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Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missile S

Free episodes:

Frank Warren

The UFO Chronicles
Greetings All,

As a prelude to the upcoming press conference as promised researcher, Robert Hastings has released essential excepts, of never before published audio taped interviews with former military personnel who confirm UFO activity at some of our nation's former defensive nuclear missile sites.

The audio tapes are embedded in Hastings' most recent article/rebuttal to debunker James T Carlson's ad hominem attacks against Hastings & Bob Salas; some of Carlson's vitriol appeared in a publicized letter to Senator Tom Udall and include:

". . . and believe that political agendas of this sort should not hinge on the lies of men who make a respectable wage by frightening as many people as possible; they generate paranoia for money."

". . . coupled with strong proof that this conference is based primarily on easily disputed arguments and undeniable lies that have no basis in historical values is the point of this communication."

"We're not simply claiming that these men are lying; we have repeatedly proven that they have lied. "

'every word that Robert Salas and Robert Hastings have ever said on the subject has been repeatedly discounted or proven outright to be lies and embellishments created for the purpose of making money from the sales of their books, associated videos, and the speaking fees they charge as a matter of course when retelling their ridiculous little folk tales. "
In a general response Hastings writes:

Hundreds of declassified U.S. government documents, routinely released or accessed via the Freedom of Information Act, reveal ongoing UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites, as early as 1948. Over the past 37 years, I have interviewed over 120 former or retired U.S. military personnel regarding their involvement in such incidents. Some of them involved apparent tampering with nuclear missiles on the part of whomever was piloting these mysterious craft.

. . . On September 27, 2010, six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man will participate in a press conference I am co-hosting at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. , at which time they will present their dramatic accounts. It is hoped that their testimony will draw worldwide media attention to the crucial topic of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites. If ever there was a front page story, this is it.

. . . .Unfortunately, there is a parallel story unfolding at the moment. In recent months, a pitched online debate has taken place between James T. Carlson and myself regarding allegations of UFO activity at Malmstrom Air Force Base’s Echo Flight on March 16, 1967.

. . . audiotaped words—appear later in this article, contradicting virtually every claim made by James Carlson who, in his own grossly distorted summary of the Echo Flight case, has consistently lied about the colonel’s various comments to researchers. This article will set the record straight.
He concludes:

Of course, nothing in this article will change James Carlson’s mind and he will undoubtedly continue to spread his lies, make his accusations, and claim to have the truth on his side. But you be the judge. [My emphasis]
The rest of the story . . .

Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Thanks for the heads-up Frank.

I can't help wondering why Salas and Hastings, particularly Salas, held back the tapes for so long? A lot of the debate over the past few years could have been far more pertinent with Salas' tape from 1996.

I guess the tapes will need to be authenticated in some fashion. That said, it certainly adds more urgency to the upcoming Press Club. Chances are, the recent friendly media attention towards Leslie Kean might be extended to Mr Hastings and the guys.
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Mornin' Kandinsky,

Thanks for the heads-up Frank.

I can't help wondering why Salas and Hastings, particularly Salas, held back the tapes for so long? A lot of the debate over the past few years could have been far more pertinent with Salas' tape from 1996.

Your very welcome!

First, (IMHO) I would argue that stating Salas & Hastings were "holding the tapes back" paints an inaccurate picture of events; second--the answer as to "why" is there was no reason or perhaps more accurately, "urgency" to do so. Both Salas & Hastings have put out ample evidence in support of UFOs being present during malfunctions at both Echo & Oscar flights.

I might add the two incidents in focus (Echo & Oscar) is a sliver to the mountainous volume of research done by Hastings et al, including a multitude of taped interviews and the research is ongoing.

The problem is that for some people, no matter the evidence--it will never be enough. Even now, even though some folks have argued let's hear the tapes . . . now that these initial excerpts are out--it won't matter--the naysayers will find fault (and have already).

I guess the tapes will need to be authenticated in some fashion. That said, it certainly adds more urgency to the upcoming Press Club. Chances are, the recent friendly media attention towards Leslie Kean might be extended to Mr Hastings and the guys.
These specific interviews have been released is in response to the ad hominem attacks and distortion of the facts by James Carlson against Salas & Hastings.

In essence, Hastings points out Carlson's (erroneous) claims (as he has done all along), but now asks the reader/listener to hear the principles in their voice/words (as well as all of the evidence) and states, "you be the judge!"

Where I stand: the evidence on the table is determinative and commensurate in the fact that UFO(s) were over and or near nuclear missile launch facilities during unprecedented malfunction/shut downs and that there was a cover-up of the events!

Now, does that prove that these UFOs were responsible for the shut downs?


Does it prove intent?

Of course not!!

Does it prove that "Zatar" from Zeta Reticuli was piloting "a craft?"


Is it feasible and or possible that these UFOs affected the electronics of the LF's?

Given the fact that there is a history of EM affects re UFO reports, and the Air force's own post-investigation of the events suggested that an of an "EM pulse" could mimic the events--the answer is "YES" it's possible.

What does it all mean?

To quote Frank Edwards, It means it's "serious business," the public has a right to know, and there should be further, proper, extensive investigation!

Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

First, (IMHO) I would argue that stating Salas & Hastings were "holding the tapes back" paints an inaccurate picture of events; second--the answer as to "why" is there was no reason or perhaps more accurately, "urgency" to do so. Both Salas & Hastings have put out ample evidence in support of UFOs being present during malfunctions at both Echo & Oscar flights.

Hiya Frank. I wasn't intending to present an inaccurate picture of events. Mr Carlson and Mr Hastings have been engaged in a long-term disagreement...much of which has been focused on the testimony of Walt Figel.

Although Carlson's argument hasn't been dependent on Figel's lack of support for the UFO presence, it's been pretty pivotal in his claims. He's raised the question of Figel's testimony on at least 3 sites I can think of. He's challenged Hastings et al to provide the tape evidence time and again. I was pointing out that if either Salas or Hastings had provided the tapes earlier we could have been spared the ruckous and cut to the heart of the matter.

There's more to the UFO/nuclear connection than the Echo flights, but the focus has been on the Carlson/ Hastings dispute. The Reality Uncovered guys are evidence-based and Carlson's argument was stronger in the absence of these recordings.

