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Well put. I have been guilty of some of the above actions. I try to be honest and fair but it is hard at times. I find that somebody will be very flip about a belief that I hold dear and then get defensive when their sacred cow is hit. We all do it to an extent. I try to be honest about what I think on any given subject. I'm not always sure of something and I try to say this is my opinion or experience and I could be wrong. I do hope there are people and beings and wisdom "out there" that we don't know yet. I'm not a debunker. But, I am a skeptic when it comes to U.F.O.'s and the E.T. explanation. Not because it absolutely "couldn't " be true. But, because I just don't see any real proof and like some of the actual skeptics on here I have to ask "Where's the beef?" Honestly, statements of "trace" landings and things like that are great for a all night gab fest. I can remember in my youth drinking a few brews and looking up at the stars and having very in depth (to us at the time) conversations about what was "out there" what was God? How far away the stars were. How many planets are populated. It's great and ya never know. But, in actuality I just haven't see anything that causes me to think we are being visited. On the other hand the abduction experience should absolutely be studied by the mental health field. Not because the people who have them are "nuts" because by and large they are very intelligent people. But, the answer may well be in our deepest mind or brain if you prefer. Honestly at this time the U.F.O. question is a very real question of all fields be it psychology, physics or even religion. It's all in play and it's all in flux. But mainstream theologians don't take it seriously because the fundi crowd is way to up in arms over it. Mainstream Psychologist don't study it because, well look what happened to John Mack. He's genius one day and the next they are calling for his job. Actually, the physicist might be the best bet at this time. They have a good notion of just how wild and far out the cosmos really seems to be. But, to the point I do agree. We try to get the last word and we act (including me) like we are the last defense of "truth" and justice and it all depends on getting the last word. :-)