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More Peace or War ??

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Why? Because he talks in favour of Israel ? Or because he wants to get tough against Iran ?And what is the problem with Iran having nuclear bombs ? Communist dictatorships like China and North Korea have plenty. Who are we or you to tell Iran what they can have or not.Why is it that the U.S. have the right to have so many nuclear arms ? Don't forget , only the U.S. have used atomic bombs against mostly innocent people when the war was practicly over.
Why? Because he talks in favour of Israel ? Or because he wants to get tough against Iran ?And what is the problem with Iran having nuclear bombs ? Communist dictatorships like China and North Korea have plenty. Who are we or you to tell Iran what they can have or not.Why is it that the U.S. have the right to have so many nuclear arms ? Don't forget , only the U.S. have used atomic bombs against mostly innocent people when the war was practicly over.
While I am not in favor of Iran or 'Dear Leader' in North Korea having nuclear weapons, how can you stop them short of war? Russia and the US have 93% of the existing nuclear warheads in the world. I would worry more about India and Pakistan getting into a nuclear showdown.

As far as dropping atomic bombs on Japan, you have to remember the mentality of those times. Japan was all but defeated but they wouldn't surrender. My Dad served in the Pacific theater in WWII. He told me that no soldier was looking forward to storming Japan. There would have countless casualties when Japan was all but finished. Most people approved of ending the war quickly. I don't approve or disapprove of that kind of thinking. It just was the way people viewed those times.
Exactly, the japanese mentality could not embrace surrender.

Nationalists and militarists alike looked to the past for inspiration. Delving into ancient myths about the Japanese and the Emperor in particular being directly descended from the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu Omikami, they exhorted the people to restore a past racial and spiritual purity lost in recent times.

They were indoctrinated from an early age to revere the Emperor as a living deity, and to see war as an act that could purify the self, the nation, and ultimately the whole world. Within this framework, the supreme sacrifice of life itself was regarded as the purest of accomplishments.

Although some Japanese were taken prisoner, most fought until they were killed or committed suicide. In the last, desperate months of the war, this image was also applied to Japanese civilians. To the horror of American troops advancing on Saipan, they saw mothers clutching their babies hurling themselves over the cliffs rather than be taken prisoner.

Indeed even after the emperor declared their surrender, members of the military tried to stage a coup in order to reverse that decision.