Now the recordings are out in the open (urgency or not), it adds more signal to the noise.
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Hey "K,"

Hiya Frank. I wasn't intending to present an inaccurate picture of events. Mr Carlson and Mr Hastings have been engaged in a long-term disagreement...much of which has been focused on the testimony of Walt Figel.

No offense intended "K" nor did I think there was any intent . . . it just had a negative (sounding) connotation. Many have speculated "negatively" (presented company excluded) as to why the recordings haven't come out forthwith, as if there was some Machiavellian reason for it; point of fact is that people are busy. Ironically, the reason they didn't come out days earlier, if not over a week is because of me and my schedule, as I was the one who digitized the "cassette" recordings.

That said, I have listened to them in their entirety and Figel's position and statements are quite clear. He point blank affirms the UFO reports from above (him being underground)--which he himself put into his (extensive) report. He does this on "3" separate recorded interviews, the final one "after" he spoke to Carlson (junior). More of the interviews will be published in the near future.

Although Carlson's argument hasn't been dependent on Figel's lack of support for the UFO presence, it's been pretty pivotal in his claims. He's raised the question of Figel's testimony on at least 3 sites I can think of. He's challenged Hastings et al to provide the tape evidence time and again. I was pointing out that if either Salas or Hastings had provided the tapes earlier we could have been spared the ruckous and cut to the heart of the matter.
The ad hominem attacks by Carlson towards Hastings & Salasl began here. Your point is taken; however, Carlson's "challenges" have evolved over time; Hastings has spent a good deal of time providing evidence to Carlson; he has rebutted time and time again to no avail (as far as Carlson is concerned). In this instance, Hastings has met the challenge again; however, as Hastings points out and based on my experience with Carlson--is that none of it will matter--his mind is made up and he doesn't want to be bothered with the evidence.

Carlson is the only person I've had to "ban" from commenting at The UFO Chronicles for repeated ad hominem attacks. He was repeatedly vulgar and acrimonious.

There's more to the UFO/nuclear connection than the Echo flights, but the focus has been on the Carlson/ Hastings dispute. The Reality Uncovered guys are evidence-based and Carlson's argument was stronger in the absence of these recordings.

Now the recordings are out in the open (urgency or not), it adds more signal to the noise.
In Carlson's missive at (evidence based?) Reality Uncovered here are some of what Carlson reported as facts:

"Robert Hastings has knowingly published versions of this event that he has been told are false by both my father and Walt Figel"

False! If your go to Robert's column at he UFO Chronicles (TUC) and reread his articles from 2008 on up, he has very accurately recounted his interviews with Figel et al and what was said. (As evidenced by the audio tapes).

Carlson wrote:

"getting a statement from him[Figel] that I have been lying about his assertions for the past four-and-a-half months, but neither man has done this . . ."

False! Figel has been interviewed "3" times; the first being in 1996. The 3rd was "after" Carlson spoke to Figel. Moreover, Hastings provided an excerpt of a transcription in 2008 found here.

Carlson wrote:

In fact, some months ago Robert Hastings insisted that he would – within a matter of days – release statements and transcripts of his discussions with Walt Figel that would prove his case. He has failed to do so, not because he’s too busy (frankly, it wouldn’t take that long), but because he can’t.

False! He can and has, albeit a little late.

Carlson wrote:

I wanted to confirm my conviction that he had never made the claims regarding UFO interference that Hastings and Salas have consciously and knowingly misrepresented in order to make their claims seem more likely.

As evidenced by the transcription published in 2008, andreconciled by the taped interviews.

Carlson wrote:

This is deceptive – a judgment I reached immediately upon discussing the matter with Walt Figel, who insisted that not only were UFOs not involved at Echo Flight in March 1967, but that he has discussed this with both Hastings and Salas, and was ignored.

False! As evidenced by the audio tapes.

Carlson wrote:

Using a blatant “lie” to give support to such factions is, in my opinion, nearly to the point of a treasonable offense. For these reasons,

Hastings, aside from minor errors in a hasty transcription very accurately recounted the Figel interviews as evidenced by the taped interviews.

I could go on, but you get the gist. In almost every paragraph of the flapdoodle penned by Carlson are "blatant falsehoods" wrapped in innuendo. So let us hope that the "evidence-based" Reality Uncovered guys make note of the evidence.

In any event, your input is much appreciated "K!"

Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

I could go on, but you get the gist. In almost every paragraph of the flapdoodle penned by Carlson are "blatant falsehoods" wrapped in innuendo. So let us hope that the "evidence-based" Reality Uncovered guys make note of the evidence.

In any event, your input is much appreciated "K!"


Thanks for clearing it all up...especially the tapes. I've had my own interactions with Mr Carlson and received a mauling from him before explaining that I was looking for facts. That temper receded slightly.

His keyboard is set to a default attack mode! Post, duck and cover...

In a strange way, I have some sympathy for him in the light of your latest blog and recordings. He's having a Luke Skywalker moment ('You're not my father!). In a very public way, he's discovered his father was misinformed, misled or kept his silence about events. This revelation can only taste more bitter in the light of so many cantankerous and hostile posts over the past years. Imagine using your father's word to attack another's and finding out your father's word was wrong? Embarrassment is only one of the emotions...

I'm not a member of Reality Uncovered, but I post in the comments from time to time...I'll see about posting a link to your website. Take it easy, Mr Warren. :)
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Mornin' "K,"

Thanks for clearing it all up...especially the tapes. I've had my own interactions with Mr Carlson and received a mauling from him before explaining that I was looking for facts. That temper receded slightly.

I too have been his target; ironically, there is a quick remedy and that is to just agree with him!! It's like medicine, although he was unable to get any from me. Sadly, it's not in him to just stick to the details . . . he cannot help himself in regards to ad hominem argumentum.

His keyboard is set to a default attack mode! Post, duck and cover...

In a strange way, I have some sympathy for him in the light of your latest blog and recordings. He's having a Luke Skywalker moment ('You're not my father!). In a very public way, he's discovered his father was misinformed, misled or kept his silence about events. This revelation can only taste more bitter in the light of so many cantankerous and hostile posts over the past years. Imagine using your father's word to attack another's and finding out your father's word was wrong? Embarrassment is only one of the emotions...
I cannot offer an informed opinion about Eric Carlson; however, assuming he is "mentally fit," and I say that without malice, then he is either "distorting the facts" (to put it mildly) purposely , or he has just forgotten. The former is more likely, but I'll leave the door open for the latter as well.

