practises. I don't need to defend how I feel, or what I believe or have faith in. I am happy to discuss it, argue it, philosophize over it, or just be damn stubborn about it as long as I in turn, have the right to express my thoughts on whomever's personal choices and beliefs.

And that's the thing I really appreciate about your posts: you will listen to other people and be fair to them. I think you are one of the only truly "open-minded" people here!!!!

sorry, getting off on a tangent, yet again. nuts and bolts of my comments - I will try to remember to use the quote thingie... life is much better when things are clearer.
"Since you, O Lord, once more draw near
And ask how all is getting on, and you
Were ever well content to see me here,
You see me also midst your retinue.
Forgive, fine speeches I can never make,
Though all the circle look on me with scorn;
Pathos from me would make your sides with laughter shake,
Had you not laughter long ago forsworn.
Of suns and worlds I've naught to say worth mention.
How men torment them claims my whole attention.
Earth's little god retains his same old stamp and ways
And is as singular as on the first of days.
A little better would he live, poor wight,
Had you not given him that gleam of heavenly light.
He calls it Reason, only to pollute
Its use by being brutaler than any brute.
It seems to me, if you'll allow, Your Grace,
He's like a grasshopper, that long-legged race
That's made to fly and flying spring
And in the grass to sing the same old thing.
If in the grass he always were reposing!
But in each filthy heap he keeps on nosing."

From Goeth's Faust.

When beasts behave as beasts., that's nature. When men behave as beasts., it becomes a moral issue.

Back to topic; How many "missing links" have been discovered?, then discarded?