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New to Ufology, where do I start?

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The title says it all, I'm pretty young and quite unsure on where exactly I can start learning.
I'm presently updating and upgrading the USI website: www.ufopages.com so some links aren't working, but it still is a good intro for anyone interested in the subject. It includes the full text of The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects, by E.J. Ruppelt. That's a must read for any student of the subject. After TRUFO I'd get a copy of Beyond Top Secret by Timothy Good. Clark's new UFO encyclopedia is supposed to be out later this year too. I'm sure a lot of us are looking forward to that ( assuming it's reasonably priced - start saving now - lol ). Next try the CUFOs website. I'm not a MUFON supporter, but maybe they have a group in your area. Just read-up on the the above before getting too involved in groups ( my advice anyway ). I'm sure others here will have some good suggestions too.
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A question though what is the USI and what is it about?
It's explained on the site. Just lookup USI in the search or index. If you have questions not covered on the site, this is the place to ask!

NOTE: The site was designed for real desktop computers. Most phones and some tablets can't display it properly, and it's too complex to be made "responsive". Sorry if that's a problem. Maybe someday I'll get the help I need from a responsive web design specialist to make it into a portable device version and/or app. But I don't have the time myself.
No I can't say I do expect that I just want to learn and get into the community of this subject, whatever comes after I'm not sure.
Only thing i can think of. Don't take anything for granted. Do a research before you take any kind of story as a fact, read everything you can before you form your opinion. It could be video, audio, photo or abduction. Good luck.
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