Skilled Investigator
In Rowan County, NC, in 1991, when I was 10 years old, I witnessed a Black Triangle shaped UFO, with three red lights, which exactly resembles the one in this drawing (which is an artist rendition of the same type of UFO spotted in Jackson County, NC, in 1986) ...
What happened, was my step dad, mother, brother, step brother, and step sister, and I, were all riding down the road towards home, when my step dad noticed this object in the sky, and stopped the car, and told us all to look.
It was probably several hundred feet or so up in the air, well above the trees. It was totally motionless (or going too slow for us to notice it moving). It was totally silent. We could clearly see that it was a black triangle, and that it had three red lights on it (in the exact positions in that drawing).
We watched it for several minutes, then headed back down the road towards home. Then we decided to turn back around to watch it again, and by the time we got back there, it was gone. I do distinctly remember seeing what looked like smoke or a small cloud or vapor in the small area of the sky that it had previously been. (It was a cloudless night.)
Now, as for my grandmother's UFO experience (this was my other grandmother, on my father's side, a different grandmother than the one I wrote about in my previous thread) ...
She walked out the back door of her house, at night, and saw a UFO hovering above the trees. She said it was very bright, and that it looked like a "city in the sky". (Her words). That's all the information she gave me. She was quite shocked from it and confused by it, and wanted to know what she had seen. (She passed away several years ago, so I can't get anymore information on this sighting from her. That's all she would tell me about it at the time.)

What happened, was my step dad, mother, brother, step brother, and step sister, and I, were all riding down the road towards home, when my step dad noticed this object in the sky, and stopped the car, and told us all to look.
It was probably several hundred feet or so up in the air, well above the trees. It was totally motionless (or going too slow for us to notice it moving). It was totally silent. We could clearly see that it was a black triangle, and that it had three red lights on it (in the exact positions in that drawing).
We watched it for several minutes, then headed back down the road towards home. Then we decided to turn back around to watch it again, and by the time we got back there, it was gone. I do distinctly remember seeing what looked like smoke or a small cloud or vapor in the small area of the sky that it had previously been. (It was a cloudless night.)
Now, as for my grandmother's UFO experience (this was my other grandmother, on my father's side, a different grandmother than the one I wrote about in my previous thread) ...
She walked out the back door of her house, at night, and saw a UFO hovering above the trees. She said it was very bright, and that it looked like a "city in the sky". (Her words). That's all the information she gave me. She was quite shocked from it and confused by it, and wanted to know what she had seen. (She passed away several years ago, so I can't get anymore information on this sighting from her. That's all she would tell me about it at the time.)