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Sloppy Joe

Skilled Investigator
Honestly, I've never heard of Paracast.... Hopefully that won't be held against me.

However, after stumbling upon these community forums, I'm already intrigued. I just got finished watching a movie called Fire In The Sky. It's the Hollywood version of a series of events in the 70s where a man claimed he was abducted by aliens. After reading Wikipedia about the characters and real life people, I read that there was a video of him on Moment of Truth. He was a contestant at one point. So while I was doing a Google search for the video, my keywords brought this community to the top of the list. And that's how I found you!

I will say that I'm not an honest believer in UFOs. BUT.....

I believe our governments are hiding more than they'd like to admit, I'm a believer in ghosts and the supernatural (and I don't necessarily discount the potential for alien life), I've done quite a bit of paranormal investigating in my time (I'm talking about EVP, cold spots, ghost photography and all that), and I believe there are animals out there, walking around, swimming around and flying around that some people would rather not think about.

Growing up, I studied meditation and energy control. As a young adult, I did a lot of ghost hunting. And as an ever-aging (and yet still young, I'm only 27) man, I'm deeply concerned about politics government cover-ups.

I read quite a bit of non-fiction. Growing up, I hated non-fiction. But it's the only thing that really intrigues me nowadays. I find reality is a lot more interesting than fiction. I've been a Boy Scout, I served in the US Army and now I'm going to school to learn how to be a HVAC technician. Lately, I've started to enjoy tinkering with things, taking things apart, putting them back together, making something different, etc. Right now, I'm interested in creating some miniature Orgone Accumulators for any of you who know what I'm talking about and have studied the research done by Dr William Reich. I'm in the midst of collecting all the things I'll need in order to build them.

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell. Maybe you guys can help me get more acquainted with Paracast and this community. I'd love to be involved in any way possible. I love this stuff! :)
Honestly, I've never heard of Paracast.... Hopefully that won't be held against me.

However, after stumbling upon these community forums, I'm already intrigued. I just got finished watching a movie called Fire In The Sky. It's the Hollywood version of a series of events in the 70s where a man claimed he was abducted by aliens. After reading Wikipedia about the characters and real life people, I read that there was a video of him on Moment of Truth. He was a contestant at one point. So while I was doing a Google search for the video, my keywords brought this community to the top of the list. And that's how I found you!

I will say that I'm not an honest believer in UFOs. BUT.....

I believe our governments are hiding more than they'd like to admit, I'm a believer in ghosts and the supernatural (and I don't necessarily discount the potential for alien life), I've done quite a bit of paranormal investigating in my time (I'm talking about EVP, cold spots, ghost photography and all that), and I believe there are animals out there, walking around, swimming around and flying around that some people would rather not think about.

Growing up, I studied meditation and energy control. As a young adult, I did a lot of ghost hunting. And as an ever-aging (and yet still young, I'm only 27) man, I'm deeply concerned about politics government cover-ups.

I read quite a bit of non-fiction. Growing up, I hated non-fiction. But it's the only thing that really intrigues me nowadays. I find reality is a lot more interesting than fiction. I've been a Boy Scout, I served in the US Army and now I'm going to school to learn how to be a HVAC technician. Lately, I've started to enjoy tinkering with things, taking things apart, putting them back together, making something different, etc. Right now, I'm interested in creating some miniature Orgone Accumulators for any of you who know what I'm talking about and have studied the research done by Dr William Reich. I'm in the midst of collecting all the things I'll need in order to build them.

Anyway, that's me in a nutshell. Maybe you guys can help me get more acquainted with Paracast and this community. I'd love to be involved in any way possible. I love this stuff! :)

Welcome to the forums. You will need thick skin and a warped sense of humor here.
Hey welcome to the forums! That is quite a mix of things you have done, interests etc....Fantastic! There is an awful lot of stuff that governments know, but will never tell us......or at least will not tell us for a very, very long time. The truth about ufos is one of these things, in my opinion....That or the issue will be made public in a spectacular way, such as a large ufo landing in the middle of some highly populated or busy place in broad daylight! I am mostly into ghosts....I have seen a lot and still see a lot. I have been seeing them sonce I was about 6 years, and "experience" them on a regular basis....sorry if that sounds like I am bragging, I am not....it is just somethimg I have accepted as part of my life. Anyway....as I said, welcome, and hope you find some good disussions, friendly people here, and maybe some answers. :)
Welcome Joe.

