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Need clarification on a term: 'Reptillians'

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So I think Ive misinterpreted this Ufological/alien phenomena term. Common types of beings reported are the Greys; Nordic; Reptillians; Praying Mantis-type; Human-looking etc...

I always thought when people talked about "reptillians" they were describing big humanoid-lizard creatures. But recently Ive been aware that some describe the so-called eyes of the Greys as like bug eyes, and that they have reptile-esque skin.

Are the Greys and the Reptillians one and the same, and its just a matter of terminology? Or are they different?
I get the impression that the physical forms they appear to us in may be the equivalent of a diving suit. They have to "put on" a body to interact with this plane of existence. The form they assume may have to do with the particular assignment they're on, or maybe they are just different 'brands.'

"Honey, we're all out of cow anus. Can you run to Earth and grab some more?"

"Yes, dear...but I'm wearing the Sasquatch suit this time. The grey one got thrashed by a long-horn last time I went to Texas."
ive always taken the term to mean the tall lizard men type, often wearing a hooded robe

on the idea that ET's might have to "put on" a body in order to function on our plane....

"The Singularity Is Near, scheduled for release next year, is a film based on the ideas of computer scientist Ray Kurzweil, who has posited that humans will eventually achieve a form of immortality by transferring a digital blueprint of their brain into a computer or robot."

they would if they have already gone down this path.............
I always thought when people talked about "reptillians" they were describing big humanoid-lizard creatures.

This "6-7ft tall humanoid lizard" description comes from people like John Rhodes in USA. British author D. Icke's "shapeshifting reptilians" which in his opinion include Bush Sr and the Queen of England. These ideas are reproduced in Wikipedia, english language TV productions and the UFO seminar circuit.

Wikimedia Error
Reptoids - What Do They Look Like?

I've looked into their material and quite frankly can find no basis for these stories.

In Oct-2007 in my UFO occupants web-page (right column, top to bottom), I offered the idea of amphibian "reptilian" humanoid entities and consider possible links with various folktales.
ive always taken the term to mean the tall lizard men type, often wearing a hooded robe
Have you seen these guys? I've seen some hooded entities, but I couldn't see their faces, and I couldn't tell their height from my vantage point.
WRT "hooded entities", copying from the Web-page above:

  • In Art Bell's C2C 27-Sep-2003 with David Jacobs and Budd Hopkinks, near the end @ 1hr48min, caller "Peggy" age 51 from Bloomington Indiana (note: near Monroe Lake), talks about vivid memories of "people" coming and "taking her away." "brown hooded, like robe all the way down to their feet, like one-piece garment. Lower bodies -thighs- heavier than upper bodies. Moved like knees permanently bent, instead of walking they more like shuffled and rolled(?) from side to side." "Door opened, little guy came-in, ugly, misshapen funny looking."
  • Story by "Jim G" London, UK relayed by Martin Jasek of UFO*BC. Although centered around "praying mantis"-type being, it also includes the description of two of another type: "hooded, 3ft tall, misshapen, slimy, with loose skin, bloated bellies, black shiny eyes and two holes for nose" more

PS: I've found many similar stories.
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um folks I dunno what to think of this thread. David Icke would probably weigh in if he could , but I wonder how the Hooded Alien reptile people keep warm? I mean do they go lay on a rock somewhere like a regular lizard? Are they related to the lizards my cat use to catch, eat and throw up in front of me when I lived in Lake Havasu in AZ?

Lower bodies -thighs- heavier than upper bodies. Moved like knees permanently bent, instead of walking they more like shuffled and rolled(?) from side to side.

Watch the movie The Arrival. I bet this person did.

So I think Ive misinterpreted this Ufological/alien phenomena term. Common types of beings reported are the Greys; Nordic; Reptillians; Praying Mantis-type; Human-looking etc...

I think my head just assploded. Please stop. :redface:
David Icke?


No really, fukin why?

He is a douche. Sorry, but it's troo. I caught lear and him &*&&**(* ing.

David Icke. For those who think the flippin bible is too much like reality. Some one kicked him in the head when he played soccer. REALLY HARD. I'm amazed that people buy his books. They were kicked in the head worse, but, not in a coma. Mystery to me.
David Icke. For those who think the flippin bible is too much like reality. Some one kicked him in the head when he played soccer.

Funny you should mention the Bible...remember when he announced in an interview that he was the son of God?
That even exceeds the usual excessive self-regard of third-rate sports presenters.

