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Nibiru's Return August 2015

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Paranormal Novice

(Crop Circle Link -Netherlands 2015)

First Stage

11 Constellations are surrounding the Galactic Center, with the Earth's Moon on top of Sagittarius, the larger object is the Planet Earth. The Galactic Center, Moon and Earth are in an approximate alignment, the first description is 12/21/2012:

If Sagittarius is hidden by the Earth's Moon then, Ophiuchus and Scorpio are pinched together and (the two pinched together above the Earth's Moon), and "Gemini, Orion, Taurus", are the three that are pinched together on the opposite side.

Second Stage

"Pluto-Uranus Square", this began on June of 2012, but the final sequence happened on March of 2015. The Second Sequence ended on March of 2015.


(Image Link) Viewing the design pattern in the second stage, which shows the conjunction details, you can see also see in the overall pattern, 4 CIRCLES TOTAL, and 3 DARK CIRCLES, matching the "Pluto-Uranus" Square, which are outside of the Constellation's Belt.

Third Stage

The "Super Moon" happens on August 28-29, 2015 ... this is the "FIRST OF THREE", "Super Moons" for 2015, and the "LAST OF THREE IN THE PATTERN". This is when the Star Nibiru is born from the Earth's Moon, taking the place of the satellite. (Beginning the "3 Days of Darkness").

666 = Sagittarius at the 6 o'Clock position, June (6) begins the Pluto-Uranus Square, and the 6th SEAL is opened at the Super Moon ... each of this descriptions involves a satellite ultimately serving to identify the Earth's Moon as the special Satellite which is really Nibiru in disguise.
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(Article Link - France 6/11/2015)

Four Blood Red Moon Sequence

April 15, 2014 = Validated
October 8, 2014 = Validated
April 4, 2015 = Validated

September 28, 2015 = Invalidated

August 28-29, 2015 Begins the First of 3 Super Moons for 2015 ... This Completes the Transformation of the Earth's Moon into Star Wormwood. The "3 Days of Darkness", most of human life on earth will be terminated, all human life outside of the USA, and all human life inside the usa that is unprofitable.

In Approximately 40 Days from the "Seventeenth Day of the Seventh Month", which marked the Flood Rain of Noah ... on August 25, Billions of Lives will be terminated, revealing Star Wormwood as the product of the Earth's Moon on August 28, 2015.

The Pope's Visit to the City of Philadelphia, to repent of the Assyrian Sin, that parallels the 112 Generations of Ishmael, will be unfortunately unprofitable by the time of September 2015, when the Pope is scheduled to visit the City of Philadelphia ... ... ... ... the final end of all things is to be done soon, and the UNDOING OF EARTH'S MOON, which is why the order is reversed to invalidate the 4th Blood Moon Sequence, this is to be done soon. (the Antichrist will be at the Arrott Terminal to briefly show the "Body of Benjamin", once again, in about 1 week from 7/17/2015 so keep watch for this to be done on Friday of Next Week, if this is true or not we don't know, we must keep watch ............... it would be good if the Pope updated his visitation schedule to be much sooner, within that period of time as a show of faith ............ to the people that have their own solution of repentance for the Pope in mind ............. as we go closer to the end of the 40 days of Noah's Flood .............. the people will be increasingly tempted to do this .................. so you must act now before they stop listening to the good intentions of the Antichrist, whoever and wherever he is in the world).
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(Article Link - Whispering Knights Crop Circle 7/16/2015)

The Aliens were allowed to send an object into space to mark the approximate arrival of the Planet Nibiru, or Star Wormwood, the New Temple of Jerusalem, which is coincidentally revealed as the Earth's Moon.

JOHN 2:20 Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days?

Comet Elenin
(October 2010, 5 Years Ago) + 46 Months = August of 2015 in which the New Temple is Revealed, and in which the "3 Days of Darkness" Begins, which leads to the "5 Months" of revelation.

Interestingly, Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) was only “discovered” by civilian Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010, in the official White House letter below, written back in late October 2010, the White House addressed the possibility of an Comet/Asteroid striking the Earth. Article Link.

We recently talked about what is in he best interests of the Pope, and what people are doing to do. The Aliens have sent us this communication as close to 7/17/2015 as possible to mark the 40 Day count down to the "3 Days of Darkness". Some people believe that in order to prevent a hysteria, the actual date of the Crop Circle was altered, but since it was already exposed, it was not altered that much. Speaking of soon to be done events in the present time. The United States has recorded the Body of Benjamin over the City of Philadelphia recently, this I'm sure will be done again, if this is true. More of the Body of Benjamin will be revealed the UFOs, if that is true. Then it would be good for the Pope to reschedule his visit to the City of Philadelphia within the follow 2 weeks, so that it is not to late, and that he should reschedule his visit to the Arrott Terminal in the City of Philadelphia, before it is to late.
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(The Launching of the First Nuclear Weapon on a populated City in 2015, when is this to begin?)


(Article Link - Ravenna Waterski Club 6/22/2015 at the Solstice the Aliens delivered this response - you delivered a minigun onto the Antichrist and onto the Citizens of Philadelphia)

The Earth's Moon has a "Dark Side", and its predicted to cause the "3 Days of Darkness", as it transforms to overtake the Sun's Position, as the illumination of Planet Earth. ............ The Solstice is a point where the Earth's Sun gains the most value in the year. The Sun is highest in the Sky during the Solstice of June .................... There is a deliberate Pyramid indentation to the right, which if we follow the interpretation. The June Solstice has the Most Value with the Pyramids as a marker for the 70 Days of Sirius and the New Water of the Nile's Flood. Like the Flood of Noah, Star Wormwood is the Flood that gives mankind a new Beginning. SO THE COUNTDOWN BEGINS. 70 Days of Sirius from the June Solstice, this is approximately 8/25/2015 + 3 Days of Darkness = 8/28/2015, this is soon to done.

