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Missing time and the event horizon

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Paranormal Adept
There are many tales of UFO encounters followed by the realization that some time is not accounted for.... This seems to point to the creation of an artificial black hole as the craft prepares to whiz out of its current space/time coordinates. The closer you are to the craft during this process, the slower time passes for you while normal time is accelerated.

There is really no missing time, you were just too close to the event horizon ;)

If this holds water, the energies involved are stupefying and the technologies that would enable this are way beyond our grasp. The Iter plant in cadarache will simulate a star to solve our energy problems. IMHO, when we simulate a black hole we'll be solving our mobility problem.
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There are many tales of UFO encounters followed by the realization that some time is not accounted for.... This seems to point to the creation of an artificial black hole as the craft prepares to whiz out of its current space/time coordinates. The closer you are to the craft during this process, the slower time passes for you while normal time is accelerated.

There is really no missing time, you were just too close to the event horizon ;)
[emoji89] Interesting concept!!

Sent from my XT1028 using Tapatalk
There are many tales of UFO encounters followed by the realization that some time is not accounted for.... This seems to point to the creation of an artificial black hole as the craft prepares to whiz out of its current space/time coordinates. The closer you are to the craft during this process, the slower time passes for you while normal time is accelerated.

There is really no missing time, you were just too close to the event horizon ;)

If this holds water, the energies involved are stupefying and the technologies that would enable this are way beyond our grasp. The Iter plant in cadarache will simulate a star to solve our energy problems. IMHO, when we simulate a black hole we'll be solving our mobility problem.
As crazy as that sounds, maybe you're actually onto something! Some sort of antigravity mechanism has been a pet theory for UFO propulsion, and gravity and time are related, so who knows? The energy requirements would be huge. So huge that don't know how such a device would contain the effects to such a small region of space. Logically the gravity would be so great that it would suck the whole Earth in, but it's a fun idea to contemplate. It also would make a cool sci-fi plot device.
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I was trying to get my head wrapped around this as well. It would have to be a special black hole I think. What I mean is from what I understand there are theoretically traversable (spl?) black holes. Not necessarily the collapsed star types but the ones that are thought to be located in the middle of various galaxies that wouldn't be formed from collapsed stars because it's all just massive immense clouds of gas, stars haven't even had the chance to form yet. I assume the gravitational warpage comes from the gas clouds themselves so massive they are.

The part of your theory that i can't get past is the event horizon part. I do know that the event horizon is usually located a ways down in a black hole and is the point of no return but I would think that at some point one could get the sensation of time being stopped without it actually being stopped because our perception of time is sort of based on the nearest rhythm keeping device we have. our hearts. You can probably get the sense of a time anomaly without actually having to get near the irreversible pull of mr. Event Horizon.

Having said all that, I would point out that the two other things people report when in the vicinity of these craft is synchronicity and the oz factor...being in a dreamlike state... I seem to recall reading that these two phenomena and the sensation of what we percieve as time have a correlation to the amount of Dopamine being produced at any one time so perhaps whatever technology these craft would use has a direct effect on your brain neuro chemistry instead.
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I was trying to get my head wrapped around this as well. It would have to be a special black hole I think.

If we ever get to the point where the mechanics of black holes are fully decoded, I don't see why applied science couldn't recreate and exploit some of its properties. Look at the monster we're building to reproduce the nuclear furnace at the center of our solar system.

The Alcubierre warp drive might be a viable model projecting a controlled black hole in front of the craft to contract space and create a space/time wave that you could surf on. Who knows, maybe the ultimate shape to surf on one of these waves is a saucer ;)... (perhaps to better deflect interstellar matter... micrometeroids...etc...)

Interstellar Travel Possible By Midway Through Next Century!


Surfboards for the highest wave in the world.
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Sort of related I suppose

From the 'X Files': "Advanced Civilizations may Live Inside Supermassive Black Holes"

Also from that supreme compendium of accumulated galactic knowledge, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...I mean Wikipedia....

"... In addition, the tidal forces in the vicinity of the event horizon are significantly weaker for massive black holes. As with density, the tidal force on a body at the event horizon is inversely proportional to the square of the mass: a person on the surface of the Earth and one at the event horizon of a 10 million M black hole experience about the same tidal force between their head and feet. Unlike with stellar mass black holes, one would not experience significant tidal force until very deep into the black hole...."
An advantage of understanding how this universe works is being able to offer a very long term plan for your civilization. Black holes definitely have stealthy properties [emoji41][emoji106]
Indeed the narrative does include alleged cases where US personel were inside a crashed craft for what seemed to them like a few minutes while those outside became worried as the hours went by.

