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most creditable abduction case?

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Bob Watson

Paranormal Adept
after talking to Mr Meers and looking into Lindas case I wanted to ask what are other cases that are creditble as in some thing odd happening without some fraud. I will start by asking about Travis Walton credible and worthy of study or hoax? also Betty and barney hill I beleve that was a possable abduction but the thought that betty dreamed it up and Barney went along
is there...
I don't know about credible but some interesting cases are the Pascagoula abduction case, the Allagash affair, and the Andreasson affair, all of which have books about them written by Ray Fowler. The first two cases all involve multiple witnesses who remember the same things and passed lie detectors if I'm not mistaken, which doesn't really prove anything other than the fact that they believe the story. The problem with abduction cases always boils down to the fact that you pretty much have to take people at their word, there's very little physical evidence involved aside from implants and body marks, all of which can be faked or have terrestrial origins. If you're interested in abductions though, I would call Fowlers books "The Watchers", and "The Watchers II", required reading.
I don't know about credible but some interesting cases are the Pascagoula abduction case, the Allagash affair, and the Andreasson affair, all of which have books about them written by Ray Fowler. The first two cases all involve multiple witnesses who remember the same things and passed lie detectors if I'm not mistaken, which doesn't really prove anything other than the fact that they believe the story. The problem with abduction cases always boils down to the fact that you pretty much have to take people at their word, there's very little physical evidence involved aside from implants and body marks, all of which can be faked or have terrestrial origins. If you're interested in abductions though, I would call Fowlers books "The Watchers", and "The Watchers II", required reading.
I have always found the Allagash affair to be interesting as well.It think it would be great if they could get any of the men involved on for an episode :)
I notice one or two witnesses to the Travis Walton incident are emerging from the shadows after all these years to tell their stories on camera. One gets a definite sense from watching their accounts that something strange and unusual--hovering spacecraft or not--occurred in the Walton case.