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My UFO encounter - OHIO

Free episodes:

Mike T

Paranormal Novice
First off, please excuse any improper English/typing as I have a broken finger in a split at the moment.
In the mid 1990's I was working at a place in Columbus Ohio - which is located in the middle of the state - and lived in a small town west of Columbus. I was working 2nd shift, which means I would get off work 1130PM to midnight each night. During a few weeks in the summer of that particular year (1996 maybe?), off to the west of Columbus myself and several co-workers noticed three lights that appeared every night.Each light performed a specific action/traveled a specific path.
Through my front windshield, the light on the left would move slowly (what appeared to be up) in the sky for a while, then slightly turn and move down towards the horizon. Once it got to a specific point, it would turn and go back up.
The 2nd light would travel from right to left along the horizon in the same manner, except, when it turned around to travel back to the right side of the horizon, it would disappear and almost instantaneously appear on the right side of the horizon. At which point it would slowly travel to the left.
The 3rd light traveled up and down like the first light, but on the right side of the horizon. These lights repeated these patterns every night for weeks. But this night, things would be slightly different.
One summer night, the moon was almost 100% full, and there were no clouds, on my way home I decided I really wanted to know what these lights were. SO As I drove home late at night, I decided that everytime I would turn my car in the directions of the lights (or basically west) I would flash my bright lights. My thinking here, correct or not, was that these flashing lights would attract the attention of whatever these things were. About 20-25 minutes into my drive, I noticed that the light on the right started to get bigger (as if it was coming towards me) while it crested the top of its cycle and started back down. I found a old dirt access road to a farmer's field and decided to pull into the access road and park my car towards the lights. I continued to flash my brights. After a few minutes, the light on the right got bigger and bigger and bigger until I could make out a shape. I purposefully left my car, radio and lights on, got out of the car for a better look (I left everything on as I've heard UFOs cause cars to stall etc so I was wanting to see if this would happen to me). As I got out of the car, I saw whatever it was in full view: Because there really wasn't anything close to my car at the time, I can only estimate the size/distance of the object, but it appeared to be 50-60 feet long and 100-150 feet above me. Imagine a rain drop shape, but laying on its side with the round end facing me/east and the rear end tapering to a point facing away from me/west. It had wings swept back at a probable 40-45° angle.It had no typical tail fins like an airplane or helicopter. It was either black/dark grey or dark blue. Its body looked to be covered in a texture of a mish-mash of hashtags (#) but I could only see the very front of it as it was the most illuminated part due to it facing the moon's reflection. Along the leading edges of both wings there were lines of dim yellow circles that appeared to be illuminated from within (windows?) and at the tip of each wing, and at the front of the object, were even dimmer yellow/white lights that looked like stationary spot lights (though the lights didn't seem to reach the ground).
This thing drifted directly over me with no noise at all. I watched it drift over my car (which experienced no electircal interference at all) towards the east. Once it passed fully over my head, I turned to check out the other 2 lights - they were doing the same thing as before. I turned back around to see what the big object was doing and it was totally gone from view. For the time I took my eyes off the big object, looked at the other lights, then refocused back to the main object, was bout 1-2 seconds. Remember there were no clouds, no real wind to speak of, and a full moon behind me this night. It was totally gone - not to be seen anywhere. I was stunned and drove on home. The remainder of the drive, I could only see the light on the left and the light on the bottom of the horizon - the third light never reappeared that night.
All 3 lights were back the following night, but the lights only continued for another few days, then they just stopped.
Oddly enough, the lights were in the direction of Dayton Ohio, which is were Wright Patt Base is located. Coincidence? Maybe maybe not.
But from that point on, I carried a camcorder and binoculars in my car for a while.
Outstanding report! UFOs truly boggle the mind. The most wonderful thing about having an extended sighting like the one you have described here is the personally reinforced notion that what you saw was not just a blob of light in the sky, a planet or a star, but rather something that you took your time observing. I state "personally' to emphasize the fact that although your observation in and of itself provides no proof of anything, in terms of reflecting on your experience you KNOW beyond the slightest doubt that within your own best and lingering determination that night, that you witnessed "something absolutely remarkable". And although that "something" was completely unknown to you and most probably the rest of us, what you witnessed represents no less of a healthy cognitive observation based experience than it would have been if what you witnessed were to have been something as mundane as a balloon or a helicopter. This in and of itself is something that NO ONE can take away from you.

Thanks for sharing!