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Mysterious Fake Cellphone Towers Are Intercepting Calls All Over The US

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Kind of makes me wonder how you get an FCC license to operate a cell tower and how closely they monitor.
Not that this makes it much better, but it looks like the use of the word "tower" isn't really accurate:
Rumor Check: Those Fake Cellphone ‘Towers’ You’re Hearing About Aren’t Necessarily Towers at All | Video | TheBlaze.com

I go back to a time my car broke down in college. I was in a small town in Alabama and we got a ride with a police officer to the mechanic for a tow. This was back in the day when you could hear wireless phones over the upper and lower bands of a radio. When I got in his car, I realized he was listening in to someone's conversation not the patrol dispatch (I heard someone say hello, then heard what are you doing, blah blah). I didn't really think much about it at the time. Looking back at it now I realize that he probably believed since he was the law, the law didn't apply to him. Kind of like when they pull you over late at night and shove the flashlight in to your face hoping to trip the passive alcohol sensors even without probable cause.