(The First Nuclear Weapon that is launched on a populated City in Europe, will be called an accident, this should be done about 1 week from 7/17/2015 ... with everything being done shortly thereafter to make up for the delays, if you do not begin right now. The successive Nuclear Weapon deposits onto populated cities will be called India's responses, but most of them will likely originate from Europe)

The Aliens appear to have shifted their attention to Earth's Moon, we do not know the true significance of this action, other then to wait to see this fulfilled, by then, it will already be to late to get things done.
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(There are people who believe that Pope Francis is coming to the City of Philadelphia which is upon the 7th Mountain of Revelation, to offer his body as a sacrifice like Aaron had done Under Moses in Revelation ......... I cannot do anything to stop these people from doing this, it is to late ............ the only thing I can do is try to convince them to delay having to do this to ........... to delay the condemnation of death that the 112 Pope Prophecy declares, that can only be done if the Pope is sacrificed on the City of Seven Hills, the City of Philadelphia. I can only stop this from happening of you do as I say, and visit the City of Philadelphia at the Arrott Terminal, then there is a small chance, there will be no need to sacrifice your life for the good of the gospel, there may be a small chance that the wrath of the people that have sold you out, will disburse in peace)


(Article Link - Netherlands 2015, Same Field as First Post but on 7/5/2015)

March 2015, Nasa's Dawn Spacecraft arrives at Ceres ... it is outside of the Earth's Orbit at the time the Earth was at the 1st Equinoctial Point of March. Nasa discovered a description that describes the, Earth's Sun as the brightest Spot, 3 planets grouped into a triangle (mercury venus earth), and 5 Planets (Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Mars) as the Separatist Inheritances* promised to mankind when they leave the planet, when they evolve. With the Planet Mars facing the Triangle planets of Mercury, Venus and Earth, because it has the least amount of value, but it is on the table.

If we Follow this Trend of Thinking then ............. The 4 Points that represent the Equinoxical Periods of the Earth also represent ..... Earth (with a satellite), Mercury, Mars (given to "Aaron" represented by the Pope) and Venus. By the time we reach the September Equinox, that is by the time the Pope visits the City of Philadelphia, it will be to late. Mars with least amount of value is simply invalidated (The Triangle Planets), leaving Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune (the four other bodies left in the diagram), to be inherited by the earth's population facing evolution.

(Continuing our original statement ... Article Link ... there are many in the Jewish Sect, that seek to revive the Mosiac Law by delivering Aaron's Body as a sacrifice to redeem the "Body of Benjamin", that is the "Fallen City of Babylon" the gospel recounts (Isiah 21:9-10 and Rev. 18:2-3), reveals itself when the Pope as a picture of Aaron is offered as a sacrifice in the City on Seven Hills, the City of Philadelphia ................... it is already too late, they have become overpowered by the temptation, the only thing we can do is convince them to delay what they decided needs to done, by pushing up the Pope's visit to the City of Philadelphia before August 25, 2015 preferably within the first week of August ................. this virtually guarantees the Jewish Sect will not bring a heresy upon themselves, until they can confirm, and the sooner, that the "Body of Benjamin" the "Temple Stones", if they were revealed or not, if God showed his mighty hand to prompt the process of repentance that is to be done)
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(Article Link - Crop Circle Holland 6/15/2015)

The Earth's Moon appears bigger in its revolution to the Earth, the it appears in its revolution compared to the Earth's Sun. The Crop Circle is counting from an Eclipse, which elevates the Earth's Moon to take the Position of the Earth's Sun:

10/8/2014 = Eclipse + 10 Lunar Months = 3 Days of Darkness

8/28-29/2015 = The Son of Man is Killed, elevating the Earth's Moon into the Position of the Earth's Sun

(If you are going to bring a broadcasting company to the Arrott Terminal, relatively speaking in the City of Philadelphia tomorrow, then you should also bring a firearm ........... you will unfortunately discover who has been killing the citizens of Philadephia with machine guns on city blocks in blotched attempts to kill the Antichrist ........... you may even be deceived into trusting the assailants, because they are in positions of the public trust, you were given a clue to either be blind, or be prepared for the next level ........... only a limited level of truth, more then was revealed the last time will be done ........... what you decide to do with this information is up to you, the timetable is going to be satisfied)

(Billy Meier said he had a headache on 11/1982, we don't know when the Antichrist was born to calculate 12,000 Earth Days of Rev. 7 corresponding to Luke 3:23 ......... the Crop Circle appears to say the Antichrist was born on 10/1982, we cannot be sure, but we can keep watch)
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To nonanomanon,

You must have a very interesting story to tell about your life history. Can you tell us what/who or whom is informing you about all this information? Also, please tell us about your religious background, and if you've had some revelations given to you from what sources? Have you always believed these kinds of ideas you post, or did you change from what you believed before? Details, please.

Virtually all crop circles are man made. If there are any made by extraterrestrial means, there is virtually no way to distinguish them from those of terrestrial make. Too bad people have to destroy a farmer's crop to play artist.
It seems a lot of effort to communicate these messages via patterns in farmers' crops, particularly if they take so much decryption. Wouldn't it be simpler for them to email their message to David Icke, and get him to print it in a forward to his next book?