Figel on the other hand in listening to the tapes, seems to be a decent, jovial chap and certainly is no dummy in having earned his PHD. That said, in my view his demeanor changed from the initial interview in '96 by Salas, opposed to the later one in '08 with Hastings. In the former, not only did he openly talk about the UFOs, (over the LF) he did so with enthusiasm! Although he did answer Hastings' questions honestly, he certainly was noticeably reserved. That said the important thing is that he "CONFIRMED" the events "just as Hasting recounted."

I'm not a member of Reality Uncovered, but I post in the comments from time to time...I'll see about posting a link to your website. Take it easy, Mr Warren. :)
I am a member; however, I personally feel a posting there (from me) would be a waste of time. I have to respectfully disagree with you "K" re the RU guys being "evidence-based." from what I've seen, bias is rampant there, specific to this issue and giving Carlson a platform to slander Salas & Hastings doesn't sit well with me. Of course, this certainly doesn't apply to all.

Also, as stated earlier, even though one of the challenges from Carlson, along with some of the RU guys was to produce the tapes, now that has been done--it's still n ot good enough as evidenced by todays post:

"Hastings failed to produce the promised audio tapes where he and/or Salas supposedly had post-2008 contact with Figel, with claims supposedly proving that James and Eric are now lying – there are still questions that need to be answered."
Hastings by the way has apparently seen the latest over at RU and offered this:

When Ryan learns the difference between Hasting's and Hastings' I might respond to him, not that it will matter. The above posting contains so many factual errors, poor assumptions and obvious bias that it would undoubtedly be a waste of time. But we'll see...

Walt Figel, who I assumed was in Colorado, can of course attend the press conference. He might learn something. I have added him to the non-media guest list. I have already printed up copies of "Witch Hunt" and will be distributing them at the event as needed. So, if he does show up, and decides to change his story--for whatever reason--he will be up against his own tape recorded words. That would be interesting. I think the media would love *that* story.

Figel would also be contradicting the written statements of Boeing engineer Robert Kaminski, who has said that he received reports from his liason person at Malmstrom about a UFO-involvement in the Echo incident. Figel alluded to that investigation in his first comments to Bob Salas in 1996, but apparently did not know that the Boeing rep was first told of airmen reporting UFOs when the missiles malfunctioned and that the Air Force was categorizing the incident as a "UFO event." But Kaminski was later told that Figel and Carlson had screwed up, causing the missiles to fail, and been relieved of duty. The latter did not happen, as Figel can tell you, and the unfounded charge was, therefore, a cover story generated to keep the truth hidden.

RU did some excellent work exposing the Richard Doty/Bob Collins hoax related to MJ-12 (which I first exposed in 1989) and so it's rather sad that Ryan and Co. have now hitched their wagon to James Carlson's nonsense. Figel can mince his words as he likes nowadays but his 1996 commentary to Salas revealed the basic facts. (As did Meiwald's 1996 commentary to Salas about their involvement in the second UFO-related missile shutdown incident at Oscar--which by the way, James and Eric Carlson and Walt Figel said never happened. So, Walt, is Col. Meiwald lying?)

Finally, I also have Figel on tape--from a March 2010 conversation--saying other things which are at variance with what he has written to James Carlson over time. Those taped excerpts will appear in an article at The UFO Chronicles in the near future. Walt gave me permission to disseminate those tapes as I saw fit and I will certainly do so.
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Before tonight's theparacast is aired it's time to clear up the fake Hastings UFO Nuke scam -- i.e. about the Walt Figel interviews:

The Echo Flight UFO Debate Continues Reality Uncovered
I’m not certain who the witches are and who exactly is doing the hunting, but one thing is for certain – Robert Hastings and Robert Salas sure don’t want anyone to know what Walter Figel is now saying. I read through Hasting’s recent article very carefully, and his only reference to recent events involved telling readers that James Carlson and Eric Carlson are lying about everything.
He failed to directly respond to Walt Figels more recent comments in 2010, and when James Carlson attempts to reference the comments on the forums that Robert Hastings frequents, James’ posts get deleted. There is certainly a cover-up going on, that’s for sure. Just not the sort of cover up Hastings and Salas would like you to believe.

I have read James T. Carlson's book in detail and Carlson's evidence speaks for itself.

---------- Post added at 07:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 PM ----------

Did It Really Happen?: Walter Figel: No UFOs at Echo and Doubtful of Shutdowns at Oscar

The Walt Figel email from March 2010.

Robert Hastings is blatantly wrong about Malstrom.

---------- Post added at 07:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

September Reality Uncovered

Walt finally responded at length to both James and I. He listed the major points that he believes are at issue here. Figel clearly states as of Sept 24th, 2010 – that not only does he believe UFO’s were not involved at Echo Flight, but Figel also reveals some shocking insight into some of Salas’ other claims regarding issues beyond the Echo Flight case. Here is what Figel had to say on the matter.

