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Movie ID

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Paranormal Adept
I'm trying desperately to remember the title of a sci-fi/fantasy movie I watched in the 80's or 90's.

As I recall, it's in the same vein as The Lost World (1960), The Land that Time Forgot (1975), The Lost World (1992), and Return to the Lost World (1992).

I don't own copies of those movies, so I'm not sure if one of them is the movie I saw years ago. (Yes, I do plan on watching them to find out.)

In the movie I'm trying to find, there is a group of scientists/explorers navigating a strange, prehistoric-like landscape (at least one of the members is a woman). As they are walking, a filthy and disheveled man hiding behind a wall of skulls (or in a cave of skulls) watches them. The man confronts the party. (My memory is that the man had been left behind or stranded from an earlier trip, but maybe I'm completely off on that.)

My only other memory is that at the end, the group escapes on a propeller plane. I think a pilot comes back to rescue them, but not all of the group makes it onto the plane.

If either of those sequences rings a bell and happens to be from one of the movies above, or if you know what other movie it might be, any info would be appreciated! Thanks.
Sorry I can't help even though what you describe is tantalisingly familiar. I've tried a number of times over the years to find a movie/tv movie that had a name like 'The Green Cloud' and it was a kind of Bermuda Triangle type deal but I've had no luck. It's like I watched it on TV, before the days of cable or even us having a VCR but it's like it's been wiped from history, or more likely, wasn't good enough to be written into history!
Good luck.