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Nick Redfern--Monster Files

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Great Episode guys, a true keeper, a real triple-double, grand slam, hat trick, two hundred yard episode…as is the case whenever nick is on. I have to say the man is his own best advertisement for his books. Wherever, whenever he appears, he brings fascinating new stories to the table, a result no doubt of his relentless digging. And suddenly I have new material that I simply must learn more about . I don’t agree with all his conclusions ( not sure why I feel the need to put in that disclaimer, but it mostly boils down to his apparent belief that the explosion that john parsons died in came from the result of john trying to create a homunculus as reported in the Sex and Rockets book.) I actually emailed nick about that one time and he responded and I printed the email in full elsewhere in the forum.

I parrot nick’s thought that the possibility that the flatwoods monster incident,,,the second one…even if it may have been the result of a military psy-op in no way diminishes the overall story and i think even embellishes it.

The jokes were fine so any haters out there go bitch about something else (foot and/in mouth disease , a monster of a show)

Nick’s presence on the show and his “The Paracast” bumpers has the effect of Chris raising his game on his own “The Paracast” bumpers

As is tradition, at the start you brought up a lingering concern or issue from the previous broadcast in this case gary haseltine’s nonchalance ( it was nervous laughter) in response to Gene’s idea of researching his childhood incident. I neglected to point this out in that thread, as if needed to, I know I’m not the only one that noticed that and because I wasn’t there I will go with Gene’s theory about maybe the incident didn’t go down exactly as remembered some 40 years later. I’m sure the memories of my youth have morphed just as much in some cases. Not my Mantis story though, THAT is burned into my memory.

Thanks for asking my question, if this compels Nick to do a future book on checkered/plaid shirts in the paranormal so much the bettet and at the same time he’s welcome to include me in his dedication page although I’m sure he would have thought of it eventually.

So now I have to start reading up on tom slick. I wonder when he made the transition from race car driver ?
- Very entertaining interview.

- I'm highly sceptical as to the validity of bigfeet being airlifted by helicopters after the St. Helens eruption, that sounds like a typical convenient vehicle for fantasies and woo-woo disinformation :) In fact, I'd say bigfeet can only be, if they are super-natural. Otherwise, a large population would need to be around. Large primates need space and a healthy population to not simply go extinct.
And since I don't believe in the stories about super-natural bigfeet crawling through wormholes, well..

The checkered shirt reference, I thought that pointed to the attire of the bigfoot believers themselves, here's the hipster version:

Anyways, it's not exactly the most unusual design choice for outdoors people, it would be odd if a lot of checkered shirts were not reported in the woods.
I think it's a valid point that if people are drunk and believers of bigfoot stories, they are even more likely to interpret e.g. black bear as bigfoot, than before they started on the beer.

- Indeed, past government 'funny games' and psy-ops are haha-funny, what can you do but shake your head and laugh, - otoh., I think such practices are un-acceptable and anti-democratic. I think there is something fundamentally wrong with fooling the people and creating myths among people who are liable to fall prey to tall stories. It's sick.

- Scientists won't 'admit' that species may still be around? Strange way of putting it. Gene, wouldn't it, in general, be more honest to say that believers won't 'admit' that lots of these crypto-stories are hokey?
Let me ask the bigfoot believers: Do you think that a sustainable natural population of chimpanzees would be able to sustain a population while remaining completely hidden, in the US?
You gotta remember that Gorillas were 'fabled' to us, so were pandas. I think people forget just how large the unpopulated areas of the US are. I think there is something to the bigfoot story, what it is for sure I don't know but if they are intelligent, then I think they could, in the main, try and stay away from humans.
Nick is quite possibly my favourite guest, and as well as his usual excellent stories and knowledge, the bumpers that him and Chris end up doing make for a hilarious break from the norm . BTW Gene, its pronounced Dah-lek, not Da-lek my friend :-) Maybe its just because I'm also a Brit and know how its said. I must also commend Gene for his always hilarious 'going to break' quips, that always crack Chris up. Awesome show guys.
Well, they criticize me for everything else, so might as well criticize me for my British. :)

