Robert Baird
Paranormal Maven
I won't be in my human shell when this comes to pass - but most epeople here will get to see it starting. Perhaps this is karma and a good thing - the animals on Earth might be free finally - free from all humans have done to wipe out many species in the name of human gods or manna quests. But whether humans exist at all in thirty five years is highly contentious. Bill Joy wrote an article in Wired Magazine for their March/April 2001 (My memory might be off a year) addressing some of the threats but not this one.
Life on Earth might by-pass humanity if there is enough cosmic consciousness to create what is best for this planet. Will AI dependence cause the end of religion? Surely no programmer would put a religion (war mongering, misogynistic, racist etc.) into a robot and no developing intellect in one would be that stupid.
Soon our brain will grow and we will die much older which more than any other factor including robotics will change humanity according to one line of thought. I see little evidence of this happening as soon as they predict, and I know robotics and other technology can do more than they seem to think.
"Are we evolving into a NEW type of human? 'Different' species will have evolved by 2050, scientist claims
This is according to Cadell Last, a researcher at the Global Brain Institute
Mr. Last claims we will live longer, have kids in old age and rely on robots
We may also end up spending a large amount of our time in virtual reality
Huge shift is comparable to the change from apes to humans, he says
'Your 80 or 100 is going to be so radically different than your grandparents,' he argues. 'The biological clock isn't going to be around forever'."
Life on Earth might by-pass humanity if there is enough cosmic consciousness to create what is best for this planet. Will AI dependence cause the end of religion? Surely no programmer would put a religion (war mongering, misogynistic, racist etc.) into a robot and no developing intellect in one would be that stupid.
Soon our brain will grow and we will die much older which more than any other factor including robotics will change humanity according to one line of thought. I see little evidence of this happening as soon as they predict, and I know robotics and other technology can do more than they seem to think.
"Are we evolving into a NEW type of human? 'Different' species will have evolved by 2050, scientist claims
This is according to Cadell Last, a researcher at the Global Brain Institute
Mr. Last claims we will live longer, have kids in old age and rely on robots
We may also end up spending a large amount of our time in virtual reality
Huge shift is comparable to the change from apes to humans, he says
'Your 80 or 100 is going to be so radically different than your grandparents,' he argues. 'The biological clock isn't going to be around forever'."