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Gene Steinberg

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Staff member
We're in the process of fine-tuning the mobile version of The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio to look more readable on a mobil handset, such as an iPhone or Android smartphone.

It's not quite 100%, but we think it's at 85% right now and we'll be fine-tuning. For the forum, we recommend Tapatalk.

But let me know if you see problems. The site should like the same on a normal Mac or PC.
We've had a few modifications done to the main site. Do let me know if any of you find formatting glitches. If you do, let me know the browser, version and OS you're using. Everything is different.
OK, refresh Firefox and see if the problems continue. If they do, are you able to get me a screen capture so I can send to the Web person?