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Mythbusters Do Moon Landing Hoax

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I'd like to see that. Thanks!

I remember seeing a documentary on the moon hoax once. They made a compelling arguement, but you had to accept all their "evidence" at face value. If their evidence is 100% valid, than yes, it is proof that NASA lied about the moon landing. However, the problem is I have no way of verifying if anyone on that show was a rlegitimate witness, or just an actor playing a role (like in the alien autopsy video). It would be interesting to see what the Mythbusters have to say about it.
There was a documentary done last year that thoroughly (and easily) debunked every whacky claim in the moon hoax handbook by simply setting up a moon landscape with a dude in a space suit and a single light and camera set up. The moon hoax is up there with the Meier stuff on the "duh" level of debunkability (new word!)
There was a documentary done last year that thoroughly (and easily) debunked every whacky claim in the moon hoax handbook by simply setting up a moon landscape with a dude in a space suit and a single light and camera set up. The moon hoax is up there with the Meier stuff on the "duh" level of debunkability (new word!)

Yea!, what he said.:p
The documentary I saw had a few interesting elements. The evidence they showed included alleged proof of alternate light sources in the photographs and film footage of the astronauts exploring the moon surface, two pictures of an identical moonscape (down to every rock) where one included the lander and one did not, and an alleged member of Russian space program who claimed there is a belt of radiation between the Earth and the moon that would have been lethal to the American astronauts, and could not have been adequately shielded by the thin walls of the lunar lander.

As such, I'd like to see what Mythbusters has to say, but this episode is not showing in Canada tonight. :mad:
I'd like to see that. Thanks!

I remember seeing a documentary on the moon hoax once. They made a compelling arguement, but you had to accept all their "evidence" at face value. If their evidence is 100% valid, than yes, it is proof that NASA lied about the moon landing. However, the problem is I have no way of verifying if anyone on that show was a rlegitimate witness, or just an actor playing a role (like in the alien autopsy video). It would be interesting to see what the Mythbusters have to say about it.

That's like asking was there really a conflict in vietnam. We lost good men in both endeavours. It's a slap in the face of their' families and their' memory to suggest otherwise.:frown:
That's like asking was there really a conflict in vietnam. We lost good men in both endeavours. It's a slap in the face of their' families and their' memory to suggest otherwise.:frown:

That's selective. We lost good and bad men.

Slaps in the face is the price of true freedom, which America doesn't stand for.
David! What is your take on the shadows in the photos and the whole thing in general?


David basically stays away from these threads. I usually do too, other than to make wise cracks. But, I have a feeling he might drop a few lines in for you. You weren't around when the initial threads started etc.
LOL, Ok, so Aaron what is your honest take on it? I'm on the fence here, I've always believed we landed on the moon,,,but the contrary evidence has always left me wondering, just enough to put some doubt in my mind. Then if so,,,Why?

LOL, Ok, so Aaron what is your honest take on it? I'm on the fence here, I've always believed we landed on the moon,,,but the contrary evidence has always left me wondering, just enough to put some doubt in my mind. Then if so,,,Why?


What photos are you referring too? I haven't watched the show yet.
Just watched the episode and it was really well done (as usual). They sure did piss all over conspiracy theories but the most convincing (for me at least and even before watching this episode) was the last experiment- the prism on the moon. Retroreflectors are the most definitive proof that man was on the moon.
, and an alleged member of Russian space program who claimed there is a belt of radiation between the Earth and the moon that would have been lethal to the American astronauts, and could not have been adequately shielded by the thin walls of the lunar lander.
I haven't watched the episode yet so don't know if they talked about it, but what you are referring to is the Van Allen belts. They are big sort of bands of radiation and the major concern is electronic mishap. While radiation can pass through the lunar vehicles, it is about the time that humans are exposed to radiation.

Radiation is a cumulative thing. It was only a couple hours the astronauts were in this region. While several days could be lethal, this wasn't the case and NASA knew about this potential danger. Like I said the biggest concern is disrupting or knocking out the electronic circuitry disabling the vehicle. Satellites have been affected and the Hubble telescope I believe powers down when approaching such areas of radiation.

I used to question the moon landings. But now I am convinced we have been there. Witness testimony says a lot I think (along with hard evidence). And when you listen to these astronauts tell of their experiences, they are so vivid, so honestly true, so life-changing, that I can't believe they are lying. They speak of something that very few have ever or will ever experience. And you can hear this unbelievably unique experience come out as they speak.
We have landed on the moon, so i cant understand why this conspiracy still has legs.There is just too many facts to deny it! However with the ufo field it is mainly evidence not facts! but off course before i get ahead of myself with this, alot of the evidence is highly credible.:)
I finally got a chance to watch this.

What a great episode!

They couldn't deal with every Moon Hoax claim (because there are so many of them), but they did deal with all of the major claims and busted all of them in such a way that made it really easy to understand.

Just outstanding. I highly recommend that everyone check it out.
The moon landings happened fully stop. what is interesting to me is what happened to Armstrong, what did he see on the moon. Did he see something that the other guys did not,i think it is kind of strange.

Agreed, I think something may have happened up there, Buzz made a few references if I remember correctly.