First – your dad has not lied about anything nor do believe that he is even capable of lying about anything at all. He was, is, and always will be an honorable man. You should remember that always – I will.
Second – Bob Salas was never associated with any shutdown of any missiles at any time in any flight and you can take that to the bank. Just think about this for a split second. He is a person wrapped up in UFOs to the Nth degree. Yet he could not remember he was not at Echo. Then he thought he was at November – wrong again. Then he thought he was at Oscar – wrong again.
Third – There is no record about anything happening at November or Oscar except in people’s minds that are flawed beyond imagination. Salas has created events out of the thin air and can’t get the facts straight even then. My best friend to this day was the flight commander of the 10th SMS at the time. He and I have discussed this silly assertion in the past couple of years – he thinks it is all madeup nonsense for sure. I put both Salas and Hastings in touch with him and he has told them both that an incident at November or Oscar never happened. In addition he was subsequently stationed at Norton AFB where the engineers tested the possible problems. No little green men were responsible.
Fourth – I have always maintained that I do not nor have I ever believed that UFOs exist in any form at any place at any time. I have never seen one or reported that I have seen one. I have always maintained that they had nothing to do with the shutdown of Echo flight in Montana.
Fifth – The event at Malmstrom has a hand written log from me that was turned in just like all the other logs that I wrote over several years. I would think that if I wrote something like that in the log, there would be copies, it would have been classified at the beginning and then released along with the classified SAC messages and base reports. Nothing in that urgent SAC message even hints of UFOs at all and I think that it would if the official logs or telephone calls had referenced that fact.
Sixth – When it happened, neither your dad nor I were “visibly shaken” by the events. It was just another day with a unexpected event in our lives. It was rather underwhelming at the time. No one rushed out to see us, no one made us sign any papers, no one interrogated us for hours on end.
There is no Air Force “cover-up” it just did not happen the way Salas and has portrayed the course of events. I am sorry that you are all caught up in a pissing contest with these people, I really am. They are just not going to let go no matter what you say or do. He has made a 15 year career pandering about the country talking about things he has no knowledge about. I am not at all interested in taking them on – it’s not worth my effort – I have more important things to do with my life. I much rather just stay out of it.
Hopefully, we can move on. I did read about a briefing on the 27th here in DC. I am here in VA about 10 miles away. Interesting. Hopefully this helps you and confirms to you at least that your dad is a straight shooter and does not lie to anyone.
Walt Figel

Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Regarding Drew Hempel's posting of Walt Figel's September 24, 2010 email to James Carlson (above) here are Figel's comments (WF) interspersed with my responses (RH):

WF: James,

First – your dad has not lied about anything nor do believe that he is even capable of lying about anything at all. He was, is, and always will be an honorable man. You should remember that always – I will.

RH: Figel is expressing an opinion here, not a statement of fact. Given that he has previously affirmed to me, on audio tape, that he received multiple eyewitness reports of a UFO-presence during the Echo Flight incident, and further affirmed that he had subsequently discussed those reports with Eric Carlson at length, the elder Carlson has either developed memory problems over time or he is indeed lying about not remembering the reports of a UFO presence. Unless Figel can read minds, he simply can not say whether Carlson has lied about not remembering all of that or, on the other hand, actually does not.

Moreover, if Carlson’s and Figel’s commander told them not to talk about the incident, including the reports of the UFO—as Figel explicitly stated during one of my taped conversations with him—then one might conceivably argue that lying to outsiders, who have no need-to-know from the Air Force’s perspective, is in fact the “honorable” course of action.

Fortunately, almost all of the 120-plus military veterans I have interviewed over the years are of the opinion that, in a democratic society, the reality of UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites is a topic worthy of open, candid discussion and, therefore, the public’s right-to-know trumps military secrecy. In my view, these persons are honorable men as well and, importantly, history will validate their revelations.

WF: Second – Bob Salas was never associated with any shutdown of any missiles at any time in any flight and you can take that to the bank. Just think about this for a split second. He is a person wrapped up in UFOs to the Nth degree. Yet he could not remember he was not at Echo. Then he thought he was at November – wrong again. Then he thought he was at Oscar – wrong again.

RH: Col. Fredrick Meiwald, Bob Salas’ former missile commander at Malmstrom AFB, stated as early as 1996—during an audio-taped conversation with Salas—that he and Salas were indeed involved in a missile shutdown incident, at Oscar Flight, that was nearly identical to the Echo Flight UFO event.

Unfortunately, Walt Figel, who was not present at Oscar at the time, prefers to believe his own uninformed opinion on the subject, based on equally-uninformed statements by his friend Dick Evans, who supposedly would have known about the Oscar event if it really happened.

In reality, these extremely sensitive incidents are need-to-know, Walt and Dick. Neither of you had any need to know about the Oscar Flight UFO incident, regardless of your positions in the Air Force, during or after the event. (BTW, both Salas and Meiwald have said that they were never briefed on the Echo incident. And yet, according to Figel, the first of his ten missiles at Echo had failed moments before his conversation with the guard on-site, who reported observing a “large, round object” hovering over it. Gee, I wonder why something like that wouldn’t be shared with other missile crews who were not present at the time, Walt. To maintain secrecy, maybe? What a novel idea.)

In any case, during my own May 6, 2011 audio-taped conversation with Col. Meiwald—after I told him that James Carlson has repeatedly called Salas a liar and a fraud—Meiwald stated, “All I can say is something happened [at Oscar] and, to the best of my knowledge, Bob Salas has stated what he believes [to be] true and I’ve supported the majority of what he has said. I have read his book and [although] I can not, you know, support what other folks are saying, I know what happened at Oscar. I know that Bob has relayed what happened at Oscar very accurately.”

Meiwald then elaborated and said that he couldn’t support everything Salas has said about the incident because he had been resting/sleeping when the first missile or two dropped offline—which occurred moments after Salas received a report from the Oscar Flight Security Controller about a UFO hovering over the Launch Control Facility’s front gate.

Although Salas had quickly told Meiwald about that telephone conversation, Meiwald says that he can’t remember it. Just as Eric Carlson says he can’t remember Walt Figel telling him something very similar, shortly after he had been awakened by Figel and took his position at the commander’s consol in the Echo Launch Control Capsule. When I first spoke with Figel, in October 2008, he was clearly incredulous about the elder Carlson’s alleged inability to recall those events, as one will hear in Figel’s tone of voice, when listening to the taped conversation at:

<!-- m -->http://www.theufochronicles.com/2011/06 ... el_03.html<!-- m -->.

When I asked Meiwald to confirm, as he did on tape in 1996, that Salas had dispatched a two-man Security Alert Team to one of the Oscar missile sites, where an alarm had been triggered, and that the team had seen a UFO hovering over it, Meiwald readily complied. When I asked whether he could recall the description of the UFO, as reported to him by the frightened SAT team, Meiwald replied, “All I remember is a bright object; a bright, flying object at low-level. Beyond that, uh, I can’t say.”

In short, while Walt Figel may confidently claim that Salas “was never associated with any shutdown” of missiles at Malmstrom, Salas’ former missile commander, Col. Fred Meiwald, says otherwise. When I asked Meiwald whether he and Salas had been debriefed by an OSI agent back at Malmstrom and asked to sign national security non-disclosure statements, as Salas has long stated, Meiwald replied, “That did take place.”

