FeralNormal master
so in an attempt to see if there were any religions out there that did not adhere to a set of laws or tenets set by any ordained or self professed leaders or indeed have any leaders at all i tried a google search on "anarchanistic faiths" and got this.
Christian anarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
it's a pretty interesting read regardless of your feelings (read : opinions) on faith or even religion... and had a few notable followers including henry david thoreau, leo tolstoy and charles erskine scott wood whose work i was familiar with (he wrote a series of satirical esssays on religion) at any rate a religous discussion is not the point of the thread so it's NOT a religious themed posting it's an anarchist themed posting
i never knew such a concept as christian anarchism existed so that means it's time to drag alice out again

Christian anarchism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
it's a pretty interesting read regardless of your feelings (read : opinions) on faith or even religion... and had a few notable followers including henry david thoreau, leo tolstoy and charles erskine scott wood whose work i was familiar with (he wrote a series of satirical esssays on religion) at any rate a religous discussion is not the point of the thread so it's NOT a religious themed posting it's an anarchist themed posting
i never knew such a concept as christian anarchism existed so that means it's time to drag alice out again