Icke is one of many reasons why I cringe when anybody mentions "reptilians". Others include: if they are truly alien (at least not products of the local biosphere) then terms like "reptilian" are misleading and unhelpful, also (as Sarah would say), this terminology is too often used as part of the menagerie cited by the loons who claim they know how many alien races there are and where they come from.
Or to put it another way: it has the stench of very bad pulp Sci Fi (about L. Ron Hubbard standard).

If any of the reports of so-called reptilians have a factual basis, it does not mean that the creatures seen have anything in common with terrestrial reptiles (and yeah I know I probably don't need to point that out). Imagine that you see something completely um, alien to your experience - the brain will try to find a box to put it in, because that's what the brain does. The tendency of the mind to apply interpretation is a problem with all eye-witness testimony, but in the case of people who witness alien beings it pretty much pees in the swimming pool of perception.
If people feel the need for some sort of taxonomy and believe there's sufficient evidence to develop one (really, really, freakin'-goddamn-really dubious IMO), I think that rather than using terms like "reptilian", "insectoid" and so on, it would be much more useful to use something like "Type 1", "Type 2" (or "Type 1a") and so on. Not sexy at all (and sadly unpoetic), but crucially not loaded with assumptions.

Disclaimer: When I say "alien" I mean "Not from around here", at least as we normally understand "here": in using the word, I'm not necessarily assuming the ETH (as I've said elsewhere, I think we're dealing with a grab-bag of different phenomena, which may include extraterrestrials).
So I think Ive misinterpreted this Ufological/alien phenomena term. Common types of beings reported are the Greys; Nordic; Reptillians; Praying Mantis-type; Human-looking etc...

I always thought when people talked about "reptillians" they were describing big humanoid-lizard creatures. But recently Ive been aware that some describe the so-called eyes of the Greys as like bug eyes, and that they have reptile-esque skin.

Are the Greys and the Reptillians one and the same, and its just a matter of terminology? Or are they different?

Ya this is a good question Gareth. I guess it depends on the experience? How do certain individuals percieve the entitys? The Greys may be indeed be the Reptillians, just say must of the more extreme reports of Reptillians are fake!!! perhaps the remaining reports are just greys, but through the eyes of the person haveing the encounter, the Greys look Reptillian in appearance.
If any of the reports of so-called reptilians have a factual basis, it does not mean that the creatures seen have anything in common with terrestrial reptiles

I know Kevin, I was just being a smart ass with my previous post. Sorry I just can't seem to be serious about Reptilian, Praying Mantis, Nordic Greys zipping around anal probing people. I call shenanigans on these people.
I know Kevin, I was just being a smart ass with my previous post. Sorry I just can't seem to be serious about Reptilian, Praying Mantis, Nordic Greys zipping around anal probing people. I call shenanigans on these people.

Of course, the anal probing isn't what people think it is...it's those pesky Praying Mantis aliens laying eggs.

Then they hatch in the sewers, of course.
The UFOs that aren't carrying Insectoid Inseminators are naturally piloted by Nordic Nannies (all called Helga, including the males), which collect the juveniles from the sewers.

So it's all just a life cycle thing - mystery solved.
Now can we get back to the Lesbian Vampires?
Basically I'm done here, because evidently there's no interest in discussing the subject seriously, between people who have spent the time to familiarize themselves with the literature.

However, as I noted in my last post in the thread, I've located many cases where people describe possibly similar (bipedal, brown or grey, 3-4ft tall etc) entities and that was what kept my interest going.


1/ from MUFON journal, the case of Vicky Hoyle (pseud.?) of 1994. Her sketch

Note: the flexed feet, skinny limbs, facial features and other characteristics.

2/ Going as far back as 1957, a book by Leonard Springfield, which was OCRed and uploaded last year on NICAP's website:
"But, most significant perhaps, and contrary to newspaper talk, was that in no one incident were the bipeds described as green.<sup>43</sup> In all, they were described variously as brown, tan or gray. While there were also minor variances in the description of the "skin" as being hairy or rough, and the "hands" being claw-like or rake-like, the widest divurgence of reported features were those describing the head and face. In some, the eyes were luminous and lemurian or "as large as saucers", in others, they were bird-like, small or normal."

Src: Inside Saucer Post 3-0 Blue

Basically I'm done here, because evidently there's no interest in discussing the subject seriously, between people who have spent the time to familiarize themselves with the literature.

Sorry Reptilian, Nordic and praying Mantis creatures are not something I take seriously. The literature (and I use the turn loosely) you speak off is a ridiculous collection of Icke, Horn, Leer, Adamski, and Greer speak. Its poison in the well. I couldn't image at any time something like this being discussed with a straight face on The Paracast.