Paranormal Novice
(Crop Circle Link -Netherlands 2015)
First Stage
11 Constellations are surrounding the Galactic Center, with the Earth's Moon on top of Sagittarius, the larger object is the Planet Earth. The Galactic Center, Moon and Earth are in an approximate alignment, the first description is 12/21/2012:
If Sagittarius is hidden by the Earth's Moon then, Ophiuchus and Scorpio are pinched together and (the two pinched together above the Earth's Moon), and "Gemini, Orion, Taurus", are the three that are pinched together on the opposite side.
Second Stage
"Pluto-Uranus Square", this began on June of 2012, but the final sequence happened on March of 2015. The Second Sequence ended on March of 2015.
(Image Link) Viewing the design pattern in the second stage, which shows the conjunction details, you can see also see in the overall pattern, 4 CIRCLES TOTAL, and 3 DARK CIRCLES, matching the "Pluto-Uranus" Square, which are outside of the Constellation's Belt.
Third Stage
The "Super Moon" happens on August 28-29, 2015 ... this is the "FIRST OF THREE", "Super Moons" for 2015, and the "LAST OF THREE IN THE PATTERN". This is when the Star Nibiru is born from the Earth's Moon, taking the place of the satellite. (Beginning the "3 Days of Darkness").
666 = Sagittarius at the 6 o'Clock position, June (6) begins the Pluto-Uranus Square, and the 6th SEAL is opened at the Super Moon ... each of this descriptions involves a satellite ultimately serving to identify the Earth's Moon as the special Satellite which is really Nibiru in disguise.
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