WF: Third – There is no record about anything happening at November or Oscar except in people’s minds that are flawed beyond imagination. Salas has created events out of the thin air and can’t get the facts straight even then. My best friend to this day was the flight commander of the 10th SMS at the time. He and I have discussed this silly assertion in the past couple of years – he thinks it is all made-up nonsense for sure. I put both Salas and Hastings in touch with him and he has told them both that an incident at November or Oscar never happened. In addition he was subsequently stationed at Norton AFB where the engineers tested the possible problems. No little green men were responsible.

RH: Figel never put me in touch with his “best friend” Dick Evans. Moreover, Col. Meiwald told me that he had not spoken with Walt Figel for decades. If Figel would like to call Meiwald and discuss the events at Oscar Flight, as reported by both Salas and Meiwald, I’m certain that Meiwald would be willing to confirm what I have written here. (I do note, however, that Meiwald is reluctant to become involved in the ongoing controversy surrounding the events at Malmstrom in March 1967, so he may not respond to inquiries other than Figel’s.)

WF: Fourth – I have always maintained that I do not nor have I ever believed that UFOs exist in any form at any place at any time. I have never seen one or reported that I have seen one. I have always maintained that they had nothing to do with the shutdown of Echo flight in Montana.

RH: So what? Figel’s skepticism toward the report he received from the guard who was on-site should not be confused with the report itself, as Figel admitted to me—twice—during my taped conversations with him. The eyewitness report, later corroborated by other security personnel sent to the site by Figel, is the key point.

In other words, Figel’s inability to believe what he was being told by the guard posted at the stricken missile silo—who, according to Figel, was an apparent eyewitness to the presence of a “large, round object” hovering over the site—is irrelevant. After all, Bob Salas was skeptical, just as Figel was, when he was told about the UFO hovering over the Oscar Launch Control Facility.

Moreover, another of the USAF veterans participating in my September 27, 2010 UFOs and Nukes press conference, retired Captain Bruce Fenstermacher, who was a launch officer at F.E. Warren AFB in 1976, said that he had been skeptical when told of a cigar-shaped UFO hovering over his LCF.

And on and on. In short, these launch officers’ understandable incredulity regarding the bizarre events reported to them is not the point, only the events themselves.

In numerous cases, at various bases, multiple missile personnel and security guards have reported UFO incursions at ICBM sites. In some cases, those incidents are verified in declassified files, for example at Minot AFB in August 1966 and at Malmstrom AFB in November 1975. The testimony of my many ex-USAF sources makes clear the extent to which the Air Force has gone to suppress these incidents, to keep them from public view, and why so few of the documents relating to them ever see the light of day. (After the collapse of the USSR, a number of former Soviet Army officers confirmed the reality of nukes-related UFO incidents in that country during the Cold War era. But that’s another story.)

WF: Fifth – The event at Malmstrom has a hand written log from me that was turned in just like all the other logs that I wrote over several years. I would think that if I wrote something like that in the log, there would be copies, it would have been classified at the beginning and then released along with the classified SAC messages and base reports. Nothing in that urgent SAC message even hints of UFOs at all and I think that it would if the official logs or telephone calls had referenced that fact.

RH: Here Figel is speculating again—incorrectly as it turns out. Actually, many documents confirming a UFO-Nukes Connection have long been kept classified after other less-incriminating UFO sighting files have been released to the public. For example, as ex-U.S. Army document specialist and UFO researcher Jan Aldrich notes, “In a 1952 LOOK article, [then Project Blue Book chief, Captain Edward] Ruppelt mentions a file of 63 cases of UFOs over nuclear installations, but such a file is not in currently-declassified Blue Book files.”

Indeed, many of my ex-USAF sources have described being debriefed by OSI—just as Salas and Meiwald were—and yet all efforts by myself and other researchers to have the OSI agents’ reports and the witnesses’ signed non-disclosure statements declassified via the FOIA have thus far proved unsuccessful.

WF: Sixth – When it happened, neither your dad nor I were “visibly shaken” by the events. It was just another day with a unexpected event in our lives. It was rather underwhelming at the time. No one rushed out to see us, no one made us sign any papers, no one interrogated us for hours on end.

RH: Retired Col. Don Crawford says that Figel and Carlson were indeed “visibly shaken” when he saw them during the missile crew changeover at Echo Flight later that morning. During one of his taped conversations with me, Figel says he won’t dispute the fact that Crawford may have had that impression, even though Figel doesn’t think it was accurate.

But may I point out that Figel also doesn’t think that Bob Salas was ever involved in a missile shutdown incident, despite Col. Fred Meiwald’s confirmatory statements about the reality of the event at Oscar Flight.

Figel further claims to have “a pretty good memory” even though he told Salas, on tape in 1996, that both of the two-man SAT teams he had dispatched to the field had confirmed seeing the UFO initially reported by the guard already on-site, as did the missile maintenance personnel.

However, by 2008, when I first interviewed Figel, that particular memory had changed to only one of the two SAT teams confirming the presence of the UFO. (One may listen to Figel’s 1996 comments to Salas by utilizing the audio link in my article, “The Echo/Oscar Witch Hunt”, posted at The UFO Chronicles. Figel’s audio-linked 2008 comments to me were just posted at that website moments ago, together with links to the tapes of our lengthy conversations in 2009 and 2010.)

Face it, Walt, as we get older some things just don’t work as well as they did when we were younger. As I stated during one of our recorded conversations, I understand and accept that witness testimony relating to these decades-old events is always an approximation of what actually took place.

In that context, I find it interesting that both Bob Salas and Fred Meiwald have said, to me and others, that their memories of the long-ago incidents at Malmstrom are sketchy (as any honest human being would confess). In Salas’ case, he’s candidly admitted to initially misstating certain facts, but has voluntarily corrected himself once the evidence became available to substantiate the actual facts.

Of course, Bob’s candor about his prior mistakes has been used against him by James Carlson and others, who twist the facts and claim that Salas is not credible because his story has changed over time. I suppose that these same debunkers will now call Col. Meiwald a liar, given that he substantiates—on tape—most of Bob’s statements about Oscar Flight.

