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My experiences - UFOs

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Japans Underground Robot Army
Stemming back to my early teens I have had sporadic "sightings" of things that I could not explain or rationalize.

The first one was when I was 12 years old visiting my old baby sitter in Northern Ontario, Barry's Bay to be precise. We were driving back from dinner in town to their place, which takes you down some very dark roads through thick forest. I was sitting in the middle of the backseat by myself and my old baby sitter and her husband were up front driving. I was staring up through the Sunroof in the backseat of the SUV b/c I was amazed by all the stars (living in the city, you never get an appreciation of a clear sky without light polution). As I was staring up, a dull red light flew right over the road. No noise, no radiant light, it just glowed dull red and travelled low over the road, no more than 100 ft. by my estimate. It was so fast I wasn't even sure if I saw it, but I still remember it vividly in my mind. Neither my baby sitter or her husband saw a thing.

The next occurance happened while I was in high school, I think it was the summer of 2001. I was laying down in the school football field with two of my friends. We were just star gazing, looking for shooting stars and stuff. My one friend noticed what she thought was a satellite, and when she pointed it out my other friend said she saw another one behind it to the side, and by the time I saw what they saw they had noticed it was three flying in a Triangle shape. This was before I really heard anything about flying triangles so I just thought it was coincidence, until the triangle flew over another star and the inside area of the triangle covered up the star. We watched it till for a few minutes before the lights faded into obscurity.

The next one happened in the summer of 2005 or 2006 I can't remember exactly. It was at an outdoor party in the boons and it was a yearly bash that the host held so there was a big turnout, probably around 300 people at it's peak. At about 1 am someone shouted "what the fuck is that!?" and pointed to the sky and 7 fireballs flying in a tight Flying V formation. Now I'll be the first person to admit that I was wasted on Crown Royal and bongtokes, but there was a good 150-200 people that would have witnessed this "phenomenon". The fireballs flew through the sky, dissapeared, reapeared then dissapeared a few seconds later. It was likely the most impressive thing I've ever seen.

The next happened in July 2008. I was in my friends front lawn with him and two of our other friends. It was about 10pm at night and we were just chillin' out and enjoying the summer night. I was standing looking NE when I saw between 20 and 30 small white balls appear, fly across a section of the sky changing positions/formations and then they dissapeared. I told my friends what I saw and two of the three thought I was joking, but my one friend who is a little more open took my word for it, and as I was explaining it in greater detail to him it happened again in the exact same spot doing (what seemed to me) the same movements as before. This time both him and I saw it before it dissapeared.

The last experience I've had happened in October of 2008. I was in another friends backyard having a cigarette with the one friend that was with me during that last sighting and my friend whos backyard it was. It was far into dusk at this point in time. I was staring SE into the low sky when I saw a light blue/violent bar of light travelling on a 45º angle downward, then a 45º angle upwards, then it just dissapeard, no fade or anything. One second it was there, the next millisecond it wasn't.
If it reminded me of anything, it would be a pong bar in the sky. It looked very far away, but its shape was clear enough to make out easily.

And that's my connection to the paranormal, though I've always had a fascination with outer space it is these experiences that have truly latched me to the issue. If anyone has had similar experiences or could shine some light on what I may have seen I'd love to hear it.
oh, the 2nd, 4th, and 5th incidents occured in Ancaster Ontario, Canada. The 3rd happened in Mt. Hope Ontario, which is where the Hamilton International Airport is (YHM).
Thanks for sharing your stories, that musta been soooo weird to see something like that!

I wish I could see one (And I mean only SEE one, and only the OUTSIDE of one...from kinda far away, lol!) :o
Thanks for sharing your stories, that musta been soooo weird to see something like that!

I wish I could see one (And I mean only SEE one, and only the OUTSIDE of one...from kinda far away, lol!) :o
Ya know, I think I take for granted that not everyone has seen something that could be deemed as Paranormal. I'm glad you liked my stories and it is my pleasure to share them with you.

It's kinda funny, when I was seeing those things, I wasn't thinking that "this is weird, or this is crazy" my honest thoughts on the fireballs and the cluster of white orbs was "maybe this will be the day when they show us they truly exist"

Especially the fireballs, but as previously mentioned, I was wasted.
So these fireballs... you say they blinked out? Like, you could see them travelling at a uniform speed - then suddenly they disappear - then all of a sudden reappear?

Or was it more like they were being obscured by natural formations or something?
The last experience I've had happened in October of 2008. I was in another friends backyard having a cigarette with the one friend that was with me during that last sighting and my friend whos backyard it was.

I've had multiple weird experiences with the same friend. I wonder if there is any significance or if it's just coincidence.
So these fireballs... you say they blinked out? Like, you could see them travelling at a uniform speed - then suddenly they disappear - then all of a sudden reappear?

Or was it more like they were being obscured by natural formations or something?

they travelled through the sky at a uniform speed in a tight formation. They quickly dissapeared, it was not instant, but it was quick, and then shortly after, reappeared. It was a fairly clear night from what I recall and these fireballs were so vivid that there was no way a cloud could have obscured it the way that it did.
I've had multiple weird experiences with the same friend. I wonder if there is any significance or if it's just coincidence.

It is possible, but I hang with this guy a lot and we do a lot of stormwatching together, so I'd say in my instance, it's just coincidence.

We saw green lightning once (actually is was twice in one storm), I still don't know what it was.
It is possible, but I hang with this guy a lot and we do a lot of stormwatching together, so I'd say in my instance, it's just coincidence.

We saw green lightning once (actually is was twice in one storm), I still don't know what it was.

I saw green lightning once just before a major Hurricane, too, it was unforgettable and soooo weird! :eek:
I saw green lightning once just before a major Hurricane, too, it was unforgettable and soooo weird! :eek:

I live in the Great Lakes region of North America, about 50 miles from Toronto. It was during a high wind storm and I'd been told that green clouds are a sign of a tornado, but I'd never heard of green lightning.
I live in the Great Lakes region of North America, about 50 miles from Toronto. It was during a high wind storm and I'd been told that green clouds are a sign of a tornado, but I'd never heard of green lightning.

Actually right before a tornado hits, the atmosphere around you, including all the clouds turn a very noticeable yellow. It's reaaaaally freaky, been very close to being hit by three tornado's in my time, also have been in four major Hurricanes...
Actually right before a tornado hits, the atmosphere around you, including all the clouds turn a very noticeable yellow. It's reaaaaally freaky, been very close to being hit by three tornado's in my time, also have been in four major Hurricanes...
thats crazy! Where do you live?
Right on. I've only been in a hurricane once, and that was when I visited Halifax. It was intense, we went out to a hurricane party down the street and I felt like Anderson Cooper getting blown all over the place.