The key is that both observers are differently situated in their distance from a significant gravitational mass. The general theory of relativity describes how, for both observers, the clock that is closer to the gravitational mass, i.e. deeper in its "gravity well", appears to go more slowly than the clock that is more distant from the mass. This effect is not restricted to astronauts in space; a climber's time is passing slightly faster at the top of a mountain (a high altitude, farther from the Earth's center of gravity) compared to people at sea level. As with all time dilation, the local experience of time is normal (nobody notices a difference within their own frame of reference). In the situations of velocity time dilation, both observers saw the other as moving slower (a reciprocal effect). Now, with gravitational time dilation, both observers – those at sea level, versus the climber – agree that the clock nearer the mass is slower in rate, and they agree on the ratio of the difference (time dilation from gravity is therefore not reciprocal). That is, the climber sees the sea level clocks as moving more slowly, and those living at sea level see the climber's clock as moving faster.

Time dilation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If like so many other natural phenomena we could harness and exploit this the practical applications are interesting.

Living inside the gravity well of a black hole would allow you to observe the universe in a new way, Much as we use time lapse photograhy to view things now

Its worth noting that the rate of flow in what we call linear time is a variable not a fixed value.

Time passes faster the higher you are - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Time will move in a different flow rate in a galaxy twice the size of our own.

To calculate the flow rate in a given location you start with the nearest gravity well, in our case the mass of the earth. Then add the local sun and other planets gravitational effect. Then the galaxys, then the other galaxys nearest us, right down to the mass of the universe itself.

Then throw in frame dragging as well

Frame-dragging - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So the earths rotational effect on spacetime, plus the rotation of the solar system and galaxy itself.

Obviously the single largest factor is the nearest large mass in our case earth, but any other body exerting a gravitational effect on us like the sun also factors in to the equation
Yes the idea of a black hole or Magnetic Wormhole is more plausible theory which those who have had missing time for example three hours inside a bubble which surrounded the swamp area and could this be what folks in David Paulidies books could experience which you don;t feel or notice the event until after (missing time). Some A.I. more plausible has the ability to mess with nature.
US personel were inside a crashed craft for what seemed to them like a few minutes while those outside became worried as the hours went by.

Don't you think that this would be more likely tied to the work of David Eagleman's research?

Our Mission

Members of the Man Will Never Fly Society are not opposed to flight. Birds do it, Bees do it, even educated fleas do it, as Cole Porter once said. But when you stop to think about it, do you actually believe that a machine made of tons of metal will fly? Small wonder that the editor of a Dayton newspaper said, when informed of the mythical first flight in 1903. "Man will never fly. And if he does, he will never come from Dayton."
The Society's members believe that balloons fly, but we do not believe in flying machines. Indeed, members of the Society have proposed a variety of apparati for movement through the ozone. One of our members is even cultivating an enormous jumping bean which, when saddled and heated by a laser, will propel a human for great distances.
But let us hear no more of plane moving through the air, unless they are hurled by carpenters. Airports and airplanes are for the gullible. Little do "plane" passengers realize that they are merely boarding Greyhound buses with wings, and that while aboard these winged buses, given the illusion of flight when cloud like scenery is moved past their windows by stagehands in a very expensive theatrical performance.
We ask you to gather under our banner and combat the myth that man can, did, or will ever fly, except in his or her imagination.
Man Will Never Fly Memorial Society

The Alcubierre warp drive might be a viable model projecting a controlled black hole in front of the craft to contract space and create a space/time wave that you could surf on.
Notice how that image above looks a lot like this one, or at least it reminds me a lot of Floyd, from the classic Portage County case.
Notice how that image above looks a lot like this one, or at least it reminds me a lot of Floyd, from the classic Portage County case.

Viewed from below, you'd probably get a distorted view of the actual object.... like that cone shape. Amazing !
That brings up the subject of shape shifting UFO's lol. If you're having fun with the fabric of space/time you could actually morph the visible shape (from a third party perspective) of your ship into anything you want by squeezing or expanding space around it.

Cone Heads R Us lmao
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I keep coming back to our almost complete ignorance of how gravity is related to and interacts with other forces in nature. In the search for repeated patterns in UFO close encounters, manipulation of gravity and inertia certainly qualifies. And we know that in addition to bending light (recall that no two UFOs seem to look exactly the same to visual observers) time slows in the presence of intense gravitational fields.
John Gowan brings us an explanation why we have FTL info transfer like Quantum Teleporting but limits to matter at Faster Than Light Velocity. I am not sure matter can't be disassembled to travel through time and then re-assembled thus allowing sentient robots to do it. I also do not know that we know how FTL functions near or in Black Holes enough for his assertions. I also think a marriage of nanobot holograms and robotics will offer a virtual reality which alters our connection to knowledge throughout universe. I do like what he says regardless.

