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New videos showing round craft in night sky

Free episodes:

black sky watch

Skilled Investigator
I'm back filming after taking the summer off, and at a different location, far from the city... less light pollution. I wish you could see the original video because the quality is much better than what you get online.
The new videos can be seen at Vimeo or Youtube. Links below... the top 3 videos are new. Now, about the objects in the videos...
I'm not saying that none of these round craft are satellites. I'm saying there's a very good chance that some, and maybe most, are not. The most obvious reason is that they just have the look of being in the same airspace as regular aircraft. And following are two more good reasons why they are not all satellites.
The video entitled, 'Skywatch Session Highlights 22 October 2016' shows 15 of them that showed up in less than one hour. The night before, I was at the same location at the same time, and watched the sky for the same amount of time. That night, NONE of the round craft showed up. (By the way, I think a true satellite would look a lot like the object in the very last clip in that video.)
Reason number two... The first week in September, I stepped out and looked at the sky just to see if it was clear. I saw that it was, and that it would be a good night to film. I then noticed one of these craft moving right above me. It looked like a very bright star moving across the sky. I thought how coincidental it was to see one within seconds of looking up. I then got the feeling that something was different. I wondered if it was going to do something 'weird', and that of course this is when it would happen since I did not have my camera running. As soon as I had that thought, the object slowed down and stopped. Took about two seconds to do that. It just stopped and looked like a bright star. If I had looked up at the sky after it stopped, the sky would just look normal, nothing but stars to see. (Was this 'my sign'?) I did my filming that night, but nothing happened that I hadn't seen a hundred times already.
Links to the videos:
BLACK SKY WATCH’s Videos on Vimeo
black sky watch
Thank you for sharing these videos here. You've captured several different kinds of flying objects, some of which, I understand, might be of earth origin. (Is that why you play a soundtrack of air traffic control communications at those times?) I note that many of the spherical objects you capture seem to have a protuberance at one side, sometimes seen on and off as if this part of the object is visible during revolutions of the craft or satellite. Do any identified satellites orbiting earth project this particular appearance?

I don't know very much about deep space photography/videography but am fascinated by it. Do you know the work being done in Argentina by Glauco Astor? I got to know him slightly on facebook where he published videos similar to yours. I'm not sure he's still posting there [will check], but he also maintained a comprehensive website, which I will try to locate for you if you are interested. Again, thanks for posting your work here.
Thank you for sharing these videos here. You've captured several different kinds of flying objects, some of which, I understand, might be of earth origin. (Is that why you play a soundtrack of air traffic control communications at those times?) I note that many of the spherical objects you capture seem to have a protuberance at one side, sometimes seen on and off as if this part of the object is visible during revolutions of the craft or satellite. Do any identified satellites orbiting earth project this particular appearance?

I don't know very much about deep space photography/videography but am fascinated by it. Do you know the work being done in Argentina by Glauco Astor? I got to know him slightly on facebook where he published videos similar to yours. I'm not sure he's still posting there [will check], but he also maintained a comprehensive website, which I will try to locate for you if you are interested. Again, thanks for posting your work here.
I'm not sure how much skywatching you've done but I've done a lot and I've yet to see any object on these videos or ones like them that cannot be explained as conventional aircraft, balloons, drones, or satellites. That of course doesn't mean that we can be certain that they are in every case mundane, but lacking any significant evidence to assume otherwise, none of the objects in any of the videos I've seen can rightfully be classed as UFOs. They're just more vague lights way off in the distance.
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I'm not sure how much skywatching you've done but I've done a lot and I've yet to see any object on these videos or ones like them that cannot be explained as conventional aircraft, balloons, drones, or satellites. That of course doesn't mean that we can be certain that they are in every case mundane, but lacking any significant evidence to assume otherwise, none of the objects in any of the videos I've seen can rightfully be classed as UFOs. They're just more vague lights way off in the distance.

