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Multiple Witness / Entity

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spontaneously combusting since 1988
Here's a strange event that took place approximately 3 years ago when i was 18. I used to live in a city called Ballarat, in Vic, Aus, which back in the 1850's ranked number one world wide for its gold output and its home to a lot of gnarly tales and deaths. This may or may not be related to the fact i know a lot of people in Ballarat who have had a "paranormal" experience and the experience im about to mention.

Anyhow, there's a section of Ballarat called "Black Hill" and theres a huge hill in which you can go to "Black Hill Lookout" which peers out across the city, it also has a reputation for being "haunted". One night (well 2-3am) 4 mates and myself drove up there just to chill out. Parked on the East of the lookout (North being the end and nothing but a huge drop more or less) and facing the East, myself and a mate were sitting in the back of the car whilst 3 others were just standing around beside the car.

This is where it gets strange, we were all being loud, mucking round and having fun, when, as i recall, i turned around to look behind the car for no apparent reason. To my surprise there was some random guy strolling along at a constant pace behind the car and heading towards the north. I distinctively remember right at this moment everyone became silent and i was kind of watching this guy in some kind of daze or with some uncontrollable "fixation". Unaware or uncaring of what my mates were doing at this moment i literally watched this guy stroll right to the end of the lookout, straight through wooden barriers and into the darkness.

Now, after the wooden barriers there is about 6 or 7m of a bit of a slope and the odd few trees and besides that there is nowhere else to go except a fall in which no one would survive. By the time i lost sight of this guy i kind of snapped back to reality only to realise my mates were feeling the same way as me which was more or less like "WTF". Reluctant to do so we went and sussed the area out to see if he was there only to find nothing.

I asked them if they recalled hearing the footsteps of this guy and to this day none of us are certain if there was any sound coming from him even though he passed by us within a matter of maters. To the best of my instincts i dont think there was any noise what so ever. We concluded either some guy just committed suicide right in front of us, or, we had witnessed something paranormal.

About a year later i told this story to my Dad having a drunken ramble. Dad being what i consider a fairly intelligent person and open minded to the whole "supernatural/paranormal" thing told me he used to live in a house situated at the bottom of the lookout about 20 years ago. He says, that numerous times whilst being at home doing what ever, a light which was hanging from the roof would randomly start swinging. Also, that atleast a dozen times, he got home and the TV was lifted off the cabinet and laying face down on the ground. I trust his word completely.

Sorry its so long, thanks. :cool: