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My collection of up-close Orb/UFO videos on YouTube.

Free episodes:

black sky watch

Skilled Investigator
Here's my latest video showing round vehicles? in the same airspace as conventional aircraft:
I hope you get better playback quality than I get here. I know black and white is hard to take, but add poor playback and it gets really hard to watch. See the whole collection here:
black sky watch
Which two (out of over a dozen) do you think are satellites?
What do you think the others are?
I think most are probably satellites or high flying aircraft except for the ones that went by as streaks which could have been something else like meteors or even insects like fireflies or something else closer to the camera and lit up by another light source. I don't have sufficient information to rules those possibilities out. But whatever the case, unless I missed something, I didn't see anything that was close enough to be sure it was a craft other than the obvious aircraft, and that also performed radically enough to be considered unusual e.g. instantaneous high speed, high angle turns, acceleration, or deceleration. If I missed something like that or something you think is unusual can you please post a time code for it.
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You're at a disadvantage because you were not here to witness these things flying overhead. I can assure you Orb #4 was no more than a mile or two above me, easily seen with the naked eye. Satellites don't get anywhere near that close. And I hope you'll agree it's not an airplane!

So, I'm really wondering why you have avoided commenting on the main thrust of my collection, which is the Orbs that flare. Why is this? Do you think those are normal? When have you seen ANY conventional flying vehicle flare up like my #4?
You're at a disadvantage because you were not here to witness these things flying overhead. I can assure you Orb #4 was no more than a mile or two above me, easily seen with the naked eye. Satellites don't get anywhere near that close. And I hope you'll agree it's not an airplane!

So, I'm really wondering why you have avoided commenting on the main thrust of my collection, which is the Orbs that flare. Why is this? Do you think those are normal? When have you seen ANY conventional flying vehicle flare up like my #4?

Unknown lights that are seen against the starry night sky, and don't travel between anything else, like tall buildings, trees, mountains, another aircraft, or clouds, or make any sound, or show any structure, don't give the viewer enough points of reference to reliably estimate their distance. The best clue is their trajectory and apparent speed against the background, and after watching the sky a lot, one begins to become accustomed to certain things, like satellites, birds, aircraft, meteors, etc. But one can still be fooled by them and other things. So I'd be interested in knowing how you arrived at your distance estimate.

Notwithstanding a convincing explanation as to how you estimated the object's distance, it still looks like a satellite to me. I've seen dozens and dozens and seen many get very bright and suddenly dim. It all depends on how they're reflecting the Sun. Have you ever checked them against a satellite tracker? Plug in the date, time, location and other data into a website like this one: N2YO.com - real time satellite tracking

Maybe you'll get a few unexpected hits :).
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You're at a disadvantage because you were not here to witness these things flying overhead. I can assure you Orb #4 was no more than a mile or two above me, easily seen with the naked eye. Satellites don't get anywhere near that close. And I hope you'll agree it's not an airplane!

So, I'm really wondering why you have avoided commenting on the main thrust of my collection, which is the Orbs that flare. Why is this? Do you think those are normal? When have you seen ANY conventional flying vehicle flare up like my #4?

I have to agree that the orbs that flare so much are very interesting to me. I just don't see any reason for known aircraft to do so and I wonder why any secret test plane would possible draw attention to itself like that?

The thing is of course it's the old 'lights in the sky' which can be debated til the cows come home. What I really find interesting is any object that is obviously going extremely fast but better than that is anything that approaches instant acceleration/deceleration or right-angled turns etc. The things that demonstrate some kind of taming or damping of actual inertial mass.
Thanks for the response...
Oh yea, I agree with you. I can't wait for one to do something radical, like stop and hover. That would do it for me!

But I think I may have one changing direction in my collection. It's hard to see because it turns away from my position. At about one minute into the video is where it moves away. What do you think?

I can't wait for one to do something radical, like stop and hover.

