[Intriguing article with new quotes from Drs. Eric Davis and Kit Green *MUST READ*—chris]
by Gary Bekkum/Starpod Dec 16, 2013
In the past we received confirmation that anomalous mental and paraphysical phenomena continue to elicit high interest with scientists associated with Bigelow and the U.S. intelligence community. One highly placed source confirmed that the strange events investigated by Las Vegas businessman Bob Biglow’s employees (Bigelow Aerospace, the National Institute of Discovery Science) had been discussed at government sponsored meetings on the threats of emerging technologies.
In 2006, author Gary S. Bekkum contacted a former CIA official familiar with the ranch.
“There have been some informal discussions of ‘telepathy’ (as in direct mind to mind communication of meaning) and I have pointed out that your associate, Dr. Eric Davis, has discussed ‘telepathic messages’ received by a physicist at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. I imagine that most professionals would dismiss such claims as delusional. On the other hand they might be the result of some kind of hypnotic suggestion related to the strangeness of the social circumstances surrounding the activities at the ranch. Of course I have 80,000 pages of STAR GATE files released by the CIA that suggest more to this subject than mere delusion.”
In 2006, we publicly connected a former senior CIA official associated with Bigelow to a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) threat warning scientific advisory group.
The TIGER committee followed from a DIA report on the threat of surprise advances in weaponized technology. One source, a TIGER committee member, hinted that more than human threats are of concern. Apparently we struck a bit of a nerve when we publicly mentioned the TIGER committee, and comments made by our source that otherworldly phenomena had been a topic of discussion between TIGER members. We pointed out that any discussion, formal or informal, added a certain air of authenticity to the strangeness reported by veteran reporter George Knapp of bizarre events alleged to have occurred at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.
Following our exposure of the TIGER committee, Knapp took the lead and asked Dr. Eric Davis (former Skinwalker research scientist working with Bigelow’s National Institute of Discovery Science, and later the author of a controversial U.S. Air Force study into teleportation technology) about DIA interest in the paranormal events that allegedly took place on the ranch. Dr. Davis noted that he was a personal associate of our source, and confirmed that the ranch had been the topic of informal discussion by committee members.
Our source claimed Skinwalker had been discussed, “ad nauseam,” suggesting more than brief, polite dinner conversation. We also received an intriguing email from Dr. Davis, stating that one of the physicists studying the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch had received a warning in the form of a powerful, “telepathic” message. We assume “telepathic” means he heard a voice speaking to him inside of his head. REST OF ARTICLE HERE:
by Gary Bekkum/Starpod Dec 16, 2013
In the past we received confirmation that anomalous mental and paraphysical phenomena continue to elicit high interest with scientists associated with Bigelow and the U.S. intelligence community. One highly placed source confirmed that the strange events investigated by Las Vegas businessman Bob Biglow’s employees (Bigelow Aerospace, the National Institute of Discovery Science) had been discussed at government sponsored meetings on the threats of emerging technologies.
In 2006, author Gary S. Bekkum contacted a former CIA official familiar with the ranch.
“There have been some informal discussions of ‘telepathy’ (as in direct mind to mind communication of meaning) and I have pointed out that your associate, Dr. Eric Davis, has discussed ‘telepathic messages’ received by a physicist at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. I imagine that most professionals would dismiss such claims as delusional. On the other hand they might be the result of some kind of hypnotic suggestion related to the strangeness of the social circumstances surrounding the activities at the ranch. Of course I have 80,000 pages of STAR GATE files released by the CIA that suggest more to this subject than mere delusion.”
In 2006, we publicly connected a former senior CIA official associated with Bigelow to a Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) threat warning scientific advisory group.
The TIGER committee followed from a DIA report on the threat of surprise advances in weaponized technology. One source, a TIGER committee member, hinted that more than human threats are of concern. Apparently we struck a bit of a nerve when we publicly mentioned the TIGER committee, and comments made by our source that otherworldly phenomena had been a topic of discussion between TIGER members. We pointed out that any discussion, formal or informal, added a certain air of authenticity to the strangeness reported by veteran reporter George Knapp of bizarre events alleged to have occurred at the Skinwalker Ranch in Utah.
Following our exposure of the TIGER committee, Knapp took the lead and asked Dr. Eric Davis (former Skinwalker research scientist working with Bigelow’s National Institute of Discovery Science, and later the author of a controversial U.S. Air Force study into teleportation technology) about DIA interest in the paranormal events that allegedly took place on the ranch. Dr. Davis noted that he was a personal associate of our source, and confirmed that the ranch had been the topic of informal discussion by committee members.
Our source claimed Skinwalker had been discussed, “ad nauseam,” suggesting more than brief, polite dinner conversation. We also received an intriguing email from Dr. Davis, stating that one of the physicists studying the phenomena at Skinwalker Ranch had received a warning in the form of a powerful, “telepathic” message. We assume “telepathic” means he heard a voice speaking to him inside of his head. REST OF ARTICLE HERE: