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Mr Torme Show

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HI Gene & Christopher,
This show was very good and enjoyed the professinal discussions on the methods used in obtaining information from abduction cases and UFO enigma which has no boundaries or conclusions. Agree open minds is the best tool trying to comprehend this strange awareness which effect huge number of the Worlds population which seems to seek something from the human race and agree some of the wayout fraud cases have infected legitmate investigation cases in the past and today. The late Dr Kala Turner books have give a good foundation of open mind investigation of strange awarrness accounts and Dr Karla book sugests these ecounters effect all ages. However, Mr Torme theories was very intresting but a strong police type investigation is the best way IMO rather just hypnotics and the biological phenomena of these entities /encounters are just many threads which 'it' has impacted with horrid acts ecounted by 'victums' and its good that some brave science individuals are prepared to search out some findings and prepared to go into the wilderness of open minds. Maybe one day some of the closed minded science in some parts of the community might take a leaf out of these scientist instead of feeding the ridicule factor thus wake up out of its coma of fear and get back to being traditional scientist of past. Well done Paracast team,

Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

Hello Gene & Chris,

I'm not exactly a long-time listener (the last 9 months or so), but I have been partaking of the show archives.

Kudos, sirs (even the shows Chris isn't a co-host on!). The last 2 (Tracy Torme and Dr Vallee) were quite interesting and thought-provoking. I was pleasantly suprised with Mr. Torme's show. I knew of him from "Star Trek The Next Generation" and "Sliders" (didn't know he was involved in the "Fire in the Sky" film before this) but didn't know he had such an interest in ufo's and the paranormal.

I'm extremely happy your show exists & that you approach your subjects with intelligence, open-mindedness (but not blind faith & gullibility) and humour.

The line you had, Gene, about Art Bell made me laugh out loud. My poor co-workers!

keep up the good work fellas!

I, Warren
Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

An excellent show. Wow, he wrote the 'alien worms taking over Star Fleet' episode? The all time creepiest Start Trek ever!
Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

Wow, that was a cool episode, I remember watching it as a wee lad in the nineties - that's when it was aired here...

Gotta go and click the download button! :)
HI Gene & Christopher,
This show was very good and enjoyed the professinal discussions on the methods used in obtaining information from abduction cases and UFO enigma which has no boundaries or conclusions. Agree open minds is the best tool trying to comprehend this strange awareness which effect huge number of the Worlds population which seems to seek something from the human race and agree some of the wayout fraud cases have infected legitmate investigation cases in the past and today. The late Dr Kala Turner books have give a good foundation of open mind investigation of strange awarrness accounts and Dr Karla book sugests these ecounters effect all ages. However, Mr Torme theories was very intresting but a strong police type investigation is the best way IMO rather just hypnotics and the biological phenomena of these entities /encounters are just many threads which 'it' has impacted with horrid acts ecounted by 'victums' and its good that some brave science individuals are prepared to search out some findings and prepared to go into the wilderness of open minds. Maybe one day some of the closed minded science in some parts of the community might take a leaf out of these scientist instead of feeding the ridicule factor thus wake up out of its coma of fear and get back to being traditional scientist of past. Well done Paracast team,


This weeks show was right up my alley. Tracy Torme, brilliant guest, and hopefully he be on again soon. His opinions about UFO disclosure and what the Government (United States) knows about the topic, put it this way, i often found myself nodding with approval when he spoke. The Guests are getting better every week well done Gene and Chris.
This weeks show was right up my alley. Tracy Torme, brilliant guest, and hopefully he be on again soon. His opinions about UFO disclosure and what the Government (United States) knows about the topic, put it this way, i often found myself nodding with approval when he spoke. The Guests are getting better every week well done Gene and Chris.

