I have about a hundred vids most are no longer online the above vid is one of a couple i still have on youtube.
if you search for night vision/ sky watch on youtube you will see countless videos of the same things you and I have recorded.
Bottom line is they are just illuminating lights with a starry back drop making a slow steady transition across the skyline, you and I cant be 100% sure what exactly they are even using such tools as heavens above site, satellite tracker apps, astronomical vr apps, weather balloon release information etc. etc.....
while also under standing that It’s estimated there are a further 500,000 bits and pieces between 1 and 10 cm in size orbiting the earth untracked its only logical to assume that they are 99% satellites/space junk/migrating birds.
Only thing that would suggest they are not would be characteristics such as right hand turns, stop starting, appearing disappearing, speeding up slowing down and if they do any of that stuff that in turn opens up another bunch of possible explanations before we ever mention ufo's
Simply put its 2 things either millions of sky watchers around the world are recording on a daily basis hundreds of none earth originating objects cruising across the skyline or its one of the 550 thousand estimated man made objects orbiting the earth and I'm comfortable with either out come
out of all the footage I have taken this vid below is the best I have of objects in the sky.
Watching this again I'm reminded how hard it is to record objects in the sky even with a tripod, I wish I could show what I saw through binoculars and shudder and cringe with a hint of frustration of what I'm left to be able to show.
Anyway keep sky watching more of us that do the bigger data base we collect collectively over the internet and you never know what you will catch on your next sky watch.