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More Betrayal.

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Tommy Allison

Source: Hal Turner Show
URL Source: http://halturnershow.blogspot.com/2009/02/feds-grant-eminent-domain-as-collateral.html
Published: Feb 26, 2009
Author: Hal Turner

Beijing, China -- The United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!
On February 11, Bloomberg Business News reported that China was seeking "guarantees" for its US Government debt (Story Here), and it now appears they got it. Well placed senior sources at the US Embassy in Beijing CONFIRM the formal written agreement was delivered by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during her recent trip to China.
This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
Put simply, the feds have actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.
This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An outrage worthy of violent overthrow.
Eminent Domain is the power of government to TAKE private property for public use without the consent of the property owner. Under our Constitution, the government can only "take" when providing "just compensation" for what they've taken.
Who decides what constitutes "just compensation?" The government!
in past "takings" homeowners who felt the government was not paying them enough for property have filed lawsuits. In absolutely every such case, the value placed upon the property by the government was upheld by the courts.
Our federal government has now granted to China, this power to "take" our homes and businesses in the event the US Gov't defaults on its debts.
Let's play this out as a worst case scenario. . . . . .
The US Gov't goes belly-up and China comes in and says, "they owed us $700 Billion in Treasury Notes and another $2 Trillion in actual cash money which is now worthless. We are taking the entire state of Hawaii and the entire state of California in lieu of this bad debt. "
With the stroke of a Chinese chop stick, Hawaii and California -- all the land and buildings in those states -- are now owned by China.
The "taking" would be a "valid public use" because it was "taken" in payment of the public debt!!!!
China could then turn around and declare the value of all that land to be worth. . . . . I dunno, ten cents on a dollar?
If you own a $200,000 house in either state, you get a Chinese check for $20,000.
Needless to say, the property owners would go ballistic and demand "just compensation" for what was taken. Who gets to decide what is "just?" China!
Don't think you got a fair price for what they took? No problem, sue China. You'll lose.
People who live in those states and own their land outright, might be able to negotiate with China to "rent" back what used to be their own property, as long as they continue to pay all their taxes (to China) ; but the land and buildings would belong to China!
This is what our own Government has just done to us and it is the single most vile act of betrayal in the history of human existence.
State Governments Knew This Was Coming
In early February nine U.S. States began the process of re-asserting their Sovereignty pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution; declaring null and void any actions by Congress that violated the Constitution.
At the time, I wrote about those state efforts (Here) and wondered why so many states were taking-up such an arcane issue in such a seemingly urgent fashion. I guess now, we know why.
The states were obviously privy to what the feds were planning to do with granting Eminent Domain to China. The states took action to make certain the feds couldn't give away cities or the states themselves!
This situation is going to get VERY ugly, VERY fast as one sovereign power (the feds) tries to literally give away the land of other sovereign powers, (the states). This is the type of thing that starts Civil War.
Our present federal government makes the treachery and betrayal of Benedict Arnold look like child's play. Posted by HalTurnerShow.com at 2/26/2009 12:54:00 PM
I read that one this morning, too. I'm still less than convinced that Hal Turner is anything other than a fear-mongering turd-sucker.
Tommy, while I've gone on the record warning people about the idea of China presenting the US with an invoice for all their outstanding loans, unless I see some kind of corroboration from someone other than Hal Turner, I'm highly skeptical about the veracity of this editorial piece. As pointed out by Skunkape, Turner is a lowlife fearmonger, and deeply racist, to boot. Man, have you looked at some of the comments posted by his "fans"? Ugly, ugly stuff.
I just read his source story, the bloomberg news article linked in his article. It says absolutely nothing like what Turner claims. He, like Alex Jones, is a very poor reader.
There are other people saying the same things in the legitimate press. I'm scouring the web for real info.

If you take a look at all of the land grabs, and tracts of land set aside for national preserves, you will find that just before or after, you'll see that the government has raised the deficit dramatically.

Happened 3 times during Bush's terms, and 4 times under Clinton.
If it is true then I'll be mad as hell. I couldn't find anything on it from MSNBC or CNN. Do you have any articles that you have read that talk about it from other sources?

I respect your views on several issues on society based on US Constitutional law, foreign policy, social issues politically charged such as 9/11 and global world hegemony by elites, and economics.

Hal Turner is a Neo-Nazi a best or works for the FBI. He is not a viable source because of either (both) of those points. I would never consider him as a source and hope you consider what I said when considering his view. He lied about the “Amero” coin, it’s a fraud.

The US is owned by China. They are the only ones who buys our T-Bill. It’s an insane amount of money, the US could NEVER repay it, and could only got to war with them to forgive it, which is highly unlikely.
It sucks.
the implications are interesting though, it could provide the breathing space to solve the problem, but the problem is any govt serious about the matter will try and pay the debt off, this means more taxes, which in turn in likely to get the govt voted out in favour of a candidate who promises lower ones if elected......

the great unwashed masses, will continue to orchestrate the situation so they can have cake, and eat it too.

the problem is not the govt, its the masses that elect it and what motivates them.....its known the world over ,its a freakin meme that Americans think Tax is a dirty dirty .......diiiirty word.

when it comes..... if it comes . if the chinese invade to take whats theirs, it wont be the govt they are fighting, it will be the people.
if the govt is seen to be trying to solve the problem, only to get voted out by the masses, then its those masses that the fight will be taken to, not the govt.

still with anyluck this will at least delay the inevitable in our lifetimes...............
Not only is Hal Turner a scumbag ... some people have claimed that he is a spook of some kind. That kind of thing is casually thrown around at all unsundry: see Gene Steinberg, David Biedny et al :D

In his case, I have a feeling that he is there just to bring out the nasty racist elements ... to divide and conquer. I put him in the same bag as Frosty Wooldridge. Here's a guy who continuously points to the "immigrant" problem in the US. I see that as just a way of misdirection ie get people's energys directed at something fairly emotional and away from things that really matter such as the wire-taps, surveillance etc etc etc..
I had no idea that Hal was a fucking Tool. I've been trying to corroborate a few things.

Now I feel like a tard.
I had no idea that Hal was a fucking Tool. I've been trying to corroborate a few things.

Now I feel like a tard.
Don't feel bad, man...He had me going with that Amero shit until I found the site where he ordered his.
UNA Amero Pattern Coins
There is always the chance that there is some truth to what he says, some of it sounds good, but I get the impression that he's either a disinfo spook or just a complete jackass.
There is always the chance that there is some truth to what he says, some of it sounds good, but I get the impression that he's either a disinfo spook or just a complete jackass.

Who does that remind me of (to the theme tune of the 1950s tv series, The Adventures of Robin Hood:

"Alex Jones Alex Jones riding through the glen ... well ranch really since he lives in Texas.

Alex Jones Alex Jones with his band of ... infowarriors.

Feared by the bad ... uhh no not really since they probably think he's a nutter.

Loved by the good (who've shelled out all their hard cash on his endless videos and now are probably poor as well, silly buggers)

Alex Jones, Alex Jones ... Alex Jonnnes. :eek::D
Oh man...

Did you see the episode of Married With Children where Al and his buddies were trying to keep "Psycho Dad" on the air?

The theme song for that was fricking hilarious.

Ridin' hard across the plain... He's lost count of the women he's slain... Psycho Dad... Psycho Dad...

Seriously funny. I'm going to have to find that video.
i do all the cooking here, though i sometimes suspect my wifes demonstrated ability to burn water might be a con job designed to ensure it stays that way.
