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More Dome of the Rock witnesses found

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a 5th video.................

I still have doubts about this case and eligael in particular.

but its clearly not going to go away
More afflatus... I'm no expert on video analysis, but come on... Look at the contrived jiggle... The hokey light streak... I die a little extra every time I subject myself to this case.
I find it astounding the lengths people go to in order to convince themselves that these Jerusalem videos have to be a hoax. Yet, no valid evidence that it is a hoax. Ridiculous assertions as to why 'it's got be a hoax' by the likes of Ben Radford and his echoers. But still nothing plausible showing a hoax. You really have to stretch it that these videos are all part of a 'hoax-conspiracy' by sinister dis-information agents, movie tie-ins, kids playing with 3D Studio Max, government psy-ops... and you know what Achem's Razor implies about this situation. But still, time will tell...
I'm keeping an open mind on this case as you are right softbeard nobody has really been convincing with an argument that it's a hoax.
If anything is to be proven, it is that this is something other than what it appears to be, which is a clumsy hoax with multiple copycats. Is that really so hard to imagine? If so, then you need to look at just how easy it is to do these days. This "sighting" got lots of attention on line, so it is no surprise that conflicting and ever more silly "proof" continues to surface.

Again, if you want to talk proof, then where is the evidence? Shaky home movies have never been considered evidence without real people who can be interviewed and evaluated. Impressive videos are now a dime a dozen, so expecting them all to be "proven fake" is neither realistic nor scientific. As far as I know, no "real person" has reported seeing anything odd that night. If I am wrong about that, I'd be obliged if someone could point me to the evidence.
As far as I know, no "real person" has reported seeing anything odd that night. If I am wrong about that, I'd be obliged if someone could point me to the evidence.
What do you mean by 'real person'? If by 'real' you mean someone on the ground who saw the UFO's too, yes, there have been 2nd and 3rd-hand reports by people. I quoted such a person myself. Sorry, you'll have to dig back in my posts for the quote, or check the cbs news story comments under Ben Radford's article.
I've heard the Magic Carburetor and other urban legends several times, and they have always been second or third hand. I have seen the second and third hand "evidence" in this case. That stuff is called hearsay. Has anyone gone on record with a report from that place and time? More to the point, has anyone associated with the videos been identified by name?

This is pretty much the opposite of the O'Hare sighting. There were lots of reliable witnesses and few images of any kind.
Certainly the purported videographer of at least one of the videos has identified himself.

And that person is? Sorry, I tried to Google it but kept ending up places that aren't conducive to mental health. Even there, I found no information about that. Can you give me a hint?
And that person is? Sorry, I tried to Google it but kept ending up places that aren't conducive to mental health. Even there, I found no information about that. Can you give me a hint?
Eligael Gedalyovich

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Looks like the video has been removed. Still search for the name, you should find the proper info thread.

I think this one works:
This is a 3 seconds video of the Jerusalem ufo , filmed from the Western wall area. The original video is around 2 min long, Amazing footage!!! I can't give any further details about this video. I wish that soon I'll have the whole video that will blow our minds.

As i understand it he has only been given 3 seconds worth of a 2 min video

Your guess is as good as mine as to the whys and whatnots of this

my initial thoughts on this latest clip is why does the object seem more solid in the distance shots than up close, there may be a rational answer to that.
The object seems "thicker" when filmed at a distance