"A fundamental physical cause for humanity's unease at the thought of death is our feeling of separation from the rest of the Universe - our awareness of "self" and personal identity necessarily means a distinction between "me" and the environment. Matter, and all massive entities such as ourselves, are in fact (as well as in thought) separated from our true conservation domain, historic spacetime, the conservation domain of matter's "causal information matrix". Massive objects do not inhabit historic spacetime in the way light inhabits its conservation domain, space: we live not in history, but only in the "universal present moment". Time is connected to space only tangentially, at right angles to all three spatial dimensions; that tangential point of connection between space and time is the "present moment" of our experience, our "touch" upon expanding history. Only information can pass from space into history, massive objects such as ourselves cannot. There are several very good reasons for this physical arrangement, beginning with the fact that matter cannot travel at velocity c and hence cannot participate in the entropic expansion of light's conservation domain, space. (See: "Spatial vs Temporal Entropy".)

When light is converted to matter, or when any form of free electromagnetic energy with "intrinsic motion c" is converted to massive, immobile, bound forms of electromagnetic energy, the symmetric (all-way) spatial entropy drive of light (the intrinsic motion of light), is replaced by an alternative, asymmetric (one-way) historical entropy drive, the intrinsic motion of matter's time dimension. The historically expansive "march of time" is the metric and entropic equivalent of the spatially expansive intrinsic motion of light (the "march of space" - seen as the "red shift" of distant galaxies). Time is an alternative, asymmetric (one-way) form of space, providing the primordial entropy drive of bound electromagnetic energy. Time is derived from space by the gravitational annihilation of space, exposing a metrically equivalent temporal residue. (See: "The Conversion of Space to Time".)"


"However, other apparently more reasonable solutions that allow time travel, have since been found. A particularly interesting one contains two cosmic strings, moving past each other at a speed very near to, but slightly less than, the speed of light. Cosmic strings are a remarkable idea of theoretical physics, which science fiction writers don't really seem to have caught on to. As their name suggests, they are like string, in that they have length, but a tiny cross section. Actually, they are more like rubber bands, because they are under enormous tension, something like a hundred billion billion billion tons. A cosmic string attached to the Sun would accelerate it naught to sixty, in a thirtieth of a second.

Cosmic strings may sound far-fetched, and pure science fiction, but there are good scientific reasons to believed they could have formed in the very early universe, shortly after the Big Bang. Because they are under such great tension, one might have expected them to accelerate to almost the speed of light.

What both the Goedel universe, and the fast moving cosmic string space-time have in common, is that they start out so distorted and curved, that travel into the past, was always possible. God might have created such a warped universe, but we have no reason to think that He did. All the evidence is, that the universe started out in the Big Bang, without the kind of warping needed, to allow travel into the past. Since we can't change the way the universe began, the question of whether time travel is possible, is one of whether we can subsequently make space-time so warped, that one can go back to the past. I think this is an important subject for research, but one has to be careful not to be labeled a crank. If one made a research grant application to work on time travel, it would be dismissed immediately. No government agency could afford to be seen to be spending public money, on anything as way out as time travel. Instead, one has to use technical terms, like closed time like curves, which are code for time travel. Although this lecture is partly about time travel, I felt I had to give it the scientifically more respectable title, Space and Time warps. Yet, it is a very serious question. Since General Relativity can permit time travel, does it allow it in our universe? And if not, why not."


Our Mission

Members of the Man Will Never Fly Society are not opposed to flight. Birds do it, Bees do it, even educated fleas do it, as Cole Porter once said. But when you stop to think about it, do you actually believe that a machine made of tons of metal will fly? Small wonder that the editor of a Dayton newspaper said, when informed of the mythical first flight in 1903. "Man will never fly. And if he does, he will never come from Dayton."
The Society's members believe that balloons fly, but we do not believe in flying machines. Indeed, members of the Society have proposed a variety of apparati for movement through the ozone. One of our members is even cultivating an enormous jumping bean which, when saddled and heated by a laser, will propel a human for great distances.
But let us hear no more of plane moving through the air, unless they are hurled by carpenters. Airports and airplanes are for the gullible. Little do "plane" passengers realize that they are merely boarding Greyhound buses with wings, and that while aboard these winged buses, given the illusion of flight when cloud like scenery is moved past their windows by stagehands in a very expensive theatrical performance.
We ask you to gather under our banner and combat the myth that man can, did, or will ever fly, except in his or her imagination.
Man Will Never Fly Memorial Society


It'll Never Work!
Yes the concept that other life forms and non-A.I could enhance the production of space and time within a vortex of travel is very plausible indeed and this is where R.V has a link which could be the trace element of human development at its early conception.
LOL. That's a statement locked in the present.

Time, evolution and imagination have a way of eroding limitations whatever form they take. The human brain, with the help of accelerators like advanced computers (eventually quantum computers) will model and process environments beyond human perception capabilities. What's really mind blowing is that something as complex as the human life form, supposedly evolved from relatively simple primordial soups, is now seeding artificial inorganic constructs with its perceived model of the universe.

My hunch is that AI inorganic constructs (quantum computers) will resolve the mathematical inconsistencies of the model and if we're lucky they'll give organic beings a chance to visit our neighbors lol