Perhaps you can respond then to this question I addressed to the OP:

"You've captured several different kinds of flying objects, some of which, I understand, might be of earth origin. (Is that why you play a soundtrack of air traffic control communications at those times?) I note that many of the spherical objects you capture seem to have a protuberance at one side, sometimes seen on and off as if this part of the object is visible during revolutions of the craft or satellite. Do any identified satellites orbiting earth project this particular appearance?"
Perhaps you can respond then to this question I addressed to the OP:

"You've captured several different kinds of flying objects, some of which, I understand, might be of earth origin. (Is that why you play a soundtrack of air traffic control communications at those times?) I note that many of the spherical objects you capture seem to have a protuberance at one side, sometimes seen on and off as if this part of the object is visible during revolutions of the craft or satellite. Do any identified satellites orbiting earth project this particular appearance?"

The images are captured using night vision technology, of which there are a variety of kinds, but all work on the principle of light amplification, so the parts of the orbs that seem to be extensions are more than likely to be flaring or additional light sources attached to the craft. This could be as simple as actual lights, or could be a different section of reflective surface. At one time I would say it might be worthwhile to try to catch these craft doing dead stops and abrupt directional changes, but with the advent of drones, few videos other than really spectacular footage from a reputable source substantiated by other independent videos and witnesses of the same event would get my attention these days.

Here's a fairly good article: 'Invisible UFOs' Fill the Skies | Night Vision UFO Sightings
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Yada yada yada.

Constance, thank you for your post. It proves to me there are people out there that still have open and inquisitive minds about these things that I've caught on video. (And don't have to think that all of them must be birds, airplanes, satellites, or drones just because 'they have to' be). And here's a cool video showing we're not alone.

Suspect, I went to your website (ufopages.com) and looked around a bit. I had just watched the video mentioned in the above paragraph, with the Paul Hellyer interview (towards the end).

You're Canadian, so you must know Paul Hellyer was one of your Government's recent Cabinet Members. And in his interview, he makes a paradigm-shattering statement on UFOs. So yes, that interview, or a link to it, should most definitely be on a website, with the words 'UFOLOGY SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL' on the top banner of the homepage.

So I searched 'hellyer' and pressed return. I wanted to get your take on his statement. Do you know what I got back? That's right... NOTHING! It had no idea what I was talking about. Acted like I had threee eyes or something. That struck me as being very odd that this was lacking in such a "comprehensive" and "authoritative" information outlet such as yours.

So, looks like the word of a man with high regard, is being squelched by one of his own countrymen. Don't you think that his statement was meant for the world to hear? As you can guess, I am really wondering what your motivation is concerning UFOs about now. Pretty sure it's not to further Disclosure. So what then?
Yada yada yada.

I see that you are passionate but passionate about what? Watching the skies? Or actually speaking to, dialoging with and experiencing ET contact?

If the former, chins up. If the latter, quit wasting enormous amounts of time looking for what is right here, right now, and available to everyone.

It's your choice.

Thank you for sharing these videos here. You've captured several different kinds of flying objects, some of which, I understand, might be of earth origin. (Is that why you play a soundtrack of air traffic control communications at those times?) I note that many of the spherical objects you capture seem to have a protuberance at one side, sometimes seen on and off as if this part of the object is visible during revolutions of the craft or satellite. Do any identified satellites orbiting earth project this particular appearance?

I don't know very much about deep space photography/videography but am fascinated by it. Do you know the work being done in Argentina by Glauco Astor? I got to know him slightly on facebook where he published videos similar to yours. I'm not sure he's still posting there [will check], but he also maintained a comprehensive website, which I will try to locate for you if you are interested. Again, thanks for posting your work here.

Constance, I want to address your question about the protuberance on the right side of some of the objects. It's an artifact of my camera. And it happens when the object is not in perfect focus. It's not a professional camera, so there ya go.

I had a thought that if these objects were satellites, they would be in focus at the same time the stars are in focus. If I could find where the protuberance appears when the stars are in perfect focus, well that would be another point that supports my claim that the objects are within the earth's atmosphere.

