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Not sure what I saw

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Skilled Investigator
I was on a flight from Colorado to Dallas a couple of weeks ago. My son was sitting next to the window beside me. About 30-45mins into the flight he gets my attention and is pointing below us. It was in the afternoon and we were at 35000 feet with cloud cover below us. What he was pointing at was a sharp black wedge (almost a triangle) that was moving very quickly in a diagonal pattern away from us. It looked too sharp and solid to be a shadow and I didn't see anything above us. I am not sure what type of commercial flight would be that far above us anyway. It was very strange, it didn't look like a craft just a black shape flying through the cloud (it wasn't a hole in the cloud either since you could see it moving through the cloud). The entire incident lasted only a few seconds, and of course I had no way of getting photo/video. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe a military craft above us somewhere?
Thanks for sharing, I'm of the opinion that most if not all triangle-shaped craft encounters are of our own making, basically more or less 'Top Secret' craft the Airforce(or Navy ;) ) might show us ten or fifteen years from now. Any qualified guess how the wingspan might have been ?
Thanks for sharing, I'm of the opinion that most if not all triangle-shaped craft encounters are of our own making, basically more or less 'Top Secret' craft the Airforce(or Navy ;) ) might show us ten or fifteen years from now. Any qualified guess how the wingspan might have been ?

Unfortunately, I am probably the worst witness you could have. I have a horrible time judging distances and speed, especially in the air. I know that we were well above the clouds and the only thing to compare it to is when I have seen other planes to the side or below us in the past they looked very similar in size. It didn't strike me as being very big or small if that makes sense.
Oh. no worries and sorry for my crude english, 'we' are not exactly Mufon here anyhow ;) A lot of us have had odd experiences (be it flying craft or something else) yet unanswered, hope someone else on here might give you another perspective. Concerning 'Weirdness', know you are not alone, Sir. :)
I was on a flight from Colorado to Dallas a couple of weeks ago. My son was sitting next to the window beside me. About 30-45mins into the flight he gets my attention and is pointing below us. It was in the afternoon and we were at 35000 feet with cloud cover below us. What he was pointing at was a sharp black wedge (almost a triangle) that was moving very quickly in a diagonal pattern away from us. It looked too sharp and solid to be a shadow and I didn't see anything above us. I am not sure what type of commercial flight would be that far above us anyway. It was very strange, it didn't look like a craft just a black shape flying through the cloud (it wasn't a hole in the cloud either since you could see it moving through the cloud). The entire incident lasted only a few seconds, and of course I had no way of getting photo/video. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe a military craft above us somewhere?

Interesting sighting, but I'm getting mixed messages. A few questions if you don't mind:

You say, "it didn't look like a craft" but then you ask, "Maybe a military craft ... ?" Can you please explain why you are so unsure about whether or not a sharply defined black flying wedge was or wasn't a craft? For example what else were you thinking reasonably explains it besides a craft ... and if nothing ... why would you be so unsure?
Interesting sighting, but I'm getting mixed messages. A few questions if you don't mind:

You say, "it didn't look like a craft" but then you ask, "Maybe a military craft ... ?" Can you please explain why you are so unsure about whether or not a sharply defined black flying wedge was or wasn't a craft? For example what else were you thinking reasonably explains it besides a craft ... and if nothing ... why would you be so unsure?

What I am trying to say is that it was a shape not a defined craft. No windows, engines, canopies, etc. Just a black wedge. Even though it looked too sharp and solid to be a shadow to me, my thinking was that maybe it was something high above casting a shadow and I was mistaken.
What I am trying to say is that it was a shape not a defined craft. No windows, engines, canopies, etc. Just a black wedge. Even though it looked too sharp and solid to be a shadow to me, my thinking was that maybe it was something high above casting a shadow and I was mistaken.

Maybe this will help. I found this on youtube of the plane's shadow on a cloud:

What I saw was wedge like in shape (not a plane at all) traveling at a 45 degree angle towards the back of the plane and more solid than this.
I was thinking of this along the same lines but I had thought maybe because you said it was a sharp image that it could rule out any projections as a projection would probably follow the contours of a cloud and be somewhat irregular and distorted.
I was thinking of this along the same lines but I had thought maybe because you said it was a sharp image that out could rule out any projections as a projection would probably follow the contours of a cloud and be somewhat irregular and distorted.

The problem is that now I am relying on memory and we know how reliable that is. At the time, I do remember looking up and not seeing anything (although there is a limited view from an airplane window) and also thinking that it was too sharp to be a shadow. I am trying to reconcile it with something logical like a shadow, but who knows. I will ask my son when he gets home to draw what he saw (again from his memory) and see how it matches up.
The problem is that now I am relying on memory and we know how reliable that is. At the time, I do remember looking up and not seeing anything (although there is a limited view from an airplane window) and also thinking that it was too sharp to be a shadow. I am trying to reconcile it with something logical like a shadow, but who knows. I will ask my son when he gets home to draw what he saw (again from his memory) and see how it matches up.

Memory isn't as bad as the skeptics usually make it out to be. They always dwell on the weaknesses and ignore the pitfalls of the alternatives. But even taking that into account, there really isn't much to go on. From an investigative perspective, this report would go into the insufficient information basket ( along with a mountain of others ). But it's still interesting. Thanks for posting it.
We get a lot of sightings of these things in the Colorado Springs area. I've come to the conclusion that they are more than likely top secret military aircraft.