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My odd encounter.

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Paranormal Adept
Years ago...we're talking maybe 30 or more I worked in a small electronics repair shop. In addition to repairing we also made conversions in formats. At that time the cassette was the most popular medium and so we made lots of conversions from LP to cassette and reel to reel.

These two men walked into the shop one day and wanted me to take some old reel to reel tapes and put them on cassette tape. They both wore sunglasses even inside which I thought was rather strange at the time. In the course of making some small talk somehow the subject went to fighting. I really don't remember how the subject went there but one of these guys did some things that are pretty tough to do for most people. He went all the way down to the floor on one leg and came all the way back up. Unless you have trained , not too many people are capable of that. I had a kind of "shady" feeling around these guys and I don't mean the sunglasses they wore. I got the feeling that they could have very well been part of some kind of organized crime or intelligence.....not the kind of guys to get riled up at you.

A few days after they left the tapes I started the job of transferring them. As it turned out the tapes were a detailed description from someone in Brazil who came up on a small metallic UFO deep in the jungle. I wish I had made another copy now. At the time I kind of blew it all off. The recording sounded like a first hand witness recording, like a field recording a reporter makes. The witness was going into great detail about the UFO and apparently there was a surrounding story connecting the incident. I only heard snippets of the story because I was doing several things at once making it necessary to only occasionally check on the transfer.

I didn't deal with them after that. Someone else checked them out, billed them a lot of money and away they went.

So to this day I have wondered about the whole thing which seemed a bit odd to me and still does........I also got the film projectors to repair from the local porn shop down the street. A nasty story I won't go into right now.
Extremely interesting, thank you for posting it. Did it ever cross your mind to make a copy of the tape, or would that have been a violation of the rules of the shop? I find it interesting that the guys felt the need to show off their physical prowess, very strange indeed.
You mean the part about fixing projectors from the porn shop didn't convince you? Good narratives are all about the details. We're those 8mm, 16mm or 35mm projectors?
Jeff, I would say the men looked to be 30ish...kind of hard to tell behind the big sunglasses. One of the guys was dressed like some kind of Italian giggalo. Open shirt gold chains, boots.

Muadib, It would not have been ok to make a copy of the tape ,at the very least it would have probably been considered stealing property. Still a copy would have been interesting. I was the only one in the technical end at this small shop at the time so I easily could have done so...shoulda, coulda...oh well. Probably did the right thing in the end.

lol, that's ok dying sun you don't have to buy it, but I'm telling you guys it happened.

Burnt state- Believe me I wouldn't make up those projectors from the porn shop. I should have been wearing rubber gloves to work on those things. Between the nicotine and the sticky stuff I should have gotten double time pay......and sometimes they had film stuck in them,but I won't go there. I worked on all three types in addition to electronics repairs. These things are pretty much dinosaurs now. The ones from the porn shop were all 8mm.
What do you mean he went all the way down to the floor on one leg? By that did he balance himself on one leg like a stork, and reach down to pick something up?
I think what is meant spookymulder is that the guy stuck one leg outward and then squatted on the other to the floor. Definitely not an easy feat. What you would see those Russian dancer dudes with the furry hats do with their arms crossed out in front of them.
In the course of making some small talk somehow the subject went to fighting. I really don't remember how the subject went there but one of these guys did some things that are pretty tough to do for most people. He went all the way down to the floor on one leg and came all the way back up. Unless you have trained , not too many people are capable of that. I had a kind of "shady" feeling around these guys and I don't mean the sunglasses they wore. I got the feeling that they could have very well been part of some kind of organized crime or intelligence.....not the kind of guys to get riled up at you.

A few days after they left the tapes I started the job of transferring them. As it turned out the tapes were a detailed description from someone in Brazil who came up on a small metallic UFO deep in the jungle.

So what other physical feats did they perform? Was this some sort of example of personal prowess? What do you remember feeling about them at he time?

And let's hear more of the details of this metal ship, please...

\\ my 16 mm projectors are good friends, alive and well, giving the great joy of many a backyard screening. They are lubricated with care and cleaned with canned air //
Why did you blow it all off at the time? Cause the sun-glassed dudes could kick your ass? Or did it just not seem to be high strange to you at the time?
Yeah one of the guys went down all the way down to the floor on one leg while putting his other leg out in front of him and then came all the way back up in a very controlled way. Try doing it I dare you;)

The other guy was larger and he wasn't showing off anything. A larger man with potato farmer hands. The kind of hands that could grip the top of your head and squeeze your brains out your ear holes.You wouldn't want this guy for a proctologist. A wall kind of a guy,would have made a great line backer. I tended to notice the smaller guy more because he was the one putting on the show.

Burnt, they didn't hang around there long. We just talked a few minutes, somehow got onto the subject of fighting/protection , the guy did a little show, they dropped off the tapes and left. I didn't ask any questions other than the ones that pertained to the business.

As to my reasons for blowing it off. I had thought that these guys were into sci fi and had some old radio tapes or something. I figured this was part of a series of some kind as there were several hours of tape there. It was only afterward that I started to wonder about it because of the recordings sounding like a real witness talking into a reporters recorder on location....could have been something made up on radio. Then I started to wonder why anyone would spend that much money to transfer some old scifi tapes..and afterwards remembered the story I heard some of about the space ships.

I remember the description being about a smaller ship and the occupants were regular to that area for awhile if I got the jist of the recordings correct. This was way out in the jungle somewhere in South America/Brazil. These ships seemed to be only large enough to carry one and maybe two people, shuttle ships perhaps?...I didn't hang around and listen to all of it because I was busy and at the time I thought it was some kind of reenacted fiction...still could have been, but things just didn't seem quite right about either those guys or about the fact that two rather unusual grown men came in from who knows where to spend a lot of money to have a bunch of fiction transferred. Maybe it was more of the feeling that I got from them....kind of odd.

Might have been nothing at all. Does anyone here know of any fictional radio shows that aired at least 30 years ago that concern airships coming and going to and from the deep jungle in South America? Maybe a series or a long story?
What do you mean he went all the way down to the floor on one leg? By that did he balance himself on one leg like a stork, and reach down to pick something up?
It is a well known fact that members of "organized crime or intelligence" wear sunglasses and are very skilled at one legged squat thrusts. :rolleyes:
I think the only take away from brushes with the strange and the uncanny is the feelings we are left with - the oddness. If these characters were in on anything special by way of a unique profession, they would certainly have their own equipment to complete transfers. So as to motive and sources one can only hope that this is indicative of something much stranger than gov't. I kept trying to think of how the mob woud be able to use the whole UFO thing to their advantage, but outside of using alien ships to smuggle contraband I could not think of anything plausible.
I can easily see how that if the mob had something happening in the jungle they might have stumbled onto something.

Did anyone else see the stories about the mob building their own submarines? In the show I watched they found some of these small subs deep in the jungle where the mob had cocaine operations. One of the subs found was very sophisticated.

The mob goes to the kinds of places that people don't tend to venture into very often. Like the deep jungles of Brazil. What else have they found there?