WF: There is no Air Force “cover-up” it just did not happen the way Salas and has portrayed the course of events. I am sorry that you are all caught up in a pissing contest with these people, I really am. They are just not going to let go no matter what you say or do. He has made a 15 year career pandering about the country talking about things he has no knowledge about. I am not at all interested in taking them on – it’s not worth my effort – I have more important things to do with my life. I much rather just stay out of it.

RH: No cover-up at Echo, Walt? In 2008, during our first taped conversation, you told me that, at the conclusion of your post-incident debriefing, your superiors had told you and Eric Carlson, “Thank you very much. Don’t talk about it.” True, you didn’t have to sign non-disclosure agreements, as Col. Meiwald says he and Salas did, but it’s clear that the incident at Echo, including the reports from the guards—no matter how many of them actually confirmed the UFO—was being officially suppressed by higher-ups.

WF: Hopefully, we can move on. I did read about a briefing on the 27th here in DC. I am here in VA about 10 miles away. Interesting. Hopefully this helps you and confirms to you at least that your dad is a straight shooter and does not lie to anyone.

RH: After it was brought to my attention that Figel would be working in northern Virginia on the day of my September 27, 2010 press conference in nearby Washington D.C., I sent him an email in which I invited him to attend, saying that some of the USAF veterans who would be participating in the event wanted to confront him about his wishy-washy, seemingly contradictory statements regarding Echo.

If Figel actually showed up and sat in the audience—which I doubt—he never identified himself or spoke up about anything being said by either myself or the veterans, including Bob Salas and Bob Jamison, the former ICBM targeting officer who states that he helped restart some of the missiles at Oscar Flight, which Salas and Col. Meiwald say dropped offline just as UFOs were being reported in the vicinity.

BTW, Jamison first told me of his involvement in the Oscar retargeting in 1992, some four years before Bob Salas went public with his revelations about his and Fred Meiwald’s involvement in a shutdown incident. As we now know, although Salas had forgotten the designation of the flight in question, Col. Meiwald first confirmed, on tape in 1996, that it had been Oscar, thereby corroborating the statements made to me by Jamison in 1992, which were not published until 2008.

---------- Post added at 12:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ----------


In preparation for the airing of my upcoming interview, some of you may wish to listen to the audio tapes at:



Here you have the option of listening to what Cols. Figel and Meiwald actually say about the UFO events at Echo and Oscar Flights, as opposed to what James Carlson says they say.

Robert Hastings

Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

We are simply responding to the fact that he has neglected to link this UFO sighting with the failure of 8-10 missiles at Oscar Flight. Our understanding of military procedure in 1967 has convinced us that the UFO incident described could not possibly be associated with a missile failures incident, as Hastings and Salas have maintained. The characteristics of this incident that Col. Meiwald first described in 1996 contains far too many details contrary to command acts during a missiles failures incident to believe that this is indeed what he is establishing. And the fact that Robert Hastings’ manipulation of the interview contents to suggest the existence of such command authority where it has not been expressed, a detailed discussion of which is included in the commentary below, is so egregious and plain, that it is impossible to believe that such a manipulation occurred completely by chance. This characteristic of Hastings’ presentation of Meiwald’s testimony, in fact, suggests an orderly, systematic and well-intended process of deceit and intentional dishonesty on the part of Robert Hastings to suggest qualities that were not intended by Meiwald, and characteristics that were not voiced by Meiwald. Hastings’ failure to extract a simple confirmation from his witnesses that includes all of the elements he and Salas have associated with these events suggests that such confirmation cannot be assessed. In the same way that Hastings’ interview with Col. Walt Figel represents a dishonest attempt to establish a UFO where no such UFO has been established, his interview with Col. Meiwald represents a dishonest attempt to combine two separate incidents into one where no such combination has been expressed. How difficult is it to persuade such a stalwart witness to these incidents to simply state for the record that “8-10 missiles were lost to USAF deterrent forces at the same time that a UFO was reported” in association with such failures? Common sense tells us that it should be an easy statement to obtain, since – according to Robert Hastings and Robert Salas – such a statement represents the very confirmation already admitted to (allegedly) by this very same witness. And yet, since 1996 when Col. Meiwald drafted his “confirmatory” letter to Salas, he has never made such claim – not even once. Instead, he has discussed two separate events that could not have occurred in tandem with each other as he has described them. This is either a remarkable failure on the part of Meiwald, Salas, and Hastings, or Meiwald is unwilling to assert fictional claims merely to improve the credibility of a couple of UFO hoaxers who presently possess no credibility at all as a result of their prior dishonest attempts to establish fiction as fact.

Strategic Editing Reality Uncovered
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

At first glance I thought that Drew Hempel had adopted James Carlson's trademark use of densely-packed gibberish--but I see that the master himself penned this screed.

Just listen to the tapes folks. Cols. Figel and Meiwald tell it like it is, or was, Carlson's reality-detached rants notwithstanding.


Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

At first glance I thought that Drew Hempel had adopted James Carlson's trademark use of densely-packed gibberish--but I see that the master himself penned this screed.

Just listen to the tapes folks. Cols. Figel and Meiwald tell it like it is, or was, Carlson's reality-detached rants notwithstanding.



Ufology and More | Reality Uncovered is not just James Carlson -- clearly the research James Carlson has done can be understood by those willing to make the effort.
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

I posted the Figel tapes online on June 4, 2011; I posted the Meiwald tapes ten days later. I sent each officer multiple emails telling them that I had done so and, as a follow-up, asked them to contact me and/or James Carlson if either of them felt that the tapes misrepresented their comments to me or were otherwise inaccurate. Neither has responded to me to date. If Carlson or anyone else at Reality Uncovered has received emails from Figel or Meiwald, saying that I have acted in a deceptive manner, perhaps someone will post them here.
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

I posted the Figel tapes online on June 4, 2011; I posted the Meiwald tapes ten days later. I sent each officer multiple emails telling them that I had done so and, as a follow-up, asked them to contact me and/or James Carlson if either of them felt that the tapes misrepresented their comments to me or were otherwise inaccurate. Neither has responded to me to date. If Carlson or anyone else at Reality Uncovered has received emails from Figel or Meiwald, saying that I have acted in a deceptive manner, perhaps someone will post them here.

