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Nick Pope in the NY Times

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Uhh reading through peoples comments on UFOs it's always the same old story. "Why would they spend immense energy to come to Earth just to hang out and not show themselves."

Shallow minds...

It's like trying to explain the philosophy of nonintervention to a Neo Con.

One doesn't need to know how aliens think. 1+1=2 It's a logical concept that species which survive long enough to travel the stars do not make rash unpredictable decisions. Announcing ones species and home planetary location on a large scale to a quickly developing, ununified, million culture war prone species could have highly negative unintended consequences.

Why would it be satisfying at all to announce ones self on a large scale?
Even if humans had interstellar travel I'd think even human desire to familiarize ones self with other beings would be wholly satisfied with 1-to-1 interactions. Surely even our dumbest governments would demand that all space faring humans act under strict protocols of non interference.
Leslie Kean has made a comment about Nick Pope's article in New York Times. It is a 83rd comment.
In the text below:

Source: http://community.nytimes.com/article/comments/2008/07/29/opinion/29pope.html?s=1&pg=4

83.July 29th, 2008 4:00 pm
As an investigative journalist and close associate of Nick Pope's, I am pleased to see his op-ed published in today's Times stressing the safety implications of incursions of unknown aircraft into protected airspace.

I represent a group of government officials, military personnel and aviation experts from eleven countries who have launched an initiative to bring about exactly what Pope recommends: a new official U.S. investigation into UFOs within the appropriate government agency. My group, the Coalition for Freedom of Information, includes Nick Pope as a key advisor, as well as former Governor Fife Symington of Arizona; John Podesta of the Center for American Progress, formerly President Clinton's chief of staff, has publicly supported our efforts towards increasing government openness through use of the Freedom of Information Act.

Our formal Declaration to the U.S. Government requesting a new official body to investigate relevent UFO incidents has been signed by six Generals; John Callahan, former head of the Accidents, Evaluations and Investigations Division of the FAA; and Pope and Symington, and is posted on the home page of www.freedomofinfo.org. Like Mr. Pope, the signatories, both active and retired, have worked within the governments of European and South American countries which currently investigate UFO incidents and now recognize the need for international cooperation involving the United States.

These experts are united in their position that since their governments, militaries and pilots have documented the existence of a real, physical phenomenon operating in our skies which so far defies conventional explanation, the UFO problem is worthy of investigation by the U.S. as well, especially given the aviation safety and national security issues involved.

Leslie Kean, New York
— Leslie Kean, New York, NY

Very good article. He's making (as usual, I dare say) a lot of sense.

BTW, also wanted to share this link, an interview Nick Pope gave to UfoPlaza, it's from last year but it's probably been off the radar for most of you:

Nick Pope interview - Shoreline 15 Maart 2007
http://www.ufoplaza.nl/downloads.php?view=detail&id=42 (note the captcha!)
You'll probably want to skip the intro (in Dutch) forward to the interview (in English).
Thougth it was a pretty good one despite a few language issues.
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."

--Henry Kissinger

Speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Bilderberg meeting.

If, as alleged, Kissinger really said this, the publication of Pope's editorial by the Times becomes all the more interesting. The 'safety angle' crowd would do well to consider whether they are unwitting pawns in this kind of disclosure game.