Or separating and rejoining, whirling around each other, even a right-angle turn would do it for me. But obviously, while that would exclude the natural explanation of satellites or aircraft (with landing lights on), it would also make the straightforward extraterrestrial craft one rather questionable. Which is why the general dismissive reaction even in pro anomalous UFO forums seems to be "just lights in the sky, could be anything".

And it does have a point. I guess it's impossible to really tell the actual altitude of these objects in the clear night sky without triangulation. As long as they are flying a straight line at an unchanging speed and not doing any manoeuvering, they can easily be explained as satellites. If they seem to fade out, that could be them entering the earth's shadow or some misty atmospheric layer. If they seem to flare up (and out) they could be Iridium satellites.

But, having said all that, to me, anomalous high-flying light objects are undoubtedly real, and have been reported for centuries (I made a thread here) and I really hope you do get something undeniably anomalous eventually, so, by all means, keep filming and if you do get something interesting, be please post it here. Thanks for the time, money and effort you are investing.
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Thanks for your comment.
"if I get something interesting" ? I think I already have that. Did you look at my post just previous to yours? At the one minute mark or so, do you think the object turns away from me? My opinion it does, so that's changing course, something a satellite can't do.

Also, I think that my Orbs move considerable faster than satellites, and the duration of the flaring is quicker as well. I'll throw in my blog on Iridium satellites here.
Here's how I concluded these are NOT flaring Iridium Satellites. In this video,
an Iridium Satellite takes approximately 90 seconds just to travel the length of the Big Dipper (20 degrees). In another of my videos,
the orb travels from directly above me, to almost the horizon in about 2 minutes (over 70 degrees).
The Iridium would take 5 minutes to travel that distance.

You can rest assured I will keep up the filming. But I have no control over whether they do something any more interesting than they already have.
"if I get something interesting" ? I think I already have that.
Sorry, that was a bad choice of words on my part. What I meant was "if you get more videos with interesting orbs". And I don't doubt when you say that seeing the orbs with the naked eye, they clearly seemed too close for satellites. My point was that people who weren't there, and who are watching the video with no point of reference as to how close these things actually were, will almost certainly go to the Occam's razor conclusion of "nothing anomalous".

The same applies to the vanishing/turning away in your second video. It's hard to relate to that just from the video. Perceived movements of the orb could just be camera movements. And without bearings people will conclude that the "vanishing" effect is most likely just the object disappearing into the earth shadow. One would have to have seen it oneself to say if it was changing direction.

As for the Iridium flares, I actually had been looking at the same "Iridium flares in real time" video you posted, before I wrote that remark and I too thought that they were much slower then those in your footage. That whole paragraph was meant to showcase the typical reaction these videos get most of the time, which was not my reaction when I watched your video. That was more like "probably anomalous but I hope he's not too disappointed when people dismiss the orbs, which they will unless they do something clearly anomalous". Of course, a few of those will do so even then.

As I said, I do believe there are anomalous BOL type objects flying around and that there is actually some good and genuine footage available online demonstrating that fact. It's just a shame that people instinctively want to explain them away and they don't see this footage as the important evidence it constitutes. That's why I can only hope for more clearly anomalous behaviour being captured. Of course you can't control that. That was not what I wanted to express. So keep up the good work but try not to let the overall dismissive reaction it will almost certainly generate get to you.
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Thank you for your excellent responses. They're helping me clarify my position, plus understand the average mindset. With the latter in mind, I think I'll jump ahead here. People that are still reading deserve that.

Imagine there's another civilization around, and they use flying vehicles to get people and things from point A to point B. One problem. The native civilization will be upset if their existance becomes known. So, number one rule while in the air is, stay high enough to be out of their sight (some exceptions allowed).

If you approach my video collection from that point of view, you may see the captures in a whole different way. I'm thinking specifically of my first 3 videos now (Part 1, 2 & 3). They show just how prevalent the round craft are. Polterwurst mentioned Occam's Razor (which to me means, 'the simplest explanation is probably the correct one'). Well... applies here as well.