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Nick Pope-MOD- Implodes

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A number of months ago I contacted Nick Pope with an invitation to appear on Dark Matters Radio. When he finally managed to get back to me he blew me off telling me he wasn't doing radio. I was rather mystified by his attitude but hey! ... what could I say? Well, now it is clearer to me.

Just ran into the following link that makes it really clear. It appears Pope was involved in a "marketing campaign" under the guise of what appeared to be genuine UFO reporting. At any rate here is the You Tube video and you can make up your own minds.

Yeah I heard about this and I was really sad. Nick always seemed above this kind of thing. I wonder if he has painted himself into a corner with his UFO dealings and perhaps he is cynically 'getting what is his' in a financial sense for his family?
It isn't any excuse. I can't think why he would do this - I always had the impression he was a stand-up guy.

Can Pope ever return from this place he's put himself?
Well, this Nick Pope tempest in a teapot continues a bit. Nick Pope responded to the initial reports that he ... hmm, what? Sold out? At any rate here is Pope's response and then one interested parties response to his response. Hmm, did that make any sense?

From Nick Pope;

"As part of the marketing campaign for the launch of the alien
invasion-themed Sony PlayStation game Resistance: Burning Skies
I was commissioned to draw up a war plan detailing how the UK
government might respond to a real-life alien invasion. The
document (and a clear explanation of the circumstances that led
to its creation) can be read at the following link, third story

Latest News

Various media outlets ran stories based on this, but to the best
of my knowledge all of them contained a phrase such as to mark
the forthcoming release of the Sony PlayStation game Resistance:
Burning Skies, Sony has teamed up with former Ministry of
Defence UFO investigator Nick Pope to produce.

It seems that despite the blatant product plug, a few people
didn't spot that this was a marketing campaign."

Now, we come to a poster's response to Pope.

"Nick, I don't have time or inclination to check all the web
mentions of this story.

But here's one at least from Examiner.com where no mention is
made of the Sony PR stunt.

Nick Pope warns UK to prepare for UFO activity during 2012 Olympics - National Coast to Coast Radio | Examiner.com

Most of the reports do seem to stem from this big story in the
UK Daily Mail here:

Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games, warns former MoD UFO expert | Mail Online

The headlines scream:

"Keep an eye on the skies for saucers during the Olympics Games,
warns former MoD UFO expert"

And the report begins:

"UFO expert Nick Pope says massive summer events like the
Olympics would be a prime time for an alien encounter Ministry
of Defence 'has planned for the worst outcomes - attack and

We should be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable

It continues:

"One of the UK's top UFO experts has given his views on the
likelihood of aliens suddenly appearing in our skies - and how
the international community would respond.

Nick Pope, who has more than two decades under his belt at
the Ministry of Defence, said mass summer events - like the
Olympic Games in London - would be a prime time for crafts
from otherworlds to present themselves to mankind.

He warned: "With the summer of mass events we are all on
high alert for terrorism. But we must also cast our eyes further
afield and be prepared for even the most seemingly unfathomable."

Then way downpage the story quotes you:

"Speaking about the cultural impact of aliens since the first
widely-reported cases in the 1940s, he said: 'It is interesting
to note that we are all in some ways equipped to deal with alien
invasion - games such as Resistance: Burning Skies on
PlayStation Vita help acclimatise people to the reality of
extraterrestrial life - and in particular that they might be

So after all those warnings and hype, this is the 'clue' you
expect the public to pick up on to help them realise that
everything that went before it, is bunkum?

Any fair-minded reader would simply see this quote as you giving
a blatant plug to a video game, certainly, but something you
example to "acclimatise people to the reality of ET life - and
in particular that they might be hostile."

Please don't insult my intelligence, Nick.

You used your contract with Sony and your self-generated
reputation as a UFO 'expert', as a vehicle to put out this
alarmist Olympic rubbish, regardless of the harm it does to
serious UFO research."

What harm has this done to "serious" UFO research? For the life of me I can't remember any "serious" UFO researchers taking this alien invasion during the Olympics crap for anything but some dumb conspiracy theory. I don't think anyone besides the idiots who post videos on Youtube took this one seriously. If you missed the line about a Playstation game being a good way to acclimatize people to the reality of ET and thought this was a "serious" article, maybe you aren't very good at research? Just a thought.
The Olympics are now over and phew! we have avoided the invasion thus far. It may be that the aliens were put off invading by the army of large-thumbed gamers out there ready to fight them off with their plastic controllers from their bedroom armouries!

Whether Nick used his status for financial gain or not, the part about being prepared by playing games was a bit of a giveaway..
Come to think of it, this is the only idiot I can think of who may have taken this seriously, though I think it's far more likely that he was just using it as a means to convince more dummies to send him money for his little movie. Please tell me that he wasn't talking about this idiot when he said "serious" UFO researchers....