I wouldn't mind seeing the work of Glauco Astor. I googled the name, but was not able to get anything. I have seen other people getting the same round objects that I'm getting, so they are pretty much everywhere. Question remains, what are they...
I see that you are passionate but passionate about what? Watching the skies? Or actually speaking to, dialoging with and experiencing ET contact?

If the former, chins up. If the latter, quit wasting enormous amounts of time looking for what is right here, right now, and available to everyone.

It's your choice.
Exactly WHAT is right here right now, and available to everyone? I want to know what you're referring to. Sounds like you know a lot more than you've said. Could you explain please?
Suspect, I went to your website (ufopages.com) and looked around a bit ... As you can guess, I am really wondering what your motivation is concerning UFOs about now. Pretty sure it's not to further Disclosure. So what then?
The USI website is something I have tried to get volunteers to contribute to, but it's not as easy as you might think. It's easier to criticise than create decent content, and everyone has their own perspectives and agendas. When I get the time there are a lot of updates to add to the site, and you are right that Hellyer should be on the list. I built and maintain the site out of my own pocket and have maintained it for many years. It's not the biggest website, but it's not the worst one out there either.

You ask about my motivation. It's stated on the site fairly clearly. The aim is to learn the truth about alien visitation. That doesn't mean believing every story or agreeing with what everyone says. It seems to me that for some, particularly those competing for media time, that it's more of a popularity contest than a desire to work together toward a common goal. I keep a fairly low-key, appearing once in a while on The Paracast. I hope to accomplish more with the USI website this year, but like everyone else I have a life to live too, and I'm not independently wealthy. If you would like to volunteer in some capacity, send me a private message.
Aliens! You have never heard of Essassani?

The Paradigm of The Essassani

Surely the principles put forth about "creating your own reality" should be able to be tested in day-to-day life. Michael Topper's response to the principles put forth by Bashar was that they were a "half truth".

Shop by Session Date - 2016 - Bashar Communications

Anytime you see the shopping cart icon at the top of the page.......

They should be subject to consumer laws.

Creating a false or misleading impression

Businesses are not allowed to make statements that are incorrect or likely to create a false impression.

This rule applies to their advertising, their product packaging, and any information provided to you by their staff or online shopping services.It also applies to any statements made by businesses in the media or online, such as testimonials on their websites or social media pages.

But in this case there is a loophole

There is one exception to this rule. Sometimes businesses may use wildly exaggerated or vague claims about a product or service that no one could possibly treat seriously or find misleading.

Talking to dolphins and channeling aliens falls into this category.

Most people wouldn't take seriously the $200 dollar price tag on this item.

Essassani Contact Crystal Pendant

And the price for the cetacean transformation workshop, Barnum must be laughing his dead head off.

There's a sucker born every minute - Wikipedia

I reckon this claim is pushing it though.

Therefore, as a prelude to eventual physical contact with his civilization, Bashar has recently offered Earth a beautiful gift from his homeworld: The ESSASSANI CONTACT CRYSTAL.

As Bashar has described:

“I encountered the Contact Crystal as a child on my world, when my mother and father took me to an artistic display of a gigantic crystal formation created by a contact specialist in our society as a representation of all the civilizations our world had contacted.”

“The center, hexagonal crystal represents the first contact. It symbolizes and contains the vibration of our history of contact, as well as connects all who interact with it to the history and legacy of my family’s lineage as first contact specialists. So the center crystal is like a ‘seed of contact’ that forms a link and a bridge to your people and acts as a permission slip that will help to make open contact with other civilizations a reality.”

Bashar has instructed us on how to duplicate this primary crystal in miniature and we now offer these energetically charged “Seeds of Contact” along with a special “Activation Meditation” given by Bashar that is designed to harmonize our personal energy signatures with the specific frequency of the Contact Crystal. As the number of “Seeds of Contact” on Earth expands, our collective contact frequency envelopes the planet and the opportunity for contact is amplified.

Its a nice scam, If enough people fork out 200 bucks, then our opportunity for contact is amplified, If we don't get contact its because not enough people paid up.

Everything you need to know about Paul Anka’s cousin and his multi-dimensional alien friend.
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