Paranormal Adept
It all starts in 1987, I was 5 years old and I was playing by myself in the basement of my parents condominium. Considering that I was 5, I have limited memories of this situation I just remember bits and pieces of what happened, the rest I've been able to piece together talking with my mother. Apparently, I was pretending to drive a race car by sitting with my feet up against the wall, I don't know if I had some kind of play steering wheel or whatever but I remember taking a key that I had found and putting it in an electrical outlet, mimicking someone putting a key in a cars ignition. I remember being thrown across the room, I don't know whether that really happened or not, I kind of doubt it. I also remember running upstairs afterwards and asking my mother if she had kicked me in the back? My mother, however, has a completely different memory of the situation, she says that after running upstairs and telling her what I had done, I proceeded to tell her that an "angel" had saved me. I have no recollection whatsoever of saying anything like that but she insists that's what I said. Given the fact that I was 5 years old and had been electrocuted, I'm more inclined to trust her memories than I am my own. What actually happened I'll probably never know, needless to say afterwards my parents put outlet protectors on all the outlets. I suffered no permanent damage that I know of, though some of my ex girlfriends would probably tell you that my brain was damaged. 
My next strange experience took place when I was 12 years old, this was during the summer months of 1995 (my birthday is in September) I remember waking up in the middle of the night, scared out of my mind. I had no idea why, I had no involvement with aliens or abductions or anything of the sort, I just remember being terrified and trying to wake my brother up who I shared a room with. Looking at the clock it was around 3am and I couldn't figure out where this feeling of terror was coming from. I thought it was strange that my brother wouldn't wake up but I just laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. All of the sudden, my room was full of light and I couldn't move, I had never experienced anything like this before, I remember trying to scream but being unable to do so. I was paralyzed, laying on my back watching shadows moving on the ceiling, needless to say I was completely terrified and couldn't figure out where this light was coming from. All of the sudden, I was able to move again, I jumped out of bed and looked at the clock and it said it was now 5:30am, so somehow I could have lost around 2 and a half hours. My parents were divorced at the time so I ran down the hallway to my mothers room and got in bed with her, which woke her up, and I remember crying and being unable to talk about what had just happened. My mother was confused but she let me stay in the room with her and I remember falling back to sleep eventually. During the next couple of months I wouldn't talk about what happened and I was terrified of going to sleep at night, many nights I wound up getting in bed with my mother. I had no idea what any of this meant, but during this period I started watching a TV show called X Files. I remember watching the episode with Duane Berry and being completely and utterly terrified by the shows depiction of Greys, and the depiction of Berry's abduction. I mean terrified to the point of being in tears. I decided that my experience may have been alien related (I was 12) so I started reading books about aliens and abductions. I remember coming across Communion by Whitley Streiber and being shaken to the core by the entity depicted on the cover, I remember taking the dust jacket off the book and hiding it so I wouldn't have to look at that painting. I read in the books about strange markings and to this day I have a perfect triangle on my shoulder made up of three brown dots, and a potential scoop mark on my right shin. Also, a few months later, I remember being in my kitchen watching what looked like a red point of light moving around the room.
Well, being that I was 12 years old the whole thing had me terrified but at the same time intrigued and I began my life long obsession with UFO's and the paranormal. I'd like to state that I have never since had any kind of experience like that, and no sleep paralysis. I finally told my mom what I thought happened and she took me to a psychiatrist who laughed me out of her office, which probably contributed to my views on authority figures and the giant egos of some of those involved in the medical/psychiatric profession. I have had what I feel are genuine UFO sightings both before and after this episode but nothing up close. Once on a vacation in the Orlando, Florida area and a few over Lake Erie, Ohio. With age comes wisdom and these days I feel that I may have had a simple hypnopompic hallucination, but I don't know. I'm not afraid to say that and I've always been a bit suspicious of hypnosis as a method of investigation so I've never been hypnotized. I may never know what happened and that's OK but I think I'll be interested in this subject until the day I die, which will hopefully be a very long time from now. So anyway that's my story and that's how I got into the subjects of ufology and the paranormal. Thanks for reading.

My next strange experience took place when I was 12 years old, this was during the summer months of 1995 (my birthday is in September) I remember waking up in the middle of the night, scared out of my mind. I had no idea why, I had no involvement with aliens or abductions or anything of the sort, I just remember being terrified and trying to wake my brother up who I shared a room with. Looking at the clock it was around 3am and I couldn't figure out where this feeling of terror was coming from. I thought it was strange that my brother wouldn't wake up but I just laid back down and tried to go back to sleep. All of the sudden, my room was full of light and I couldn't move, I had never experienced anything like this before, I remember trying to scream but being unable to do so. I was paralyzed, laying on my back watching shadows moving on the ceiling, needless to say I was completely terrified and couldn't figure out where this light was coming from. All of the sudden, I was able to move again, I jumped out of bed and looked at the clock and it said it was now 5:30am, so somehow I could have lost around 2 and a half hours. My parents were divorced at the time so I ran down the hallway to my mothers room and got in bed with her, which woke her up, and I remember crying and being unable to talk about what had just happened. My mother was confused but she let me stay in the room with her and I remember falling back to sleep eventually. During the next couple of months I wouldn't talk about what happened and I was terrified of going to sleep at night, many nights I wound up getting in bed with my mother. I had no idea what any of this meant, but during this period I started watching a TV show called X Files. I remember watching the episode with Duane Berry and being completely and utterly terrified by the shows depiction of Greys, and the depiction of Berry's abduction. I mean terrified to the point of being in tears. I decided that my experience may have been alien related (I was 12) so I started reading books about aliens and abductions. I remember coming across Communion by Whitley Streiber and being shaken to the core by the entity depicted on the cover, I remember taking the dust jacket off the book and hiding it so I wouldn't have to look at that painting. I read in the books about strange markings and to this day I have a perfect triangle on my shoulder made up of three brown dots, and a potential scoop mark on my right shin. Also, a few months later, I remember being in my kitchen watching what looked like a red point of light moving around the room.
Well, being that I was 12 years old the whole thing had me terrified but at the same time intrigued and I began my life long obsession with UFO's and the paranormal. I'd like to state that I have never since had any kind of experience like that, and no sleep paralysis. I finally told my mom what I thought happened and she took me to a psychiatrist who laughed me out of her office, which probably contributed to my views on authority figures and the giant egos of some of those involved in the medical/psychiatric profession. I have had what I feel are genuine UFO sightings both before and after this episode but nothing up close. Once on a vacation in the Orlando, Florida area and a few over Lake Erie, Ohio. With age comes wisdom and these days I feel that I may have had a simple hypnopompic hallucination, but I don't know. I'm not afraid to say that and I've always been a bit suspicious of hypnosis as a method of investigation so I've never been hypnotized. I may never know what happened and that's OK but I think I'll be interested in this subject until the day I die, which will hopefully be a very long time from now. So anyway that's my story and that's how I got into the subjects of ufology and the paranormal. Thanks for reading.