Skilled Investigator
I was really intrigued by this from the "best of Dark Matters Radio" thread and also mentioned elsewhere in a few moon threads. It's the apparent source for at least the idea of the crashed ship in the Apollo 20 hoax.
It's an Apollo 15 shot: AS15-P-9625
Apollo Image Atlas
Go to about the center along the horizontal axis and you'll see two big overlapping craters. To the right in the vertical center of the strip is a small crater or ridge with what looks very much like an oblong cigar-shaped object resting in it.
I found this shot quite amazing, and wanted to see if it was maybe a trick of light/shadow or possibly a real object. So I used Google site search to search another Nasa site and found another shot of the same spot, apparently from Apollo 17. The orientation is a bit different, but it's not hard to find the same double crater and the same object. It's rotated about 90 degress.
The shot is AS17-M-2806:
Apollo Image AS17-M-2806
This site even includes a really nice browser feature. You can zoom way in on it!
Look directly up from the double crater and you'll find the object. It's obvious from this angle that it's a long narrow hill and that the apparent shadow of the ship "sticking up" is an artifact of a small depression toward the middle/end of the hill.
I couldn't find any high-rez LROC images, but this seems to settle it for me.
So Apollo 20 was a hoax of a mirage.
I'm not sure if I buy the stuff about artifacts on the moon's surface, since it seems like the moon has been photographed too much by too many people for good shots not to leak out. LRO has a 1m/pixel resolution which would be good enough to deliver a street map of any ruined Lunar cities.
I am however still intrigued by the stories of unidentified moving/flying objects told by many astronauts. Those aren't going to get photographed by LRO, unless it happens to catch one in the frame.
It's an Apollo 15 shot: AS15-P-9625
Apollo Image Atlas
Go to about the center along the horizontal axis and you'll see two big overlapping craters. To the right in the vertical center of the strip is a small crater or ridge with what looks very much like an oblong cigar-shaped object resting in it.
I found this shot quite amazing, and wanted to see if it was maybe a trick of light/shadow or possibly a real object. So I used Google site search to search another Nasa site and found another shot of the same spot, apparently from Apollo 17. The orientation is a bit different, but it's not hard to find the same double crater and the same object. It's rotated about 90 degress.
The shot is AS17-M-2806:
Apollo Image AS17-M-2806
This site even includes a really nice browser feature. You can zoom way in on it!
Look directly up from the double crater and you'll find the object. It's obvious from this angle that it's a long narrow hill and that the apparent shadow of the ship "sticking up" is an artifact of a small depression toward the middle/end of the hill.
I couldn't find any high-rez LROC images, but this seems to settle it for me.
So Apollo 20 was a hoax of a mirage.

I'm not sure if I buy the stuff about artifacts on the moon's surface, since it seems like the moon has been photographed too much by too many people for good shots not to leak out. LRO has a 1m/pixel resolution which would be good enough to deliver a street map of any ruined Lunar cities.
I am however still intrigued by the stories of unidentified moving/flying objects told by many astronauts. Those aren't going to get photographed by LRO, unless it happens to catch one in the frame.