Walter Figel's accounting of events on 16 March 1967 remain the only seemingly solid foundation for the UFO story and has remained so up to this current time. But, is it a consistent story? Based on the two interviews, one given to Robert Salas in 1996 and the second given to Robert Hastings in 2008, there are numerous inconsistencies when the two interviews are compared for content.

Did It Really Happen?: Case Closed! A Re-Evaluation of the Echo Flight Incident

Figel's Email to James Carlson

A lot has been said about
Walter Figel's email to James Carlson. James posted a copy of the email which was dated 11 March 2010. Some have accused James Carlson of fabricating the email for his own gain in support of his on-going dispute with Robert Hastings. Others have remained rather silent on the issue. As of now, I don't know Hastings' opinion of it's content even thought he received a copy from Figel. I recently went to a reliable source other than James Carlson to establish its authenticity. I have been told that the email is legitimate, and based on the IP address there is no doubt that it came from Walter Figel.
Keeeeriste. Good thing this is a forum and not some old mail-based discussion -- 11,546 more trees would have died :-P. With that said, an interesting read indeed.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

I posted the Figel tapes online on June 4, 2011; I posted the Meiwald tapes ten days later. I sent each officer multiple emails telling them that I had done so and, as a follow-up, asked them to contact me and/or James Carlson if either of them felt that the tapes misrepresented their comments to me or were otherwise inaccurate. Neither has responded to me to date. If Carlson or anyone else at Reality Uncovered has received emails from Figel or Meiwald, saying that I have acted in a deceptive manner, perhaps someone will post them here.

Chances are that he will ignore it since you are invoking my name, but Robert may surprise me on this one. There are quite a few questions that I raised for Hastings such as if he had paid Figel for his interview, why no Figel affidavit, ect. Perhaps Robert may be willing to clarify some of those points as well. While were at it, since Robert’s book sales were built on the “backs” of his stable of interviewees, did he provide my brother officers with some, if any, profits from his book. It seems only fitting since he personally “soiled” their reputations.
<cite>Comment by Tim Hebert — August 8, 2011 @ 7:50 am</cite>

Strategic Editing Reality Uncovered
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Drew Hempel continues to misrepresent the facts about the Echo and Oscar Flight incidents, as the tapes of my conversations with Cols. Figel and Meiwald confirm. Both men support what Bob Salas and I say about a UFO presence during the missile shutdown incidents at Malmstrom in 1967. Drew's own limited analytical abilities, as amply demonstrated at various blogs, make him susceptible to the many falsehoods perpetrated by James Carlson and his ilk. Personally, I am still waiting for Drew to spell "Malmstrom" correctly. Two years and counting...

Once again, the taped conversations are at:



As for Tim Hebert's comments, no, Figel was not paid for his interviews with me, nor was Meiwald. Neither want to get further involved in the controversy and certainly will not provide affidavits. Are you saying that Cols. Figel and Meiwald are lying, Tim? I'm sure that both men would like to know.

I note that Hebert--and everyone else at RU--have thus far failed to provide evidence that either officer has contacted any of you to complain about my online presentation of their comments to me and Salas, or to challenge the authenticity of the tapes.

Gee, I wonder why...
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Drew Hempel continues to misrepresent the facts about the Echo and Oscar Flight incidents, as the tapes of my conversations with Cols. Figel and Meiwald confirm. Both men support what Bob Salas and I say about a UFO presence during the missile shutdown incidents at Malmstrom in 1967. Drew's own limited analytical abilities, as amply demonstrated at various blogs, make him susceptible to the many falsehoods perpetrated by James Carlson and his ilk. Personally, I am still waiting for Drew to spell "Malmstrom" correctly. Two years and counting...

Once again, the taped conversations are at:



As for Tim Hebert's comments, no, Figel was not paid for his interviews with me, nor was Meiwald. Neither want to get further involved in the controversy and certainly will not provide affidavits. Are you saying that Cols. Figel and Meiwald are lying, Tim? I'm sure that both men would like to know.

I note that Hebert--and everyone else at RU--have thus far failed to provide evidence that either officer has contacted any of you to complain about my online presentation of their comments to me and Salas, or to challenge the authenticity of the tapes.

Gee, I wonder why...

As usual the content of the critique is not considered by Hastings -- instead it's little stylistic grammatical errors -- thus making apparent the blatant lack of evidence Hastings continues to hide.

Ufology and More | Reality Uncovered has completely tore apart the Echo Flight "incident" and Mal (as in bad, evil) strom as well.

Again there was no security guard "report" -- that's just silly to claim that there is.

Again Walt Figel and Eric Carlson have both stated -- very recently -- that there was shutdown of missiles due to a technical error that has now been corrected. Neither of the only two people at Echo Flight as witnesses want anything to do with Robert Hastings and yet Echo Flight is Robert Hastings supposed strongest evidence for UFO Nukes. The whole topic is a big charade.

End of story. No need for anyone to feed people's fantasies -- unless there's some money out of it I suppose.

All people have to do is actually read James Carlson's research or Ryan Dube's research or Tim Hebert's research -- all of them have completely expose Robert Hasting's argument as totally pathetic.

Hearsay evidence makes for a nice story -- but that's it. If people want entertainment then read Robert Hastings -- if they want factual analysis then read Ufology and More | Reality Uncovered
Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Ah, Drew, Drew...

DH: Again there was no security guard "report" -- that's just silly to claim that there is.

RH: The use of the word "report" is a reference to a verbal update, which is what the guard and the SAT teams provided to Figel. The term, in that context, has been used in the English language for centuries, in millions of books, news articles, television updates, as well as in general conversation among literate, articulate people. (Hmmmm, I think I understand the reason for your confusion.)

DH: As usual the content of the critique is not considered by Hastings -- instead it's little stylistic grammatical errors -- thus making apparent the blatant lack of evidence Hastings continues to hide.

RH: The data re: the Echo and Oscar Flight incidents are available in a number of my articles and in my book. I don't have to re-invent the wheel every time someone of your caliber starts barking online. Persons genuinely interested in this topic can listen to the tapes of my conversations with the key players to learn the facts:


Never Before Published Audio Taped Interviews Affirms UFO Activity at Nuke Missil

Ah, Drew, Drew...

