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More ohare ufo photos?

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Skilled Investigator
Hi folks,

Found some more ohare photos (allegedly)




Look very suspicious to me.
The background plates for those faked images have already been located. They're retouched pictures. I don't have the link right in front me of, but if you visit the main O'Hare thread on abovetopsecret.com, you'll find 'em.

Here's the backgground plate for both images:

Geocities has shut down

Note that it's been flipped, the fake objects added, and significantly recompressed. It's also been cropped and enlarged, allowing one source image to be turned into two bogus images.

That's a damn shame. Not that the photos are fake I mean, the fact that someone felt is was worth taking the time to make them and thus waste the time of investigators. Don't these people have jobs? Families? LIVES?
CapnG said:
That's a damn shame. Not that the photos are fake I mean, the fact that someone felt is was worth taking the time to make them and thus waste the time of investigators. Don't these people have jobs? Families? LIVES?

It makes you wonder what the motive is.
"It makes you wonder what the motive is"

Disinfo, pure and not so simple.
The idea is to fling poo all over a legitimate sighting.
The more poo they fling the better the chance people will write the sighting off as B.S. (or Mieristic).
The really well done stuff seems to be from some alphabet soup puzzle palace.
They ARE here.
They ARE different.
They ARE NOT all friendly.
The friendlies are attempting to find out if we can get past the differences.
Some species are not visible all the time, these are very close to us but are maintaining a harmonic which makes them invisible and of no apparent substance...we can walk right through them and not be aware.
There are MANY species of OTHERS.
They have ALMOST figured out that governments do not represent the individual.
Sightings are becoming more common.
I wonder if DISCLOSURE will come before CONTACT on a wide scale?
Believing is easy but..."The Waiting Is The Hardest Part" - Tom Petty