I will say that I'm not an honest believer in UFOs. BUT.....

Time for paracast lesson #1: "UFO" means "Unidentified Flying Object", so technically ANYTHING airborne that you cannot identify by sight alone is a UFO. IT DOES NOT MEAN "ALIEN SPACECRAFT".

The paracast has a mission statement: seperating signal from noise (ie usable information from hoaxes and other gibberish). This would be part of the noise. The media at large has spent the better part of 60 years programming people to think "UFO = flying saucer" when the reality is we really have no freakin' clue what they are. We don't even know if it's a they (ie a singular phenomenon) or multiple weird things that we just lump into one catagory for our own convenience.
Honestly, I've never heard of Paracast.... Hopefully that won't be held against me.

Welcome Joe to The Paracast Forum. I am not the biggest proponent of "E.T." visiting us, but I respect those who believe this is the case and do not feel it is necessary to force the issue either way. As far as "Ghosts" are concerned, I see the phenomena as "spiritual" in nature, but do not believe thus as human spirits whom have died and continue to reside on this earth.

That being said, I respect other people's opinions as long as they respect mine, and am glad you have found a home here to visit.

Be well.
Time for paracast lesson #1: "UFO" means "Unidentified Flying Object", so technically ANYTHING airborne that you cannot identify by sight alone is a UFO. IT DOES NOT MEAN "ALIEN SPACECRAFT".

The paracast has a mission statement: seperating signal from noise (ie usable information from hoaxes and other gibberish). This would be part of the noise. The media at large has spent the better part of 60 years programming people to think "UFO = flying saucer" when the reality is we really have no freakin' clue what they are. We don't even know if it's a they (ie a singular phenomenon) or multiple weird things that we just lump into one catagory for our own convenience.

I think this is a matter of semantics and from what view you define the term. In my opinion, you are in no way wrong for defining UFO simply as what the abbreviation stands for. However, I don't see it as wrong to equate UFO to "flying saucer" either. It's merely a matter of opinion and which definition you use. You're very well right that modern media has done everything they can to promote misinformation. I don't deny that. But as you say, a great number of people have been programmed with a new definition for UFO, namely to equate it to non-human technology. So, UFO, by modern definition, is usually equated to alien spacecraft.

Similarly, "skeptic" originally meant "someone who's open-minded to possibility". Now, it commonly means "someone who close-minded to possibility until proof is given to legitimize the possibilities". "Liberal" used to imply "liberation" and was more closely associated to someone who was a "libertarian" back in the 1700s and 1800s. This meant that they were against big government, against over-regulation and against tyranny by the ruling class. Modern usage of the term "liberal", at least in the United States, is a designation of someone who desires equality among all people, even if it means an increase in government oversight and regulation in order to carry out that goal. It's usually used in the US to label someone who's in favor of bigger government and more laws (which in the end usually means higher taxes as well).

So although I agree with your definition of UFO and its original meaning, I don't feel I was in the wrong for using it to imply alien technology at the same time. Because as you say, for the last 60 years we've been defining it and associating it with "flying saucer". So maybe if you're a skeptic (in the old sense), you'll be open-minded enough to agree to disagree. However, I do apologize if I offended you in any way by my ignorance to the sensitivity of the issue.

