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Mystery Lights Over Russia Daytime

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Pretty much just lights in the sky, no?

Hence the title I imagine.

These appear to be a large array of bright lights pretty far away from the camera. Is it as far away as he seems to indicate at the end of the video? If so it seems to be more than a simple array of balloons with flares or something. The fact that they don't move and are brought in and out of focus makes me think they are real objects in the sky. I guess they could be a reflection on glass in front of the camera but it seems unlikely at first blush.

They are mysterious lights in the sky.
Definitely not. But nothing unexplainable either. Maybe flares? There's not much movement, nothing that looks out of the ordinary.

We had a similar "sighting" in Germany in the 90s (the Greifswald "UFOs"). The explanation given was that the Russian military had been spending ammunition leftovers in an exercise. But allegedly some of these things were burning for more than half an hour. And there was some strange movement (lights circling one another).

Dunno, I am seeing one of the lights moving from right to left at quite a speed. Why anyone would be letting off a cluster of flares like that - I'm presuming it is not a regular occurrence because once a week here just offshore the Oil platform rescue boats test flares.
Perhaps someone got hold of some and was having fun. Doesn't look particularly 'military' to me and the one moving laterally is no flare. Being from 1990 I tend to think it is not a deliberate UFO hoax. Undecided as with 99.9% of these vids.:confused:
Interesting, but in no way is this an indication of an a alien visit.

One light just above the cluster of other lights to me it looks like it blinks out (goes small) and then reappears again trying to reform its original shape.That's odd. Good footage, but at the end of the day, there maybe is a prosaic explanation to be found here.

I've experienced strange lights in one of my UFO experiences, but the lights i saw caused an atmospheric event with the sky. The only thing i have found that resembled my sighting or least i could compare it to really. Would be some of the footage Dorothy Izzat filmed. Things i have seen on her film i saw.