Everything that happens in the physical realm has a corresponding spritual meaning. Air Force One flying over lower Manhatten near the Statue of Liberty was quite a revelation on Monday. Here's my basic take on what I'm going to refer to as
"Air Force One Day" in lower Manhatten, NY.
1) First off, Air (199) Force (66935) One (655) = 67789 is a prime number. Prime numbers are unified with one - ie. they cannot be divided by any other number except themselves and one (1).
2) "Air Force One" as a number 67789 may be prime, but "Air Force One" the 747 plane was empty - it did not contain the actual physical President of the united states of America. Get it? Ask yourself the obvious question: does the White House really contain our President?
3) There was a oneness gap from a numerical perspective. Yesterday was 2785 = 557 prime X 5 days from 20010911. 557 is ONE (1) from 556 which mirrors 5:55 am (NEW) which is the advent of the Leo (356th) minute of the New (555) day - I will comment on the power of the energy behind Leo (356) below. When you advance 556 days on the calendar you will move forward 191 "Prime of God (764)" days. So 557 days has the effect of advancing ONE (1) + 191 "Prime of God (764)" days.
4) Moving with the power of this Leonic energy, Obama was born - where we don't really know - under the sign of Leo (356). When we subtract 67789 "Air Force One" prime days from 20090427, the date of this occurance over lower Mahatten, we will arrive at 18230921 which is Leo (356) days from 18240911 which is 177 years prior to 9/11/01. This means that 9/11 was actually Day ONE (1) of the beginning of the 178th year from/including 18240911 and 178 factors into 89 "Prime of Leo (356)" X 2. Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4.
5) Obama hails from "The Land of Lincoln" which is where the 89th longitude splits the state right down the middle. If you were to make a cross out of the length and breadth of Illinois the EXACT center of the cross would be Lincoln Illinois, etc.
6) Continuing with this Leonic energy of oneness, if we subtract ONE (655) days from 20090427 we will arrive at 20070712 which is double confirmation of the power of our Lord God Jesus Christ's energy. Dean Fagerstrom's unpublished 1400+ page
"Book of Anglion" outlines a numerical-mathematical proof - embedded in the prime number system - that Christ was born on August 11th in the year 6 BC. Each August 11th here in Chicago (I live just one town north in Evanston) - where Obama hails from - the sun begins to rise over Lake Michigan at EXACTLY 5:55 am which is the advent of the Leo (356th) minute of the New (555) Day, etc. The Winter Solstice - when the sun "stands still" - begins on the Leo (356th) day each year in correspondence with the same.
And the Leo (356th) prime number is 2389 which is compose of 23 prime and 89 prime. 23 corresponds to I (9) Am (14) = 23 prime which is the Lords original name and title given to Moses on Mt. Sinai - ie. "I am...the Lord thy God..." Exodus 20:2 and 89 is the prime of Leo (356) = 89 prime X 4, etc.
The year 2007 factors into 223 prime X 9 and the 223rd day of each non-leap year - such as 2007 - is always August 11th, the Divine Birthdate. The mo/day 7/12 (712) in the year 2007 - which is ONE (655) days from 20090427 - factors into a "Double Leo" for Leo (356) X 2 = 712 (712), etc.
7) Finally, ONE (655) days from 20090427 will brings us to 20110211 which is the FINAL day of the 202nd year since the birth of Abraham Lincoln on 18090212. 202 factors into 101 prime X 2. 101 is referred to as the "Perfect Unity Prime" which hearkens back to the
"dream of two pillars" by Don Bosco that took place on May 14, 1862. 18620922 was/is 131 "Prime of ONE (655)" days from 18620922 which was the day that Lincoln's administration read the
Emancipation Proclaimation to the world for the first time. Note again, ONE (655) = 131 prime X 5
8) There's a personal aspect to this that is public in the sense that "I" am just "a receiver" of this information and I am being called to publically share this with the world on this forum - which I just was called to sign up to after receiving your wonderful link on the same day of the advent of this revelation - 20090427 - to Dean Fagerstrom's piano music. I learned this "Divine Science of Numerical Correspondences" directly from Dean himself during the year 2001, beginning when I first made phone contact with him on 20010329, the 229th anniversary of the passing/ascension of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). Dean has been heavily influenced by the works, writings and spiritual force of Emanuel Swedenborg. April 27, 2009 was the eve of the 30th anniversary of the day that Swedenborg appeared to Dean to instruct him to document the fact that the following day, 19790428, was to be noted as the "Last Day of the Old Christian Era" and that the following day, April 29, 1979, was to be referred to as "The First Day of the New Jerusalem Age".
Let me outline the numerical aspect of this personal connection with 20090427 - "Air Force One Day" - as follows:
a) I was born on 19580205, the advent year of the 23rd "I Am" cycle of the prime of 89 which is the prime of Leo (356) - ie. 1958 = 89 prime X 22.
b) 2785 days separate 20010911 and 20090427. Seven perfect prime cycles of 2785 days - ie. 19495 days - from the day I was born, 19580205, will bring us to 20110622 which is 786 days from "Air Force One Day".
c) 6/22 (622) factors into 311 prime which corresponds to USA (311) prime.
d) 786 is ONE (655) days from 131 which is the prime of ONE (655) = 131 prime X 5
Peace and God Bless,
The Anglion Society
Smartbandwidth 2.0
From The Heart of Leo
Note: There really is no end to these incredible numerical revelations. I refer to them as "God Winks". They are all around us 24 X 7 every day of every week, month, year, etc. It's very simple 5th grade math. I'd recommend getting an HP 17llb+ hand-held calculator which has some 6000+ years of calendric memory, etc.
Thanks SO much for posting the information on Dean Fagerstrom's piano music. Dean is in a nursing home in central PA. I have met him in person on two occasions - June 21, 2001 and April 1, 2007, Psalm Sunday. He taught me this science primarily over the phone. I have two copies of his "Book of Anglion" - I digitized the entire 1400+ pages but a lot of work needs to be done to correct the scanning mistakes, etc.