And thank you everyone for the kind welcome. :)

So what's next on the tour? I've introduced myself and now I think it's time I get more acquainted with the community and with Paracast. What do I do now? I don't know anything about Paracast.
So although I agree with your definition of UFO and its original meaning, I don't feel I was in the wrong for using it to imply alien technology at the same time. Because as you say, for the last 60 years we've been defining it and associating it with "flying saucer". So maybe if you're a skeptic (in the old sense), you'll be open-minded enough to agree to disagree. However, I do apologize if I offended you in any way by my ignorance to the sensitivity of the issue.

Offended? Not in the least, I was simply pointing out a few things. And good for the rest of us you responded in a well thought out, exploratory manner and not in the knee-jerk defensive format we dread.

I think you'll fit in just fine. For the record though what I was driving at was that while obviously a flying saucer qualifies as a UFO, it just doesn't follow that all UFOs are therefore flying saucers.

As to what next, have you listened to the archives yet? If not, you should make a point of doing so as soon as you can. That way whenever you see a topic on the boards that references a particalur show or topic you can just dive right in. And have fun!
Offended? Not in the least, I was simply pointing out a few things. And good for the rest of us you responded in a well thought out, exploratory manner and not in the knee-jerk defensive format we dread.

I think you'll fit in just fine. For the record though what I was driving at was that while obviously a flying saucer qualifies as a UFO, it just doesn't follow that all UFOs are therefore flying saucers.

As to what next, have you listened to the archives yet? If not, you should make a point of doing so as soon as you can. That way whenever you see a topic on the boards that references a particalur show or topic you can just dive right in. And have fun!

Yeah, I try not to get too defensive over stuff like that. There's always room to learn, one way or another. I try to be humble for the most part. I don't always understand or know everything. Nor do I know someone's tone in a post unless they're cussing up a storm. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't trying to be rude, merely explaining an issue from your point of view so that I could actually be more open-minded myself and understanding of certain issues and terminology.

And with your re-explanation, I think I now better understand what you were getting at and I completely agree with you. In a sense, you're describing that although all squares are rectangles, not all rectangles are squares. Therefore, I should be aware that my original thought could be misinterpreted and even show that I have a lack of knowledge to the sensitivity and scrutiny you all put forth with regard to paranormal studies, particularly with regard to researching UFOs, whether man-made or alien-made or what have you. So you prefer to use 'UFO' in more of a neutral sense instead of an automatically implied meaning to anything more than "unidentified flying object". For all we know, it could be an alien saucer, or man-made experimental aircraft, or a bird, or balloon, etc. It's just that it's "unidentified" and that we should be open-minded enough to say "it could have been anything" before judging it to be any sort of 'absolute'. Such as, believing it was absolutely an alien craft.

Hopefully, I understood you better this time. And I'll definitely take a look at those archives tomorrow. I have to get to sleep soon. But thank you for your patience. :)

And I understand all too well the folks who fly off the handle on the offensive (or defensive) for their beliefs or because they felt as if they were insulted or whatever. I've been on many many forums, with many people. Some kids, some adults, some elderly. There are always those few, no matter the age, who are easily offended and go off a cussin' and a wailin'. I'm not typically one of those guys. :cool:
Welcome to the forum.

As far as Government coverups go, I am not a "believer" so to speak. I think this is a far too broad label with implications of some grand unified cabal of informed and mutually agreeable folks. I have seen nothing of government that leads me to believe that this is even possible. Now, do certain elements within the Government have limited access to facets of issues we see as paranormal? Sure. But thats were I think it ends. With security compartmentalization and a complete lack of a communications and control infrastructure capable of allowing all the necessary parts to talk to one another I see no real evidence of collusion. Also, with political climates as fickle as they are in most western countries I don't see how any real long term project could exist inside official purview and not be outed. Especially one that has supposedly existed for 50 or 60 years. Now, if we want to talk about military contracts and research programs given to private industry then that is another conversation. However, I suspect it will end in the same conclusion and for some of the same reasons plus a few more fiscally motivated ones.
Hey Parabuddy!
In my opinion you have found the "Tip of the Spear" for the search of relevant Paranormal information.
Let me be the first to welcome you to the Paracommunity.