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Nov 30th show...

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Paranormal Novice
Jeez.. You guys pack a good show, (not your fault) but the last couple of guests have been annoying. The "Ghost" Hunters... "Alexandra Holzer" Jeez, this lady sounds like a uninformed, hippy blabber. All she does is blab... Sounds kinda like Palin... Never answering questions. She does not listen and she doesn't know what she's talking about...

My favorite part in the show was every time gene tried to segway and she would blab over the top. Tell me you weren't like: "Shut up already"...
Oh yeah, and "Bazillion" is F*****G Annoying. Come on idiot. "My friend has like a bazillion recordings.. Blab Blab Blab...."

Oh and Gene just got his segway in this time... Yay!