But in a world where people from the UK portray American super heroes in the movies, I should bone up. :)
Well, they criticize me for everything else, so might as well criticize me for my British. :)

But in a world where people from the UK portray American super heroes in the movies, I should bone up. :)

Ah, let them criticize all they like. This is the Gold standard of paranormal radio. There is not a better show out there.
You gotta remember that Gorillas were 'fabled' to us, so were pandas..
If gorillas and pandas were fabled to us it's because they lived in impenetrable jungle areas of foreign continents where few Europeans had been. Yet, 'we' still managed to locate them long ago with a lot less effort than these supposedly huge US primates seem to require.
Can you honestly explain how we could find gorillas in the deep jungle of Africa but can't find a 3-meter ape in the US?
The fact that no-one has 'found' one is probably because they don't want to be found. If they are intelligent ( more so than great apes ) then, they have adapted a pretty good method of avoiding detection. The thousands of sightings over the years, and legends of an upright-walking hairy-man from the Native Americans have completely sold me on the existence of Sasquatch.
..The thousands of sightings over the years, and legends of an upright-walking hairy-man from the Native Americans have completely sold me on the existence of Sasquatch.
If more than 100 sources say that the Virgin Mary showed herself in a piece of toast, does it become real?

Are alien abductions real because 200 Above Top Secret-posters say so?

Just asking, what criteria need to be fulfilled for you to be sold on something? Is it in the numbers?
If gorillas and pandas were fabled to us it's because they lived in impenetrable jungle areas of foreign continents where few Europeans had been. Yet, 'we' still managed to locate them long ago with a lot less effort than these supposedly huge US primates seem to require.
Can you honestly explain how we could find gorillas in the deep jungle of Africa but can't find a 3-meter ape in the US?

No I can't - but isn't that the whole bigfoot thing? I mean, if it is intelligent and intelligent way above other primates. And also, it isn't like they've managed to remain totally hidden, they have been spotted from time to time and I personally think there are real footprints etc out there, of course amongst plenty of fakes. But nothing is for sure....that's for sure!
your rhetorical questions above don't make sense. Native Americans have had face to face dealings with them for hundreds of years.
Bigfoot and other paranormal entities wear checkered shirts because they work at Steak n' Shake. That's my suspicion.

On a more serious note, if some sort of cloaking or imaging technology were at work in seeing these creatures, perhaps the black-and-white checkered areas are segments of a suit of some kind malfunctioning? Perhaps.....and I'm just tossing this out there......the checkered shirts are a form of camoflage that 'breaks' and we're seeing part of the technology beneath? Sort of if I crack open a computer and you can see the circuit boards behind the casing? Just a thought.

And didn't Nick say that Yeti researcher's name was Tom Slick? As in...

That's all I kept thinking about when he was mentioning the name 'Slick.' :p
your rhetorical questions above don't make sense. Native Americans have had face to face dealings with them for hundreds of years.
Yes, just like Christians have reported angels and demons for a couple of thousand years. Do you think that all such beings must be real? The angels and demons, the elves, all the African gods, all the Roman gods, all the Inuit gods, the trolls, all the Greek gods, Thor and Odin and those guys, the dragons, Egyptian gods, all the djinn etc? If it was all real we'd be up shit creek!

In the case of the natives: Does any indian or inuit tribe have a bigfoot relic on display? If not, can that really be? Some tribe must have carved something from the bones of a being as powerful as the fabled bigfoot, no? After all those encounters, at least the bones of a dead one found by a curious and quiet moccasin-wearing indian?

These are not retorical questions, they are just a few questions in a long line of questions that can't really be answered in support of bigfoot, sorry. Unless he is some kind of super-natural animal, but that'd be tough to prove.
I wonder if Chris and Nick aware of the connection between the Heaven's Gate suicides and project Blue Beam? I believe some of the programmers were members of the cult that suicided themselves in 1997. There is a strange connection between Blue Beam, Heaven's Gate, and the Phoenix lights. Some believe the Phoenix lights incident was a massive psyops.
Once an intelligent bigfoot is dead it is no longer intelligent enough to hide... unless you believe in that wormhole nonsense.
The one FACT we know about bigfoot is that bigfoot sells books.