Published July 2, 2012 | By drgreer
In recent weeks, a series of disturbing mainstream media (MSM) outlets have featured absurd xenophobic pieces about how to handle an “Alien Invasion”.
In the UK, former MOD official Nick Pope speaks extensively of this– and likens any country that would not join in the “fight” as cowards, similar to those who refused to fight Hitler. Fox News’ Red Eye show featured a poll, asking who would best handle an “alien invasion” : Romney or Obama?
In recent months, countless xenophobic alien invasion movies and video games have emerged- all with the subtext of humanity uniting in a militaristic defense of our homeland earth against the marauding, hideous “aliens”.
Since the early 1990s, I have been warning of this scenario: that the militarists and covert programs would play the alien invasion card at some point in order to further consolidate power around a military/industrial/financial oligarchy. No less a figure than Werner Von Braun warned that – after the Cold War and global terrorism- the alien invasion hoax would be foisted on the public.
It would appear that we are in the final countdown to this madness.
It is for this reason that since the late 1980s, any researcher who comes forward with this information- and evidence of shadowy para-military groups hoaxing abductions, mutilations and the like- is black-listed by the media and, ironically by the UFO subculture.
But a few facts: In the past century, humans have murdered through organized warfare at least 150 million and perhaps over 200 million of our own people. This is the entire population of some exo-planets. And this number does not count run-of-the-mill murders.
Humans have weapons of mass destruction (WMD) that could terminate all life on earth in a single exchange. Trillions of dollars have been spend over the decades on this arsenal, while billions of souls go hungry, uneducated and die of preventable diseases.
Notwithstanding these facts, the MSM now wishes us to focus on this supposed “alien threat”. Why? To divert our eyes from the real task at hand? Disclosure, new energy, peaceful contact- this is what our focus must be, not fantasies of alien invasions.
It can be proven that ETs have been around very prominently since the nuclear era dawned (see www.DisclosureProject.org). It is also likely that some form of Contact has existed since the dawn of human history.
If they are so awful and hostile, why would ET wait until the earth became an armed camped with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons before making the alleged land-grab for earth?
It is just utter nonsense- and any thinking person knows this.
Moreover, given the technological prowess associated with trans-dimensional interstellar travel, IF these ETs- any of them- were so inclined, the earth could have been conquered, or destroyed, decades ago.
Additionally, there is substantial evidence that covert military projects have tracked, targeted and on occasion destroyed ET craft. Given this fact, why has there not been massive, overwhelming retaliation by these alleged invaders?
And contrary to the science fiction pablum that passes as fact on this subject, any conflict using trans-dimensional technologies as weapons would last approximately .1 nanosecond before all parties would be vaporized into another dimension. If nuclear weapons would result in global Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), how much more so the deployment of inter-stellar trans-dimensional weapons.
The xenophobes have argued that, somehow, the minerals, or life forms or bio-materials on earth are just too much to resist for these invaders. Really? Why, when there are countless thousands of worlds scattered throughout the cosmos that are earth-like and do not yet have advanced, and violent, civilizations. People mistakenly assume that our little corner of the cosmos is the only place with such biological or mineral assets.
In short, any dispassionate analysis of the facts shows that there is only one reason for such cosmic saber-rattling: T0 scare, and cower, the public into submission; to unite the world not in peace, but in a fearsome new world order of global militarism, born out of insecurity. The hope is that we will, once again, give up our liberty to buy security.
I hope we will not be fooled again.
I just don't buy any story that has a false-flag alien invasion carried out by governments. It seems authorities are hell-bent on putting off the public from thinking ETs may be visiting etc so I doubt they would suddenly use an alien invasion for some agenda. It's the absolute last thing they would use IMO.

As Muadib said above, I cannot see any ET race waiting and waiting to start an invasion when obviously the sooner they did, the better. Why even give us half a chance to come up with a way to repel them? I firmly believe if ETs are indeed here, then if they had wanted to invade, it would have happened by now.
I don't have any problem with a guy going out there and making an honest buck to help promote some product. But having said that, I still reserve the right to make fun of it . . . .


I mean really, show the man his damn dollars!

I just don't buy any story that has a false-flag alien invasion carried out by governments. It seems authorities are hell-bent on putting off the public from thinking ETs may be visiting etc so I doubt they would suddenly use an alien invasion for some agenda. It's the absolute last thing they would use IMO.

As Muadib said above, I cannot see any ET race waiting and waiting to start an invasion when obviously the sooner they did, the better. Why even give us half a chance to come up with a way to repel them? I firmly believe if ETs are indeed here, then if they had wanted to invade, it would have happened by now.

Personally, I think if there is an advanced intelligence out there, extraterrestrial or otherwise, it can think of far more subtle and effective ways to dominate us. Going in guns blazing and galvanizing the population against "the enemy" is just such a primitive way of doing things. It would be far easier to remain in the shadows and manipulate us through our technology or culture, or both, than it would be to carry out some kind of mass military invasion.
Nick probably saw a once in a life-time chance for a UFO guy to cash in on his UFOness and he did, perhaps not foreseeing the inevitable corruption of it.

The whole idea of alien invasion is pure comic book rational. If something capable of crossing the void wanted to get rid of us it would be an extermination rather than a war. They would spray for bugs and come back in a couple days, if you get where I'm coming from here. Unrestricted by conventions and treaties or human moral restraint they would simply remove the unwanted lifeforms and keep what they thought might be useful. Anything from sophisticated toxins to neutron beam weapons delivered from orbit could end us in less time than it would take for us to realize it was happening. The whole alien schtick is actually an anthropomorphism of sorts. We imagine the alien as ourselves in some future era using tools and methodologies developed from our own unique situation here on the Earth.
Who cares if Nick Pope makes a few bucks consulting on a video game? Who cares if he wrote some science fiction? I actually thinks it's kinda cool and I don't have any problems with it. It also doesn't minimize his past efforts in ufology. It looks like this whole flap has been spun up by people other than Nick himself from out of context comments and misinterpretations. Either show us the real shark jump moment featuring Nick himself or else give the guy a break.