Skilled Investigator
merlinial / mer’lin-e-ill
1 of or relating to events of high strangeness or heavy-handed weirdness, without an irresponsible descent into flightiness : the merlinial experience needs careful and thoughtful examination.
• transcending human understanding : the merlinial experience left a scar on my nose.
• of or relating to curious mysteries : the merlinal people at the UFO conference didn’t like the flute music.
• of hidden or esoteric meaning : the sighting of strange lights in the sky was of great merlinal significance, but nobody started a religion.
2 inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination without wearing sandals : the merlinail forces of nature need to be recognized, but dude - don't act so stupid.
• concerned with the soul or the spirit, but not so much as to spin around wearing a flowy garment : my belief system is expanded, to the point of a merlinail transformation, but I still listen to Ted Nugent - really loud.
ANTONYM new age.
FIRST Usage: “So use the word mystical. That works. Or make up a word. Merlinial”
[email message: Dec, 7, 2008 from The Clueless One]
merlinial / mer’lin-e-ill
1 of or relating to events of high strangeness or heavy-handed weirdness, without an irresponsible descent into flightiness : the merlinial experience needs careful and thoughtful examination.
• transcending human understanding : the merlinial experience left a scar on my nose.
• of or relating to curious mysteries : the merlinal people at the UFO conference didn’t like the flute music.
• of hidden or esoteric meaning : the sighting of strange lights in the sky was of great merlinal significance, but nobody started a religion.
2 inspiring a sense of spiritual mystery, awe, and fascination without wearing sandals : the merlinail forces of nature need to be recognized, but dude - don't act so stupid.
• concerned with the soul or the spirit, but not so much as to spin around wearing a flowy garment : my belief system is expanded, to the point of a merlinail transformation, but I still listen to Ted Nugent - really loud.
ANTONYM new age.
FIRST Usage: “So use the word mystical. That works. Or make up a word. Merlinial”
[email message: Dec, 7, 2008 from The Clueless One]