With the exception of having pieces of saucer tech that is pretty much my take on it as well. I'm guessing they have lots of pictures, videos, radar tapes, etc., that the public have never seen but that's probably about it.
With the exception of having pieces of saucer tech that is pretty much my take on it as well. I'm guessing they have lots of pictures, videos, radar tapes, etc., that the public have never seen but that's probably about it.

It boils down to that really, everything we speculate on is hear/say and rumor. Most of the UFO crash cases worth a mention occurred in the late 40's, I actually was once was firm believer in Roswell, but over the years the more I look at that case the more confused, I am about the incident. The quality of Pictures will depend on "who" took the pictures, and the "Camera" used. Videos is another thing, the further back you go in years, the quality of videotape is more than likely of bad quality. Some of the older videos of UFO's you see on YouTube is an example of what the public had back then, not sure how better or worse the cameras used by the military were? Radar tapes I say they have plenty of Radar tapes (photographs and also Videos maybe), but they have to be stored, and would it be worth storing them for the long haul,and risk a leak of such important evidence?
It boils down to that really, everything we speculate on is hear/say and rumor. Most of the UFO crash cases worth a mention occurred in the late 40's, I actually was once was firm believer in Roswell, but over the years the more I look at that case the more confused, I am about the incident. The quality of Pictures will depend on "who" took the pictures, and the "Camera" used. Videos is another thing, the further back you go in years, the quality of videotape is more than likely of bad quality. Some of the older videos of UFO's you see on YouTube is an example of what the public had back then, not sure how better or worse the cameras used by the military were? Radar tapes I say they have plenty of Radar tapes (photographs and also Videos maybe), but they have to be stored, and would it be worth storing them for the long haul,and risk a leak of such important evidence?

I'm not sure about that. I'm no expert on cameras, not by a long shot, but I do know that the expression, "They don't make em' like they use to" holds some water with some things. I remember that when VCRs first came out my parents bought one for $1,500. Now, since that thing is so old you might think it was junk. Not true at all. That thing worked for a very, very long time. Just gave out a couple of years ago and it produced better PQ than any of the stripped down, lightweight, cheap crap being sold today. So I'm just guessing that ancient military-grade cameras might have been built like tanks and might have been pretty darned good. Film may not have been all that great though.

Edit: Another good thing about the old cameras is that they were film. There was no video yet. Film has much higher clarity than standard video (Which is why film companies are able to make HD Blu-Ray discs out of old movies.).
I really enjoyed this week's show. The discussion was far-ranging but not rambling, serious but not stuffy and open without being uncritical. Thumbs up all around.

What I found most intriguing oddly enough had nothing to do with the paranormal but with the idea that FOX had some issues with some of Mr. Torme's work on Sliders. The idea that the network that brought us the Simpsons, Married With Children and Temptation Island (remember that stinkburger? Yowch!) had some issues with possibly offending people through a sci-fi show with a "what if?" premise both confounds and amuses me.
Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

It was a good show. I had to take objection to Tracy's remark that Dr. Allen Hynek was "the guy with the most [UFO] info", though. There's reason to affirm (based on documents released by FOIA) that the best UFO cases reported during the time Blue Book was active did not end up in the Blue Book files, but were redirected to some other agency (or agencies).
Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

I heard Mr. Torme before on Don's Dark Matters show, after hearing him again here...strengthened my belief that there are at least some Producers/Writers/'Hollywood people' out there that are interested in this phenomena and are 'cool'.

Kudos for the interview and Mr. Torme.
Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

I really liked it too. Top-notch interview.

I just added the first two seasons of Sliders to my Netflix queue.
Tracy Torme (and kudos in general)

I really liked it too. Top-notch interview.

I just added the first two seasons of Sliders to my Netflix queue.

"Sliders...." I recall that show over here in England but the BBC (I think it was them) did their usual job of mucking around with the broadcast times and in the end I lost track of when it was being shown... as for the Paracast it was refreshing to hear another reasonable discussion about a topic that can easily slip into polemic and diatribe. Job's a good 'un (as they say over here).