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Nov. 27th - Mack Maloney

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Jeff Crowell

Paranormal Annoyance
Good show, overall. I have to admit I didn't think I'd be interested in the subject but, as usual, I found myself intrigued if for no other reason than the fact that Mack was articulate and intelligent. His lacking, and I think with the book, also, is his due diligence and critical thinking. Mack admitted to not vetting a lot of his resources and to doing most of his research on the Internet. Big mistakes, there,but digging is digging and can lead to other clues. Unfortuntely it can also lead to muddying the waters more, too, and Mack admitted to not being an investigative journalist so that lets him off the hook a bit. I suppose he could take some serious lessons from Leslie Keane.

I found the story about the Red Baron engaging a UFO interesting if not all that credible. Our highest level of technology today can't take down such a craft so I doubt that an airplane from the '30's could do so regardless of how good the Baron's flying (or his delicious pizza) is. What had me arching a brow is the supposed fact that the Baron was told "not to say anything about the encounter" by his government. Are we to believe that governmental information suppression occured in the '30's, too? Hrm.

Of course the reports regarding direct military contact with UFO's are fascinating, both for Vietnam and the Korean conflict in which my own father fought. If he were alive today I'd love to ask him about such a thing. I'm thinking that Leslie Keane could do a follow up to her previous "On the Record..." book by looking into some of these previous accounts of UFO's observing wartime engagements. As usual, the most credible source for follow up; the military and government records, are either suppressed, fabricated, or diluted to the point of pointlessness. Still, good stories and hopefully this will be material to investigate by others who can focus on particular, individual accounts, especially considering that a good majority are more recent than, say, Roswell.

My 2 pennies.
Enjoyed the show guys .. It would be nice to hear Mr Nick Cook , a new interview with Mr Timothy Goods and Dr Joseph Farrell's comments on the late Mr Ben Rich about so called hidden technology on the Paracast:).
Just wanted to point out that the sighting mentioned where emperor Constantine observed a sign in the sky before a battle was not of a glowing cross. The sign was the Chi Rho, which then became the original symbol of the nascent Christian religion, subsequently replaced by the cross.

The interview with Mr. Maloney was more good, solid stuff. He brings to light intriguing cases previously under the radar. His correlation of ufo activity with wartime activity is especially interesting.
Just wanted to point out that the sighting mentioned where emperor Constantine observed a sign in the sky before a battle was not of a glowing cross. The sign was the Chi Rho, which then became the original symbol of the nascent Christian religion, subsequently replaced by the cross.

This means "conquer in my image" or something to that effect...correct?
Good show, the guest was quick to point out that he was not a field research. It was nice to have someone on the show who is was realistic in his accomplishments and able to be realistic about himself. Too often I feel we have guests who make more out of themselves than reality allows...LOL.

Anyway, his stories were very interesting and I REALLY appreciated his commentary on WW2 Foo Fighters. If they were really secrety Nazi weapons then how come they never attacked our aircraft while we were bombing the sh*t out of Germany and Japan? IMO, there is no way to counter that argument.
This means "conquer in my image" or something to that effect...correct?

And here's where my facade of "know-it-all" falls down to reveal the truth ;)

What I did know is that the X and the R were meant to represent the Greek name of Christ —or the Χριστός— in a superimposed way.

Found this:

The Chi Rho is one of the earliest cruciform symbols used by Christians. It is formed by superimposing the first two letters of the word "Christ" in Greek, chi = ch and rho = r. Although not technically a cross, the Chi Rho invokes the crucifixion of Jesus as well as symbolizing his status as the Christ. The earliest evidence of the Chi Rho symbol is Constantine's use of it on the labarum, the imperial standard, in the early 4th century CE. Lactantius, a 4th century Christian apologist, reports that on the eve of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge in 312 CE, Constantine had a vision of God in which he was commanded to mark his men's shields with the Chi Rho symbol. After Constantine's success at the Milvian bridge, the Chi Rho became the official imperial insignia. Archaeologists have uncovered evidence demonstrating that the Chi Rho was emblazoned on the helmet and shield of Constantine as well as those of all of his soldiers. Coins and medallions minted during Constantine's reign also bore the Chi Rho. By the year 350 CE, the Chi Rho began to be used on Christian sarcophagi and frescoes. [A.E.M.]


Notice how here the "sign in the sky" is now interpreted as a visionary experience by Constantine, perhaps a dream vision?

However, there is no denying people have seen strange glowing signs in the heavens all over history. As a personal note, I have relatives living in a town called Ocotlán (Jalisco), where there's a special veneration for "El Señor de la Misericordia" (the Lord of Mercy), in commemoration of a vision of a glowing crucifix observed after a horrible earthquake that toppled many buildings and claimed many lives —a possible "earth light" provoked by tectonic activity?

“Exclusive interview,” said one webcast, “First official interview,” said another. Yet I downloaded and heard the interview with Mack Maloney on The Paracast first. To add to that Mr. Maloney said later on one of those other broadcasts something to the effect of “...I think they are most likely time travellers...”

Having heard him talk with Gene and Chris on the ‘real’ first interview, he must have come to that conclusion after his Paracast appearance. I also think he was probably going through the same thought process as I was after Gene’s observation that “... [their] technology always appears to be just ahead of ours...”
It occurred to me that maybe these visitations are in ‘craft’ that are meant to mimic or appear to be contemporary to our own technology; but in some ways – even if only in performance ability – ‘they’ get it wrong. It reminds me of John Wyndham’s short story “Pawley's Peepholes (1951)”from his collection “The Seeds of Time.”. A classic and a favourite of mine.

These time travellers are obviously from a time period when the interweb is no better than today with regards to it’s accuracy.
“Exclusive interview,” said one webcast, “First official interview,” said another. Yet I downloaded and heard the interview with Mack Maloney on The Paracast first. To add to that Mr. Maloney said later on one of those other broadcasts something to the effect of “...I think they are most likely time travellers...”

Having heard him talk with Gene and Chris on the ‘real’ first interview, he must have come to that conclusion after his Paracast appearance. I also think he was probably going through the same thought process as I was after Gene’s observation that “... [their] technology always appears to be just ahead of ours...”
It occurred to me that maybe these visitations are in ‘craft’ that are meant to mimic or appear to be contemporary to our own technology; but in some ways – even if only in performance ability – ‘they’ get it wrong. It reminds me of John Wyndham’s short story “Pawley's Peepholes (1951)”from his collection “The Seeds of Time.”. A classic and a favourite of mine.

These time travellers are obviously from a time period when the interweb is no better than today with regards to it’s accuracy.

I was hesitant to mention the other podcast, but it was interesting to hear him say he thought time travelers were a likely possibility for some UFOs.

But if they are time travelers, isn't there some inherent danger in letting themselves be seen? And if one of them were to crash. Hoo, boy!