DH: Again there was no security guard "report" -- that's just silly to claim that there is.

RH: The use of the word "report" is a reference to a verbal update, which is what the guard and the SAT teams provided to Figel. The term, in that context, has been used in the English language for centuries, in millions of books, news articles, television updates, as well as in general conversation among literate, articulate people. (Hmmmm, I think I understand the reason for your confusion.)

DH: As usual the content of the critique is not considered by Hastings -- instead it's little stylistic grammatical errors -- thus making apparent the blatant lack of evidence Hastings continues to hide.

RH: The data re: the Echo and Oscar Flight incidents are available in a number of my articles and in my book. I don't have to re-invent the wheel every time someone of your caliber starts barking online. Persons genuinely interested in this topic can listen to the tapes of my conversations with the key players to learn the facts:



So a report has now been clarified by Hastings as a "verbal update" -- nothing written down mind you, not a "report," as it's usually defined. How convenient. But wait? Is this "report" really just a "verbal update" -- nope it was a joke as Figel stated. An unconfirmed joke, with one mention of the word UFO. Ah but Hastings says it's a "report" -- ooops I mean a "verbal update." haha. Wait but Figel says there were no UFOs and Carlson says there was no call about UFOs. O.K. so we have Hastings taking a joke, as confirmed by the two people who were the direct witnesses. Hastings takes the joke confirmed by the direct witnesses and claims it's a report about UFOs. And then when confronted about there being no report Hastings says everyone knows a verbal update means a report. haha. O.K. but does everyone know that this so-called verbal update was a joke -- a one word reference as a joke? If not then they should. O.K. if you look up report in the dictionary it says an account -- that's the minimum definition. Sometimes it's verbal -- granted -- but some dictionary definitions leave out the verbal account because report usually means
A formal account of the proceedings or transactions of a group.
as the freedictionary first definition for report states.

Nope a one word joke is not an account and therefore not a report. So it is inaccurate to claim anyone gave a report about anything regarding the outlandish claims of Hastings.

Let's quote James Carlson on this in his masterpiece expose of Hastings:

So, although he was inside with the equipment where he could determine what the status of the missile was, and the security guard was outside with a 2-way radio, it was the maintenance crew member who called in to Figel to say that, yes, we have Channel 9 No-Go, my God, it must have been a UFO that did it. And he did so before the security guard mentioned anything at all, except at the very beginning of the conversation when he authenticated his own status to Figel sitting 60-feet underground at the LCC. It’s an absolute joke that we have to look at an open and shut case of two guys screwing around this closely simply because Robert Hastings is not bright enough to tell the difference between an “oh, wow, I’m just kidding” incident and an invasive attack on the nation’s most powerful means of waging war.

that's page 66 of Americans, Credulous by James Carlson

O.K. James Carlson goes into great detail about why the missiles went offline for real -- why it was a just a one word joke mentioned by someone who had no visual ability to see anything.

Again both Walt Figel and Eric Carlson were there and state there was nothing to back up Hastings wild claims that blow up a one word mention of his "obsession" as he stated in his theparacast interview.

---------- Post added at 05:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:57 PM ----------

Drew Hempel continues to misrepresent the facts about the Echo and Oscar Flight incidents, as the tapes of my conversations with Cols. Figel and Meiwald confirm. Both men support what Bob Salas and I say about a UFO presence during the missile shutdown incidents at Malmstrom in 1967. Drew's own limited analytical abilities, as amply demonstrated at various blogs, make him susceptible to the many falsehoods perpetrated by James Carlson and his ilk. Personally, I am still waiting for Drew to spell "Malmstrom" correctly. Two years and counting...

Once again, the taped conversations are at:



As for Tim Hebert's comments, no, Figel was not paid for his interviews with me, nor was Meiwald. Neither want to get further involved in the controversy and certainly will not provide affidavits. Are you saying that Cols. Figel and Meiwald are lying, Tim? I'm sure that both men would like to know.

I note that Hebert--and everyone else at RU--have thus far failed to provide evidence that either officer has contacted any of you to complain about my online presentation of their comments to me and Salas, or to challenge the authenticity of the tapes.

Gee, I wonder why...

Strategic Editing Reality Uncovered

  1. I just finished reading Robert’s response to the affidavits. Robert appears to think that I want them to sign one? No, I could care less about affidavits, but it is interesting that Figel never signed one as did all of the participants of the press conference in DC…why? Hastings and Salas seemed to think that affidavits would provide more veracity to the statements, yet the prime witness, or should I say star witness (and only one at that) did not do so. Odd, don’t you think?

    <cite>Comment by Tim Hebert — August 8, 2011 @ 10:19 pm</cite>
  2. e6b02795ecb23f08ca0c18bbd5ec7f77
    It’s also interesting that Hastings’ would discount my father’s claims on the basis of his supposedly “poor memory” even after my father stated plainly that he has no memory problems, and remembers the Echo Flight incident very well. Compare that to his insistence that Meiwald has confirmed all of Salas’ UFO claims, even after Meiwald has repeatedly insisted that he doesn’t remember anything about a UFO. In other words, he dismisses everything my father remembers so well, while advocating the establishment of the alleged UFO at Oscar Flight that Meiwald insists he has no memory of. Double standards or mere stupidity? You decide …
    <cite>Comment by James Carlson — August 9, 2011 @ 12:35 am</cite>
  3. tom-s.jpg
    James: “How difficult is it to persuade such a stalwart witness to these incidents to simply state for the record that “8-10 missiles were lost to USAF deterrent forces at the same time that a UFO was reported” in association with such failures?”
    Indeed. Evidently it’s impossible because, pardon the pun on the name of Tim’s blog, it didn’t happen. Well done James, nothing like cutting right to the chase…
    You have to love Hastings’ claim that the “proof” he hasn’t blatantly misrepresented Figel and Miewald is the fact they refuse to talk him ever since he published those alleged “transcripts” last year.
    Seriously, how blind does Hastings and Salas think their followers are?
    Kudos and thanks again to Drew for trying to lead the horses to water…
    <cite>Comment by Access Denied — August 9, 2011 @ 3:08 pm
