I'm sure everyone's heard this already but I'll post anyway.
This is only significant because liquid water is a prerequisit for life as far as many scientists believe.
My reaction to this? No shit Sherlock! Let's all pretend to be surprised that there's water there like it's an amazing discovery. We've only been seeing the Martian polar caps for how many decades now? We've photographed it receding and refreezing for decades as well.
If anyone has been paying attention to the attitude of NASA regarding the acknowledge something so silly as exterrestrial water is like pulling teeth. Let's not even go there when it comes to admitting that there may be life outside of Earth. This general attitude sickens me really.
Remember the Martian rocks that supposedly contained fossilized microbes and mineral formations indicative of life? Squashed.
Sorry, but I just have to vent. In all other respects I admire NASA for their work but this just boils my blood. The only water I'd like to see is some waterboarding of some gov officials to have a more open attitude toward the possibility of life outside this little marble. It just doesn't seem like they are trying very hard to find life beyond Earth. We've got a little moon called Europa that seems to be covered by a frozen ocean but we are not to anxious to go land a probe there.
This is only significant because liquid water is a prerequisit for life as far as many scientists believe.
My reaction to this? No shit Sherlock! Let's all pretend to be surprised that there's water there like it's an amazing discovery. We've only been seeing the Martian polar caps for how many decades now? We've photographed it receding and refreezing for decades as well.
If anyone has been paying attention to the attitude of NASA regarding the acknowledge something so silly as exterrestrial water is like pulling teeth. Let's not even go there when it comes to admitting that there may be life outside of Earth. This general attitude sickens me really.
Remember the Martian rocks that supposedly contained fossilized microbes and mineral formations indicative of life? Squashed.
Sorry, but I just have to vent. In all other respects I admire NASA for their work but this just boils my blood. The only water I'd like to see is some waterboarding of some gov officials to have a more open attitude toward the possibility of life outside this little marble. It just doesn't seem like they are trying very hard to find life beyond Earth. We've got a little moon called Europa that seems to be covered by a frozen ocean but we are not to anxious to go land a probe there.